Open Kitty Cat

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Leia Hume

girly | self-conscious | hnz duelling champion
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Seeing Somebody
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Knotted 9 Inch Flexible Cherry Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
06/2039 (22)
Leia knew it was important for prefects to go to school events...well, she didn't actually know if it was important but it felt like it would be important for her to go along. And Leia wanted to be a good prefect. She wanted to show that she was good for it. That it had been the right choice for it. The slytherin hadn't done much she'd put on a black dress, used some eye liner to draw whiskers and a nose and got cat ears. it was a simple costume, but she knew she was too old now for a costume that wasn't amazing. As a younger student her costumes could be try hard and not great but now they had to be perfect or appear to be last minute. All in all, she knew her costume was easy to know what it was, it was simple, not too much effort and perfect for this. She ventured further into the hall, definitely not specifically looking out for Chrissy and got to the drinks table, where she got herself a little glass of pumpkin juice.
Nikko wasn't the biggest fan of dances and feasts since there always seemed to be so much pressure surrounding the event but this time he actually had to go to take a few pictures for the newspaper. He didn't really have a costume but he found and eye patch from an old pirate costume he wore years ago at the bottom of his trunk and thought that would be good enough. He was a modern pirate or something, if anyone asked but he hoped they wouldn't. The eyepatch made taking pictures difficult and eventually he flipped it up. Nikko had kept to himself most of the night and was thinking about calling it early when he ran into Leia at the drink table. "Hey." he said with a nod. "Nice ears." he added with a small smile and appreciated he wasn't the only one in a less involved costume if you could even call what he was wearing a costume at all.
Leia had a mouthful of juice in her mouth when she was greeted by Nikko. She swallowed the juice quickly to not get it everywhere and then gave a little smile. She liked what he was wearing, a pirate costume was a classic but it looked good. "Thank you, your pirate costume is cool," she told him with a hint sincerety in her tone. It did seem too that he wasn't making as much effort as others and as someone who hadn't made too much effort she could appreciate it. "How are you?" she asked trying to make some polite conversation.
Nikko smirked as Leia was caught off guard by his greeting. "Thanks." he said with a laugh as she complimented his costume. She was being a bit generous by calling it cool, but he was feeling a bit awkward so it helped regardless. "I'm alright." he said trying to sounds upbeat even if an answer like 'alright' wasn't exactly an encouraging answer. But he tried to change the subject. "Any guess as to who will win best costume?" he asked.
Leia nodded at what he said, she wasn't sure she believed he was alright, but she also didn't want to get into it with him. It was too early in the evening for heavy discussions and she didn't really know Nikko at all. But....he was cute...She was brought out of her thoughts as he asked a question and she glanced around the room. "Maybe the professors? They're all dressed as their younger of them is like a baby," she had a frown at the last part but she had to admit it was a pretty cool costume. "What do you think?"
Nikko nodded as Leia answered his question. He had seen the professors costumes and part of him was kind of weirded out by it but he had to admit it was pretty creative. But he looked around a little frantically when she mentioned a professor dressed up as a child. "That was a professor?" he asked in disbelief. "I thought maybe one of them had brought their kid to the feast." he admitted before laughing. "That'll be hard to beat, but I don't know if professors are even eligible to win?" he wondered out loud. Nikko tried to think of any of the notable costumes he'd seen tonight that would be worth mentioning. "Lysander's costume is pretty cool." he said with a shrug.
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