Open Kingdom Of My Own

Naveen Khatri

professional worrier 🌿proceed with caution
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 13 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
10/2049 (13)
Naveen had taken it on himself to turn a corner of the Wild Patch's garden into his own vegetable patch so he could grow his own food. Not that he was displeased with what was served in the great hall but to him there was nothing more satisfying than growing something from a seed that turns into something you can eat. And so far no one had told him to stop or even really catch on to what he was doing. He never understood why the Wild Patch club used royal titles to refer to their leaders but it did lead him to referring to himself as Duke of Tomatoes or Earl of Squash in his head. The weather was heating up and he was hoping to get something harvested before they left for the holidays. Naveen stood up and stretched his back. All that was left was to do some watering but he paused to catch his breath first.
Two years had flown by in a daze, and somehow Dhivya had found herself at the start of her third year of school. She had thought she knew what it was like to be busy, but adding electives this year... it was chaos, and every time she paused a second to think about her life she felt dizzy beyond words, quickly remedied by... stopping thinking about her life, and diving back into the next thing on the to-do list.

One thing on the list she'd been neglecting a bit though was time with her brother. She was on the way to get some photos of the lake for backgrounds in Accio, but the sight of a familiar face in the gardens had her quickly changing course, making a beeline for Naveen. "What're you planting?" She asked, looking down at the soil curiously.

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