Ladies and Gentlemen Tonight

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Samual Kaster

Father of 2 | Retired Auror
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Hey guys, ^_^
So as you may or may not know, Teigan and I got into an art academy workshop, it will be lasting for a week, so from Monday to Friday, anyway this means that we won't be online, at all, so no secret appearances or anything. :unsure:
Don't worry though, we'll be back and we'll try not to kill eachother while we're there. So don't worry too much, just while we're gone, try not to blow up HNZed, we don't want to come back and find out that you all decided it would be funny to blow it up, while we're gone, so we miss out on all the fun :glare:

~Tenilee and Teiggy
Have fun at your workshop thing! :hug:
We will behave ourselves! See you when you return! ^_^

See you girls around! Be sure to have a lot of fun! ^_^
HNZ is going to be too quite without the two of you around. Enjoy yourselves and come back in once piece ^^
Oh wow exciting! Have fun ladies!
Enjoy Girls!

Though..I can't make any promises as to not blowing the place up.... :r

Seriously though-have fun! :woot:
Well, we're back, it was very interesting. Met a girl who could cluck like a chicken! :woot:
Anyway we're back, thanks for the goodbyes and such. ^_^ We had a lovely time :D
So that's why I was like, "Where are those sisters? o_O "
Well anyways, it's a good thing you had fun! ♥</SIZE></FONT>
I love Samuel's PB by the way. Cutie!
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