Closed Kissing and Telling

Sierra Woodlock

Happy | Clumsy | Seeker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
In an Open Relationship (Pansexual)
Sexual Orientation
After kissing Deepa, Sierra had figured out that it was definitely something she liked to do. She understood now, why her brothers and other people kissed all the time. Sierra knew that some people didn't always love hugs as much as she did, but she had quickly come to realize that it wasn't just hugs that she loved now. But she also wondered if she just enjoyed it so much because it was Deepa. Deepa was a really good friend of hers, and she loved her and maybe she only liked kissing people that she loved. Or maybe it was just girls - Deepa had mentioned not being gay, and Sierra had never really thought about it like that before. She had been to the Pride event, and had learned a bit about things there, but she always just knew that there wasn't a huge difference in who she liked. Sierra had chatted about it with her mother briefly, discovering that she just liked people for who they were - their personalities, her mother had said. It was a lot to take in, and a lot of thinking, so Sierra found herself aimlessly wandering around outside, trying to focus on one train of thought. It was a hard feat to do. With a sigh, Sierra looked around the Lawn, her eyes finding Jasper. Deepa had mentioned Jasper as someone to kiss. Walking up to him, Sierra remembered what had happened the first time she did a surprise kiss. "Hey Jasper. Can I kiss you?"
Jasper had been hoping to practice Quidditch by himself at the pitch, but once he had arrived he'd realized that one of the other teams was having a practice. He didn't want to seem like a spy, so he didn't stick around to watch. He had taken his broom and a regular ball, hoping to practice his scoring. Now his broom was lying on the grass and Jasper was kicking the ball around idly, trying to kick it against a nearby tree. It wasn't strictly speaking practice for Quidditch, but it was at least somewhat amusing. Jasper didn't feel like returning to the common room, which was always bleak and damp and boring. He just managed to kick the ball against the tree and was about to cheer, when he noticed Sierra walking up to him. "Hey," He started, returning her greeting. But her next words left him speechless for a moment. He stared at her, a blush creeping into his cheeks."Sorry, what?" He asked dumbly.
Sierra was ready for him to say yes - after all, Deepa did - but she had to stop herself when he didn't. He seemed confused and Sierra realized she'd have to explain herself more. It was something she was going to have to get used to, as she didn't often ask people for hugs, they seemed like an alright thing to just give, but giving kisses was maybe a bit more personal and close; Sierra definitely got a different feeling from kissing than from hugging - though they were both good feelings. "Umm, I was just wondering if I could kiss you. Deepa and I kissed, but I wanted to know if it was the same, kissing a boy." Sierra explained herself. "And I have learned that you should ask first, if you haven't already said that you could kiss each other." She said, nodding her head as if she was proud of herself for knowing it and sharing the information.
Jasper's brain was trying to catch up with what Sierra was suggesting so casually. Kissing? Just like that? Sure, Sierra was pretty, but... so were plenty of girls. Did he want to kiss her? Apparently, she wanted to kiss him. Jasper's ball was long forgotten as he listened to Sierra. It all turned even more bizarre and unreal. "You and Deepa kissed?" He asked, almost alarmed at the news. "And now you want to kiss me?" He was glad she had at least learned to ask... had Deepa told her that? The thought of Sierra and Deepa kissing was weird and alarming and the thought of Sierra kissing him was too, but not in a bad way. He just hadn't really thought much about kissing before. But Jasper was never one to back out of things, and now that he knew Deepa had done it, he knew he couldn't stay behind. She would brag about it to him for sure. "Uh, okay." He said after a moment. "Let's kiss."
Sierra nodded her head, a bit confused as to why Jasper was so shocked by it, but nodded her head again with a smile when he asked about her wanting to kiss him. Why wouldn't she? She liked him, and so she definitely thought he'd be fine with kissing her. Sierra began to worry when he took a moment to reply, maybe he didn't like her as much as she liked him, or maybe kissing was more than just something friends did. But, he then agreed to kiss, and Sierra grinned, before closing the distance between them, gently placing her lips on his.
Jasper didn't have a lot of time to reflect on his decision before Sierra had pressed her lips to his. He stared at her for a moment while they kissed, then realized they usually closed their eyes when they kissed in movies. No wonder, it was kind of freaky to see Sierra's eyelashes from this close up. Jasper quickly closed his own eyes, pushing forward so he was pressing his lips against hers too. He didn't know if he was supposed to do anything else now? It didn't feel bad, but it wasn't so great either. Was this what all the fuss was about? Or was he supposed to do weird things with his tongue? The thought grossed him out, and he broke the kiss. "Was that how you kissed with Deepa too?" He asked her, surprised to find himself slightly breathless from the strange experience.
Sierra decided that she enjoyed kissing Jasper. Just as much as she had enjoyed kissing Deepa. It was interesting that it didn't matter if they were a boy or girl, but Sierra kept reminding herself about what her mother had told her; for Sierra it was the person that mattered, not how they were born. As Jasper pulled away, a smile grew on Sierra's face, but fell slightly when Jasper didn't seem to happy. "Well, yes but also some of..." She gestured her hands a bit, to show that it wasn't just awkward sitting there (she tried to not be awkward after being reprimanded by Deepa). "Did you want to kiss Deepa as well? I'm sure she won't mind. Or we can just kiss again. I like kissing you." Sierra said with a grin and a shrug of her shoulders.
Jasper nodded at Sierra's answer, even though he really didn't understand what she meant. He shrugged. "Okay." Then blushed brightly at her question. "What? No! Deepa hates me, she wouldn't want to kiss me anyway." He said quickly. "Sierra... aren't you supposed to kiss people you have a crush on?" He asked, a slightly panicked note creeping into his voice. "Not just... everyone?" He wasn't entirely sure how it worked, but Sierra seemed way too nonchalant about the whole kissing thing. "Wait... you liked kissing me?" He added when that part of what she had said sunk in. "I liked it too." He added quickly. He didn't want her to feel bad, and it had been pretty nice.
Sierra frowned when Jasper said Deepa hated him, because that wasn't what she said the other night, but Sierra wasn't going to tell him that. She knew what secrets were, and though she wasn't always the best at keeping them, she knew that this wasn't something to tell and she didn't want to upset Deepa. But Sierra shook her head anyway. "I don't think she hates you." Was all she said.
When Jasper questioned who to kiss, Sierra thought for a minute. She smiled when Jasper said he liked kissing her too, because she did enjoy kissing him. "I think, that you should be able to kiss people you like. Even friends. Right? It's like hugging - but better. That's what I think. What do you think?" Sierra asked, wondering if maybe she was kissing too many people.
Jasper shrugs. "Fine. Intensely dislike, then?" He suggested, thinking back to their arguments and the situation at the lake in their first year. He sort of suspected Deepa had never gotten over that, but maybe he wasn't right. Jasper shrugged at her question. "I'm not sure... I don't know what the rules are for this stuff. I never thought much about kissing before." He admitted. "Lily kissed me on the cheek, but that's it. I don't know if friends kiss each other on the lips..." He looked confused for a moment. "But I guess there's nothing wrong with it? If both people are okay about it." He added, sounding a bit unsure still. "And we both liked it."
Sierra smiled when Jasper said Deepa intensely disliked him, and shrugged her shoulders. She knew what secrets to keep, and she wasn't going to say any different, so she just dropped it. Maybe she'd tell Deepa that Jasper was nice to kiss and that he thought she hated him, and that maybe if she wanted to kiss him she should just tell him. Sierra definitely thought people should just be open with their feelings; there wasn't any point in keeping them to yourself. Sierra listened intently as Jasper spoke - more intently than she ever had in any classes. "Are you and Lily just friends?" She thought for a minute. "I think you and I are just friends, but I liked it, and I'm okay with it..." Sierra said. "And you don't have to just kiss me. You can kiss other people." She said, knowing that she enjoyed it, so she definitely wanted to kiss other people too.
Jasper's face flushed at Sierra's question. Why was she asking such embarrassing things? "Yeah, duh." He said quickly, forcing himself to laugh at the idea. "What else would we be?" He knew some kids in their year had started dating, he even knew Lily was one of them as she had dated this weird Hufflepuff guy for a while, but Jasper had thought it pretty obvious that he wasn't dating anyone. Jasper shrugged. "If... you're fine with that I guess it's okay. But I don't mind if we're just friends like before, maybe without too much kissing." He said carefully. "Not that it was bad, but... I dunno, we don't have to do that all the time, right?" He hoped he wasn't hurting Sierra's feelings with this. Jasper wasn't entirely sure what he wanted, but this kissing thing was new and a little scary. For once, he wouldn't mind slowing down a bit. Sierra made it sound like they were going to be kissing a whole lot.

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