Ladies, attention please.. A pureblood has entered the room *smirk*

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James Dalton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak wood, 14" essence of vampire blood
Right, don't tell Camilla xD but as James is insane and he can't always get hold of Antoinette for his.. *ahem* desires.. I was thinking; What a nutter needs is a lot of secret children.
How did I come to this conclusion? Heck knows.
The point is; Any ladies, any age (well, any ladies worthy of popping out a baby) :lol: walk this way.
James is looking for a lot of one nighters and so far I've found 1.

Purebloods are especially welcome..
In fact, qualifications for a one nighter are below.

You must be;
-A woman (I mean, IC, not OOC. It's up to you to what gender you are OOC xD )
-Not muggle-born. James may be insane and male but he's still a Death Eater who hated muggles and muggle-borns.
-Able to have da babies otherwise the whole plot is pointless.
-At least 17. Better if the character is older but they must be at least 17 for legal raisons :woot: !
-Into insane pureblood guys looking for one nighters.
-Ready to take on a child (We can discuss who takes control of the child although it is -quite rightly- mother's choice who RPs the child. Well, that's how I always play it as.)
-Lastly, be prepared to wait (IC) 9 months average for the baby. This means a lot of waddling prego RPs ^_^

I have a character who is a 'young' mother so I know how it is. It requires detail and patience.
Oh, also - the bit Adrianne struggled most with- remember that your character shouldn't drink or bungee jump while pregnant.
I could offer up my uber ***** Vicky but then she just might abandon the baby if it's not a girl.
I'll offer up Svetlana. She is always up for one-nighters, whoever the guy is. :r:
T'would be awesome if she did get pregnant. xD
I'm hurt.

Now, Antoinette needs to find a sugar daddy or something she can have on the side. =))
Ready just getting things sorted out with my *cough* boyfriend *cough*
Svetlana: Want me to start something or do you want to?
Vicky: lol ok.
Camilla: :console: Don't worry. James will get it all thrown back in his face when the babies are born and he'll be begging for Antoinette's forgiveness.. And stealing her again xD
Um, can you? I am working on a much needed new signature. ^_^
You betcha! If anyone's going to really teach him, I reckon it'll be her.

Ylva: "Hi, hun. Here's your baby. No, I'm not staying. Actually I should probably kill you. But you have a sweetheart, so this cruelty of this is long-term and I can't pass it up. It's name? Who cares, it's a pureblood. Call it Eustace if you want, I could care less. Toodles"
"No, James, I am not looking after your b*****d pureblood babies. *runs off to daddy*" =))
Ylva: xD Haha yes.
Camilla: -James doesn't feel that warm satisfaction afterwoods with anyone else. He doesn't feel loved. He's just being male and distracting himself..
Thought I'd take a leaf out of Arnost's book xD And Asparuh's.. And.. Well, you know what I mean.
James is a man hoooer xD
But he only loves Antoinette.
Antoinette Greenwood said:
"No, James, I am not looking after your b*****d pureblood babies. *runs off to daddy*" =))
Can you imagine James as a dad?

James: What the hell are you supposed to do with it? *holds upside down by leg*
And this is why they have family services. =))
Well if you still want options... I have a girl by the name a Lyneth. She has a woman fiance, and this could be the perfect amount of danger, and drama, that i need. But, if you don't want anymore babies, that's fine too. Here's Lyneth.
Can you start something please. If not, i will.
Yep, sure. Will do a.s.a.p
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