Kill it with kisses

James Killian

Growing old is an awfully big adventure
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
10'' Rosewood with Unicorn tear core
12/2014 (39)
Tillian was not one to sit around and so as soon as James was on break they decided to spend the holiday in New Zealand. It was a good place to spend the break as Jamie knew that if he stayed in France at Beauxbaton he would spend all of his time in his room hidden beneath all of his sketchbooks and enveloped in woeful blues like music as he let his emotion draw the picture for him. He had also started a rather nasty habit of smoking though he only had a few during his really deep days were he was stuck on a particular subject. He would sit in his room with the windows open his hair in a mess and his clothes completely unkempt as he paced back and forth thru a sea of balled up piece's of hogwash. However now that he was in New Zealand standing at one of the finest Inns in Bright stone he knew that his new adoptive father would not let him say cooped up in his room with all the curtains closed like an old hermit.

"Go out and socialize already! You will never make any friends sitting in here all alone !" Was how Till his new dad phrased it as he ripped open the curtains earlier in the late afternoon as James grumbled from beneath the rather comical pile of blankets and pillows that he had temporarily called his bed. That was when the older man dove in a dragged him out of bed, rather forcible at that, and forced him into the bathroom to shower. James was now in a rather venomous mood which could be told by the rather nasty shouts of protest that could be heard between fits of grumbling. After a rather hot shower and his afternoon cup of coffee, black with six sugars, he dressed and head into town with more than plenty of money in tow as he had negotiated two hours of wandering for money for some new art supplies.

The weather was chilly but bearable with a light jacket and a pair of slim jeans, clothes that Jamie though was appropriate for wandering, which only lowered Jamie's mood q little as he was no fan of cold. The small village was rather busy with witches and wizards trying to stock up on all the essentials as students from the local school could be seen loitering in the more popular haunts. Jamie avoid children his own age like the plague as he never seemed to fit in with any click he encountered as he was simply socialy awkward and found interest in everything that no one else cared for which made it hard for most to keep up with him. Jamie was a smart kid with an artistic flare who loved Quidditch and believed in a higher power all the while attending a French academy for wizards not to mention being a gay closet case. His life in a nut shell was simply a mess but then again what almost 16 year olds wasn't these days. On the bright side he was in good shape and healthy which was another one of his weird things he enjoyed... fitness.

Jamie grew up with a rather interesting history but the most important thing was that for the first 12 years of his life he was raised in a Japanese temple with a group of monks. Hence why he had a tendency to be a Hippie- Esq kind of kid who ate all natural and loved the environment as well as was strong believer in human rights. Tillian had spent many nights sitting at the kitchen table listening to Jamie yell out in protest about the working condition in sweatshops or the plights of house elves, which Tillian no longer had due to Jamie liberating them with articles of clothing much to there horror at being dismissed. All in all Jamie was one of a kind but it was for that reason he was more than happy with his messy life.

Jamie found a local bookstore and decided to pop in and see if he could find anything of interest. The smell of books set his heart on fire as it was another one of his passions though he had almost no skills when it came to writings but it was as if he could see the world through the eyes of someone else and for pennies on the galleons. Jamie made a beeline to the nature section as he pulled out a pair of reading glasses as he began to pull book after book off the shelf only vaguely aware of anyone else in the store. Jamie also found that the small bookstore had a small cafe with high back chairs and a warm fireplace. Jamie felt as though he died and went to heaven as the bold smell of espresso wafted through the small little shop. Jamie was so lost in what he was smelling that he turned and ran right into some though his small frame was thrown of balance due to the massive pile of books causing him to land of his back with a grunt as books flew in every direction as his glasses made a heart stopping crunch nearby.

"Broomsticks!" Jamie cursed under his breathe as he looked up to see what giant oaf caused him to make a rather un gentleman like fall.
Juggling his social life between Elspeth and Buddy had grown into a daunting task, which started off stress-free due to Elspeth's distance and the closeness of his first boyfriend and first love, but recently, and only recently did Samuel experience a strong muse which caused the teen to spend hours on end, throwing random splurges of colour onto the same canvas over and over again because his love for Buddy was so intense and he had no other way of dealing with it. Samuel could say he and Buddy shared a love which fitted and imitated the cliches of every single Disney movie which featured a princess, as his curiosity lead him into experimenting, Samuel had no idea he was falling so hard for Buddy until it was too late and the Part-Veela didn't even find himself torn between his girlfriend and his boyfriend, he knew that if the choice was his, if it came down to a single choice Buddy would be chosen faster than Samuel's heartbeat when in Buddy's presence. So far in the passing day, Samuel had been in a passionate painting session, brought on by his first love and the young wizard felt the need to get some fresh air away from the paint fumes. Samuel had grown to be suspicious that the insanity he felt for Buddy was aggravated by all the paint fumes he breathed in while he was creating what was called art, however this thought was always immediately dismissed whenever it arised in the back of Samuel's head, because he knew Buddy was just so perfect, he had the ability to drive Samuel insane without so much as trying.

Getting a hint of fresh air was the most simple answer to the question of how to clear Samuel's head, which was the reason the teen pulled on a pair of worn out converse sneakers, before slipping into a crisp new black blazer which covered the faded grey t-shirt he always wore while painting and exited the shelter of his home to stroll along a path leading him into Brightstone, an oh so convenient place for the newly seventeen year old to live, as it was close to Elspeth, but alternately oh so far away. If the brunette ever got on his nerves, it was only a short excuse and a short walk home for the artist before he was away from his irritating girlfriend. It wasn't that Samuel resented his girlfriend, he liked her looks, that was for sure, but there was no substance to their relationship, what he and Elspeth shared was nothing compared to his feelings for Buddy. Samuel shook his head, he had chosen to venture outside to gain an ounce of fresh air so he could clear his head, not fill it up with thoughts of his boyfriend again. Within all his daydreaming, and his stomach tightening at the mere thought of Buddy, the brunette didn't realise that his quick walk into Brightstone had ended and the adolescent was now standing in front of one of his regular hangouts, it was a bookshop and a cafe all squeezed into one small building. Samuel used to sit in the building for hours, reading old literature while drinking coffee, it was wonderful, Samuel had missed the time he spent there, and the seventeen year old had not been inside the bookstore since he let Buddy consume his life. The Part-Veela ran a hand through his dyed-brown hair and let out a quick sigh before the ringing of the bell of the open shop door filled his ears.

A small smile appeared on Samuel's perfect lips as he paced into the familiar aroma of freshly brewed coffee, he quickened his footsteps as he strode towards the cafe area, he was so focused on the nostalgia of afternoons spent in the cafe he had just entered that Samuel Adrian Phillips did not make the realisation he had crashed into a stranger until after it occurred. The stranger had been the one to fall, and Samuel bit his bottom lip "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, let me help you up." He blurted out before pulling the other teenager to their feet, this other guy was rather attractive, but Samuel ignored that fact and hid it by taking a step back, adjusting his glasses and enquiring "And you go by the name of?" while continuing to show the confident demeanour he usually had while in the depths of a social encounter.
Before Jamie had time to even think straight or to gather his thoughts someone had pulled him to his feet in one seem less pull though Jamie seemed more worried about finding out where all of his books went at first as he did not want someone else to steal his finds.However once on his feet he wanted to give the stranger a piece of his mind but once again it seemed as though fate was inn a playfully cruel mood as always as Jamie turned to look the person who had caused him to fall in the face and realized that it was in fact a rather handsome stranger. Jamie had the right mind to simply laugh at the odds but he knew that if he wished not to offend or even scare the boy he would do best not to show such a untimely emotion after being knocked on his bum. Jamie took a moment to look at the charming man or rather stare which his adoptive father said was something that one should never do but Jamie was not meeting the minister of magic or anything so grandiose so to the wind with etiquette was his thoughts on staring at the moment.

The boy looked nothing out of the ordinary but for some reason that was part of his charm as his eyes looked like liquid chocolate in just the right light. He was not overly tan but nether was he pale which had to mean that he was not afraid of the sun like some of the people he had encountered in his travels. His dark hair was messy giving him a slightly disheveled looked that remind Jamie of someone who had just got out of bed and simply threw on some clothes. Speaking of which the man had on a rather unique wardrobe that seemed to to come together in that perfect way that complimented the boys dashing good looks while accent a well maintain body. Jamie also noted that under the several layers of clothing there had to be some form of strength as Jamie ,though small, was not some delicate flower and to be pulled to his feet with such ease meant that the boy had some hidden strength and set of muscles to match. A familiar smell wafted to Jamie's nose that reminded him of his volunteered exile to his room though it was not cologne that he was smelling but rather paint which was an odd smell coming from someone who looked like... what was his name? ... oh yeah! ... a Samuel.

It did not occur to Jamie that the man had in fact spoken more than an apology but also went as far as to ask him his name until he heard the bell above the door go off which brought him out of his slight daze. "What?... oh yeah my name... well my friends call me Jamie but my dad calls me James though you may call me which everyone you prefer at the moment while I gather up ... books." Jamie said as he turned a slight shade of red while he spoke in rather half confused tone all the while looking around with a slight panic in his eyes as he attempted to locate each of his books and put a little space in between himself and Samuel. Where do all of these good looking guys come from, I mean first I attend Beauxbaton where Beauty reins supreme. Then I traveled to that one place and ran into Leo know in the last place in the world I run into Samuel here. Of course even his name is attractive but knowing me he is 1) Straight or :cool: Take or even worse III) both. Why do I even go out in public anymore... oh that is right my new dad is a freak about socializing!! Well if I hurry up I can be on my way and away from Samuel before I make a fool of myself. Jamie went through a range of emotions which played out on his face as he had a small conversation in his head with himself which should constitute his craziness but he figured he was the only person who ever really listened and understood everything that he said while talking to himself. Jamie dropped to the floor on all four and began to gather his books though to on lookers he could be imitating a cat as his but seemed to wiggle slight as his shirt rose up his back slightly causing his skin to get goose bumps however that seemed less important than finding his books.
This stranger Samuel had chosen to help had a demeanour that gave the seventeen year old a vibe, that bluntly said he was an artist, the teen would have believed this, but Samuel was smart enough not to judge somebody by what his instincts told him, basing decisions on instinct had proven an idiotic approach to well, anything ever since he had asked Elspeth out. A decision not only made because of instinct, a decision also made by what the social normality was. If Samuel had realised he was bisexual before meeting Elspeth, he would have had enough time to adjust to everything, but instead, the Part-Veela was still uncomfortable talking about how intense his love for Buddy really was. He was uncomfortable to the extent where if somebody asked if he was seeing someone, and asked who, he would always say Elspeth. For in no way was the artist ashamed of his boyfriend, it was his personal experiences which brought a feeling of shame into his unorganised mind. For the second time in the day, Samuel shook his head, just another failed attempt to shake off his many thoughts. It was easy to say that Samuel was ashamed of being bisexual because it wasn't considered normal, however this was not the case. Samuel was ashamed of his sexuality because he was being bullied at Durmstrang for it not being a conventional way to live life, he liked the idea of being unconventional, but the way he was treated for not being 'mainstream' had brought on his withdrawal from talking about relationships with others, let alone a stranger he had met in a bookstore. The teen had already made the decision not to converse about his relationship status with James, and their conversation had barely started.

After letting out a quiet yawn for what seemed no apparent reason, the young wizard dusted his hands on his thighs, not caring that it left faded marks on his formerly immaculate black skinny jeans, bent over and picked up one of the books James had dropped in their clumsy first encounter, it was an old fashioned book, about art history according to the title engraved in gold on a burgundy leather cover, a book in which Samuel would read himself. Noting down this fact about the other boy, a fact that could be utilised later in conversation, Samuel smirked as he tucked the book under his arm and stood in wait for James to finish collecting the books he had dropped. As the teen grew a little bored of standing in waiting for James to gather his books together, he kept his gaze on the other boy and showed genuine politeness, an apparent change from his usually sarcastic exterior. Samuel had helped James up and apologized for causing his fall, he had even picked up one of James' books. Waiting was not intended on the impatient Samuel's list of intentions, and the seventeen year old quickly grew bored of standing in static, waiting. "I'm going to order a coffee, if you want this book back, you'll have to catch me first." Announced the Part-Veela, before breaking into a casual brisk walk, past the many book shelves, some more concealed by dust than others, an unfortunate fate for books, no literature should be left unnoticed on the shelf, to eventually make his arrival to the cafe located in the back of the bookstore.

The cafe had a cosy atmosphere overall, an atmosphere that showed typical traits of a British cafe, with a small fireplace and old-fashioned armchairs placed around coffee tables, definitely a place Samuel was going to stay until his many responsibilities called him into his home again. The cafe reminded Samuel of his own living room, it was cosy and left the teen feeling content, but among other obvious differences between the cafe and his own home, that cafe didn't contain his family. More often than not, it was one of the reasons he admired it so much. Providentially for Samuel, he wouldn't need to return home for a few hours in the very least. The brunette knew exactly how he was going to spend those hours already, which was with an exchange of a series of words with James over coffee, which was if James consented to the possibility. Samuel approached the counter, with James' book still under his arm as he ordered a soy latte, handed over payment, and sat down in the armchair he always seated himself in. As habitual over the time Samuel and Buddy had been an item, his thoughts would eventually lead back onto Buddy, as they did while he was happily seated in front of the fire in a navy blue armchair, he needed to remind himself to bring Buddy there one day. The adolescent sat in the soft chair and slowly sipped his coffee from its oversized cup, staring blankly into the fire that was slowly warming him from the inside out, patiently waiting for the caffeine to kick in, surely, James was due to arrive and retrieve the book soon. However, a playful Samuel wasn't going to hand to book over until he shared at least one coffee with the other teen first.
While crawling around on the floor , Jamie had managed to locate all of his books except for a rather hefty book on art which would be impossible to miss given the quality of the binding as well as the size of the book. However just as he located it near Samuel the charming man decided to pick it up and do a not so charming thing. "I'm going to order a coffee, if you want this book back, you'll have to catch me first." was all the man said before heading to the back of the bookstore and straight to the small cafe leaving Jamie on the floor with his mouth wide open. "Huh!... Oh Broomsticks and Pixies dust!" Jamie said with slight frustration as he stood back up and began to bite his bottom lip. He was not sure if he should follow after the man but he also was not sure if he could live with himself if he allowed a wonderful book get away though he wanted to fling fireballs from his wand for being forced to chose he knew that he would need to go after the book and attempted with great might not to make a fool of himself. The task ahead was a daunting one but with all the courage of a lion Jamie stormed after Samuel with a fire in his eyes and all the making of a epic hero at hand, though he was not going to save some dame in distress but rather a book from a rather unique and mysterious thief.

Who runs into someone knocking them to the floor, then helps them off of the floor and offers a friendly introduction but then steals something from them and wanders off!! Why do i find myself in awkward and confusing situation with nothing more than a lost look on my face? oh yeah that is right I am a magnet for trouble with the worst luck on heaven's green earth! Jamie walked into the cafe and deciding that the book would be fine for a few more moments decided that he would first order his latte ,soy milk latte with a shot of vanilla and an extra shot of espresso, after which he would go claim what was his before he wasted a perfectly good afternoon lounging around as he lost himself in a good book. Jamie loved to read much to his fathers surprise as Tillian did not care for reading having been raised by a father who loved the outdoors. Jamie however found comfort and peace in a good book and with so few friends it also provided him with a less aggressive as well as less judgmental company when he was feeling down. Jamie was one of the top in his class achieving some of the best scores in almost all subjects but flying which he decided to opted out of after falling off his broom and nearly breaking his wrist in the process. He did love to watch people fly which lead him to have a huge love and fascination with Quidditch but he would never admit that openly as he felt that somehow by admitting that it would go against some of his personal beliefs.

Jamie spun around and after a moments glance he found the attractive man sitting in a large blue chair near the fireplace which casted a unique glow across Samuel's face that randomly had Jamie yearning almost painfully for his sketchpad. The man was impressive subject with such a strong face and near perfect complexion that Jamie could draw for day but now was not the place. Lifting his head ever so slightly he marched over to Samuel and stood looking at the man from around his pile of books with a sheer look of dignity splashed across his face." I have caught you now hand over the book and no one will to uhmmm.... oh broomsticks.... can you just hand over the book and I will be about my way" ,Jamie said as his courage waiver when eye contact was made causing him to give up the tough guy act. He was not aggressive or violent and detested fighting of any type unless it was friendly such as fencing or sanction wand duels. So if Samuel were to actually fight him then he would surely lose as he would never lift a finger to fight back unless his life was in danger like he was taught by his first teacher and caretaker. Jamie waited patiently shifting his weight to try and ease some of the burden of his large load of books all the while why trying not to spill his drink all over himself.
Sitting in front of the fireplace proved a worthy spot for Samuel to wait for James, he had no interest in the book he had taken, in fact he owned his own copy which he had purchased from the same store and had read at least four times. Taking the book had not been because he desired to lose himself within the well written pages for yet another time, but because it made an adequate bargaining tool in keeping James conversing with him until they both needed to go their separate ways. So the teenager continued to sip his soy latte while gazing into the fire, smirking to himself and spacing out into yet another sleepless dream while short moments passed, his thoughts did not lead back to Buddy as they had none countless times that day already. But instead of Buddy, his thoughts were on Elspeth, on what she could possibly be doing at that moment. Was she sipping a coffee and staring into a fire also? Or was her life taking a completely different path and the parallel action between their lives was too diverse to anticipate? The brunette girl had been on his mind, not as often as Buddy but she still remained prominent in his mind, as he had to juggle between the two, and whenever he thought of Buddy, Elspeth would be intertwined in back of his fragile thoughts in one way or another. The situation plagued his mind, there was no question as to whom he desired more of the two, and no longer did Samuel feel an ounce of guilt for starting a relationship with buddy while still with Elspeth.

At the start of his experimenting with Buddy, guilt did render it's ugly head into Samuel's many considerations, however this was quickly overturned as his feelings for Buddy grew, and he no longer regretted cheating on Elspeth, but all he could focus his mind on was love, and love only. Fortunately, soon after Samuel went into a daze, footsteps of another rung in his ears and instantaneously brought him back into the face of reality, which was perfectly timed with the caffeine from his soy latte finally kicking in and alerting the Part-Veela to James' presence before the other teen had said even a single word. Samuel knew how he was going to intricately conduct this conversation. He just needed to motif for him to know where he should start from, and James had done this for Samuel, so there was not much effort needed on his part. "I'm not going to give you your book back until you have a coffee with me." Were the words to escape Samuel's lips as they changed from forming a self-satisfied smirk into a playful smile. Holding a book for ransom was what Samuel had on his mind, and to an obvious extent, James wanted that book enough to come looking for it once Samuel had taken it, that old art history book had become a mere way for Samuel to indicate to James he wanted to spend some time with him, waste his afternoon away to be more exact.

The seventeen year old's playfully arrogant smile remained gracing his perfect features as he chuckled slightly, before placing his cup on the coffee table and standing up to dust off his shoulders, in order to stall James a little longer. Samuel walked to stand in front of James, not intentionally looking threatening, but making sure that his point was clearly made, so there was no possibility of anything being lost in translation. When the two finally exchanged more words over a coffee, Samuel wasn't going to take no for an answer, was it such a crime to start a conversation with another teenager over art? "I would like it very much if you took a seat next to me." insisted the teen, while gesturing to the armchair which was placed next to his own. Both were in front of the fire and unspeakably comfortable, Samuel stood in place, while waiting for James' reaction. The wizard lay optimistic James would agree to sharing a conversation with Samuel, he felt as if they had so much to talk about, even if their conversation was subjected on the weather they could find a way to make it interesting, according to the impression Samuel had made of the other teen throughout their short encounter so far. The brunette picked his cup of coffee from the table, holding it between the palms of his artist hands, while continuing to maintain a child-like smile at the other adolescent.
Jamie did not know what to make of Samuel who had first stole his book then told him to find but after Jamie did as the boy asked he continued to ask for more and more this time asking him to sit next to him and have coffee. Though thoroughly outrage Jamie could not help but to be curious as to what it was exactly that the guy want from him as it seemed that he was going through great lengths to have him at his beck and call for the time being. Jamie pondered silently as he bit his bottom lip all the while his my raged whether or not the book was worth the effort. On the one hand it was not like the guy was being mean or anything and his request was not something that Jamie would not under normal circumstance not something he would refuse. However on the other hand Jamie knew very little about the guy beside his name not to mention the fact that he liked coffee and either of those were enough to warrant anything more from him then a passing glance. It was then that Jamie witness the sly playful smirk that first caused him to raise an eyebrow as he knitted his forehead but as soon as that passed it set his heart a flutter as he could not help but find the smirk attractive and slightly sexy. That is when a thought popped into his mind as he though back to his days in Beauxbaton, one in particular where one of the professor had to warn students about the effect of a rather common blood status in France. It was Veela which if memory served the Veelas were often remembered in history for there beauty especially when they dance often time drawing in men with little to no resistance. James had encountered many half blood Veelas and like many normal humans he came under the spell of these individuals beauty though it seemed that he was only drawn in by males versus females however it was very possible that he was under the influents of such charm now.

Jamie decided that he would humor the young man if only to find the answer to his questions also to reclaim what was taken from him at the very least. That was when Samuel stood up and closed the already small space between there two bodies which only made Jamie's pulse quicken more as he swallowed hard and once more began to bite his bottom lip. After a moment all he Jamie could do was to agree with a simple nod even though he wanted to protest once more but found that he could not find the words he was looking for which was due to the close proximity and playful arrogant smirk of his new found 'friend'. Placing his books near Sam's chair Jamie decided to make a small scene as he pulled over an adjacent chair, which squealed and graoned against the wooden floor much to everyone's notice, after which he sat down in the small throne like chair and looked at Sam with an equally smug smile as he took a sip of his latte. It was childish yes but then again Jamie had a youthful spirit and a naiveness that far exceeded anyone he had ever known which made for an unique interaction to all. Jamie grew up in a rather sheltered environment and over the years he had begun to learn more about the world outside of his four walls with an appetite for learning that would engulf the world. James had learned much but there was still much to learn especially in regards to friendships and relationships both of one of which he had yet to experience.

Jamie decided that he was being held against his will and his book being held at ransom it seemed that the only thing left to do was to engage the stranger in conversation which if all went well Jamie would learn of some way to make a hasty get away. "So your first knock me over then you run off with my book and when I come to reclaim it you then refuse and demand that I sit with you and enjoy a cup of coffee. Why on earth do you wish to share a cup of coffee with me of all people? I mean a guy like you should be off doing ... well everything but talking to me. Do you not have some girlfriend to drool over or some little brother to pick on?" Jamie blurted out in a rather raised voice of annoyance as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked off into the fireplace as if it was the most interesting thing he had ever seen. He soon felt guilty for being so uncharacteristically rude and short temper but he just wanted to know why the guy wished to be in his company when clearly he had the look and the means to ensnare much more interesting and attractive prey.
Not for the awkward silence moments earlier did Samuel show his intense amusement by a laugh, alas it was because James had put an assumption into a question, which asked him if he should be drooling over his girlfriend or making fun of his brother. Samuel had both, a younger brother and a girlfriend. Though his heart lied with another, Samuel was going to use Elspeth as a cover up for this conversation, only if James mentioned a girlfriend again, that is. The brunette ran a hand through his dyed brown hair for yet another time and sat back down in his cosy chair, only to take another sip from his coffee mug and throw the book down on the coffee table. He could not be bothered anymore, with the book, or James, as the other teenager had reminded him of another way to spend his afternoon. Which was with his younger brother, the two previously inseparable brothers had now grown apart, all by the fault of Samuel, and his passion for art. The ever growing distance put between Samuel and his brother had been the only continuous guilt looming over Samuel's head and life, and the teenager knew that it went without saying the distance could not be removed without careful prodding, why not start now? Samuel sure had enough time, and they sure had a lot to catch up on, but somehow the Part-Veela found talking to his half-brother an even more difficult task than one would expect, what if his brother no longer felt any sort of connection to him, and they could never be the same towards one another ever again? Samuel sure missed playing in the tree house with his brother, and the two were so similar, they were often mistaken for being twins, something which for unknown reasons, made Samuel more proud than anything.

The adolescent's carefully hidden insecurities were something not to be focused on, as he was supposed to be conversing with James, not revelling about his many regrets within his own head. It was not uncommon for a teenager to become lost in thought, as Samuel experienced it regularly, and the frequent detentions given to himself, and other students caught lost in a daydream would go without saying numerous teenagers couldn't keep their mind off whatever got them so distracted in the first place. Of course, Buddy was the one who enabled Samuel to get so distracted, and he knew it. To the point where he would pass Samuel notes in class, random illustrations, usually consisting of one of the arrogant habits Samuel used to hide the insecure person he really was. It was that, mixed with the silly faces Buddy made at him during class, which was why Samuel quickly fell in love with Buddy, at first, he tried to fool himself by pretending it was infatuation, when it was oh so much more than that. It was all such a pity Samuel did not realise what he was really feeling straight away, and he still had not had the chance to tell Buddy yet, out of how busy the couple had been lately, and because of Samuel's sheer anxiety on the subject. A typical thing for a person in love to worry about, how their partner will react if they voice any feelings, especially when a relationship had barely even started yet and they could feel the complete opposite. It wasn't until Samuel had finished his coffee, when he realised silence had filled the conversation Samuel and James were supposed to share, an obvious indication that the seventeen year old was more easily sent into a daydream than he first thought. It was only slightly embarrassing for the wizard, as he did not blush, or show any form of reaction to the silence he was about to break.

Samuel put his coffee mug down, and turned to face James, his features no longer showing a mischievous smirk, but a kind smile, something Samuel rarely showed in a genuine manner, and it was not fully genuine when he was looking at James, but only half genuine. Now all the Part-Veela needed to do was let his own words fill his ears, to actually kick start the talking they were supposed to be doing. "You know, I don't care if you have a cup of coffee with me or not, feel free to leave me alone and go about with your day." The adolescent indicated, a total change to how he was acting only a few silent minutes earlier, and quite frankly, Samuel would not give James any satisfaction if he chose to leave, he had other things to do if James made the decision to spend his time with something more productive. Samuel then stood up, to return to the counter of the cafe, and order himself another soy latte, however this time he ordered it with cinnamon, for no specific reason besides the pure and simple fact he had started to crave it in the short moments after making the realisation he had finished his first coffee. Samuel quietly laid in hope James would still be there when he returned, but no matter how much Samuel liked studying Divination at Durmstrang, there was no way for the student to predict whether the younger wizard would be there or not.
Later when Jamie laid in his bed staring at the ceiling he would realized that he had been strung along by Samuel all afternoon however currently his own guilt matched with Samuel's curious nature shielded him from the clever reverse psychology that was being used on him to Sam very amusement. Jamie uncrossed his arms and with a huff of minor frustration decided that he was going to go sit in some corner and read all afternoon alone if he took the awkward moment to flee with his book however he would be eaten with guilt at being incredibly awful to Sam for no valid reason then the fact that he was trying to mask his attraction under his harsh exterior. Jamie relaxed back in his seat and picked up his latte and even went as far as to turn in his chair slightly so that he could see Sam's face better rather than being forced to sit in uncomfortable position until the conversation was over which could take hours, that is if Sam was still interested though he could not blame him if he was not given all that went wrong thus far.

Jamie was pleasant to most people and it was out of character for him to be rude to anyone though he did not know that him being rude to someone was better than most people being nice. He was annoyed that for the first time in forever he was not in control and though liberating as the feeling was it was new and scary for him. Jamie grew up under a stern teacher who taught that it was a disciplined mind that came out always on top and as such Jamie meditates daily for at least a hour so as to remain sharp and disciplined. However over the last couple of years living with Tillian had exposed him to new teaching the biggest was temper not that his father was mean he was simply quick to temper and wore his emotions on his sleeves an ideal that Jamie would never be on board with if he wished for no one to know the real him. Jamie had noticed that he himself was experience frustration and annoyance more than normal which could be the result of growing older and being forced to wade through his teen years which were filled with confusion and fear for the most part. That was when he started to draw and in fact he as not half bad at least that is what those who stumbled across his work had said and by people Jamie meant Tillian. Jamie though his art was awful and insult to the true fathers of art but it made him happy and so he simply could not stop no matter what it was almost like a drug but without the harmful effects.

Jamie watched Sam standing at the counter and was more could not fight the urge to stare, and it was that thought that kept him glued to his seat. It could be the way Samuel had went about there brief interaction or how he seemed confident in his actions as if he knew the outcome before Jamie did or maybe it was the way he smiled which made everything seem petty or less vibrant. Whatever it was it was inviting almost like a Siren's song and at the end of the day it would be the death of him no matter the outcome. As the man returned Jamie looked away as his face became slightly flushed with red as he hoped that he had not been caught in the act of staring and once Samuel was seated Jamie decided that he would attempt a new start if he was not rejected by then, "I am sorry for being rude it was uncalled for and if you do not mind I would like very much to have coffee with you but I must admit that besides your name I know absolutely nothing about you and am curious as to why you went though all this trouble for a simple conversation if after all your work you give up in the end. I do not find that I am all that interesting to begin with and considering that you look like a rather busy person I would never in all the stars think you would want to have coffee with.... well me" Jamie said with a huge lack of confidence as he simply had not a clue how to act or what to say as if his mind decided to take a small afternoon break when Jamie needed it the most.
The note Samuel had left James on was not a positive one, he thought of it in more of a sarcastic light than anything else, sarcasm was more Elspeth's sort of thing, although over the time the two had been dating, Samuel may have picked up a few small doses of it, without noticing. The seventeen year old returned to his chair to find James was still there, something to rejoice about? Maybe, if they ended up sharing more than just a few sentences between long pauses of awkward silence. That would truly make their conversation worthwhile; after all, what was a conversation without an adequate exchange of words? A conversation without words was only silence, and silence was only worth it when nothing more needed to be said. James and Samuel had a lot of things to say to one another, small habits and facts about each of them that would end up resulting in the two knowing one another better than earlier. Samuel just needed to kick start it all, it was a pity he could not think of anything to say to the other student, nothing interesting that is. So instead of making the effort to think of a unique question to ask the other teen, Samuel went with a more conventional question. "What school do you attend?" He queried, even Samuel thought it was unusual, for him to say something so normal when he was far from that, or so Samuel liked to think. Most of the time, he could easily be picked out of a crowd, this being due to the traces of Veela blood that ran within Samuel's veins. The teen had become so used to having the eyes of others on him; he was left with a feeling of absence without the familiar sentiment of another's gaze focused on his presence.

It was with that thought, did Samuel Adrian Phillips take the first sip from his third coffee of the day. The first being the only thing he consumed for breakfast, the second being a few minutes ago, and the third being the one with a cinnamon twist that delicately warmed his taste buds, bringing small touches of a smile back onto his lips while the pleasant sensation of caffeine kept his mind awake. The seventeen year old had noted that James had not asked for is name, Samuel had known that for a while, but had not chosen to bring it up, as he wanted to see how long it would take for the other teen to ask what Samuel's name was. Judging by the time that had passed, the Part-Veela assumed it was not going to befall anytime soon. "You still have not asked my name but you say you know it, you must be good at guessing games, am I right?" If James' reply was yes, it would not pass as a surprise to the adolescent. People tended to focus more on how he looked than his actual personality, and Samuel did not mind that one bit, it meant he did not have to make the effort to be nice unless he wanted to. He did desire to be polite to James, in the least, and hopefully he had been somewhat of a pleasant person to consider company since they had unexpectedly crashed into one another. Ruling on the fact that James was still present indicated to Samuel that he had been somewhat nice to James; hopefully the nice streak Samuel seemed to be experiencing would last for the length of their first encounter, or at least long enough for James to make the general assumption Samuel was nice on a regular basis which in fact, he was not.
Jamie hid his happiness that the beautiful stranger had awoken in him when he had in fact only went to get another drink versus leaving with everything up in the air as it was currently. The man was curious and Jamie was his helpless victim as the man was skilled in string him along always giving just enough to drive any man wild while masking his true intentions in mystery and charm. Jamie allowed the man to break the silence first as it seemed only fair to allow the man the chance to explain himself or even apologize but those did not seem to Jamie like the most likely of topics to discuss. Which his gut feeling was right when the man decided to ask him which school he attended, which in truth was a safe topic as it was no great mystery where he went for his education. Beauxbaton was not the local school but rather Hogwarts and so it was always a pain to have to explain why someone who lived in France was in New Zealand but as it would be a means to continue the conversation Jamie did not change course and would allow the conversation to blossom into whatever it liked which was bold of him but the excitement of not being in control of the conversation was exciting.

"I use to attended Hogwarts New Zealand, but I transferred out at the start of my second year to be placed in the care of the French ministry since I was a french citizen though I at the time did not know that as my past is rather complicated. However so I do not get off subject since I live in France then I attend Beauxbaton..." Jamie said as he blushed slightly as the words spilled from his mouth as it was a common misconception that Beauxbaton was an all girls school which it was not but for those who knew of the men that attended the school it was often implied that the boys were all gay. That as well was hogwash but it did not matter if the headmistress herself told people that it was a blatant lie people would still assume that they wished. Jamie was gay but he had never told anyone of his interest in the same sex which for some reason he was more terrified then ever to let slip. James had allowed his mind to stray but was once again brought back to reality with the aid of the charming who pointed out a small flaw in there conversation. A name.

Jamie had not asked the stranger his name which was surprising at first but after a moment he remembered that they had not started on off on good footing considering the small game of cat and mouse. Now they had broken the ice and it would be only right to ask the mans name but something stilled his tongue, it was the mystery of not knowing. Jamie loved how little he truly knew about the man as well as enjoyed imagining all the possibilities that could attribute to who the man truly was at his core. For all Jamie knew the guy could be a hit -wizard who traveled the world taking down mass murders and Death Eaters sorta of like the famed muggle icon James bond. However that was his romantic side coming out the man looked like a mild mannered wizard though that was not always a bad thing was it? Jamie thought a moment and decided to continue being honest.

"I apologize for letting my manners slip I am sure Tillian would be annoyed with my poor manners but truth be told what was is name? I am having a rather fun time trying to figuring out what your name could be, I think you look like a Damien to me at the moment. Or even a Dean fashioned after the muggle actor James Dean... you have a bad boy look." Jamie said as he blushed into his cup of coffee as he allowed his mouth to ramble on once more.
According to James, he attended Beauxbatons, a wizarding school commonly recognised as an all girls school. Samuel knew some boys attended Beauxbatons, just as some girls attended Durmstrang, he also knew they boys who learnt magic at Beauxbatons were stereotyped as being queer. Samuel did not believe in stereotypes, and he made every effort not to be classed as any existing stereotype, however some things were unavoidable. Samuel was judged as arrogant, which was only half the truth. Most times, Samuel did think he ruled the world, but during the moments when insecurity arised, he continued his arrogance, using it as a mask from his true self. Maybe James had been doing the same, every person in the world had a secret to keep whether it be their own or that of another, and the younger wizard sure looked like he had something to hide. Samuel adjusted his glasses, before tightening his grasp on the coffee cup between his palms. The fire was oh so appealing, the flames crackling, rapidly swaying back and forth to a melody all too silent for any human to hear. It seemed as if the seventeen year old had not heard a word James had uttered, as his attention had been focused on the fireplace. When in fact, Samuel had heard every word, every single syllable the younger teen had said. His intention of replying had not surfaced just yet. Instead of giving James any acknowledgement, Samuel just sipped his coffee, letting the flames distract him until he thought it best to end the deliberate awkward silence he provoked. James seemed like the kind of person to enjoy silence, as it meant he could hear himself talk for even longer. This assumption forced the corners of Samuel's lips to form a faint smile, barely noticeable, yet prominent. Listening to others vomit up countless words while he stayed silent, only listening to the words that held meaning was the way Samuel wanted to stay.

Not uttering a word had turned the conversation even more into the Part-Veela's favour, and Samuel found himself completely in control of the situation, whether this control had a positive or negative outcome was entirely up to him. Was James meant to be respected when he had not made any effort to stand up for himself, or even try to steer the conversation into his own hands? Was there any indication time spent with James would be worthwhile? There was nothing to tell the seventeen year old James was worth spending an afternoon with, apart from James' interesting choice in literature and the sort of innocence that could only be described as adorable. A pushover was somebody to be pitied, which gave Samuel all the more reason to keep James as company, out of sympathy and childish curiosity. The seventeen year old did not pity the Beauxbatons student who had fallen into his social trap, and instead chose to remain polite while yet another round of intentional silence passed idly by. Was James comfortable being in Samuel's presence, when they had hardly started their conversation, or was the younger teen anxious, and shaking in his shoes? Samuel did not have the attention span to take every small ounce of James' body language into account, especially when his mind remained elsewhere, as it always did. Samuel enjoyed keeping his mind half in reality, the other half lost within a fantasy world. It let his paintings grow and develop into an unconventional beauty even he could no longer understand. Although Samuel's artistic skills had greatened over the past few months, he did not find much happiness in his work. And no matter how hard he tried to find it between wasted canvasses and fatigued brush strokes, happiness refused to show itself.

Samuel was not depressed, or so he thought. The teen kept up a strong exterior, for those who looked skin deep, there was no reason to worry for a secretly insecure, and fragile Samuel. He looked confident, too confident to be exact, but truly he was crumbling from the inside out. Every stare, every whisper, every judgement posed towards him heightened his insecurities, pushing him closer to the edge, and Samuel knew he was close enough to fall. It was just a simple matter of time before the edge would collapse beneath his feet. Luckily that afternoon posed no threat to the clever masquerade of Samuel's trademark smirk. The seventeen year old flicked his chocolate eyes back towards James, thoughts clouded his attention span for another countless time, and the teen blinked his eyes shut a few mere seconds, prompting his mind to pay attention to the younger teen, and not wander off once more. Apparently Samuel sported a 'bad boy' look, James' last sentence caused a genuine laugh from the young wizard, almost spitting out his mouthful of coffee in the process. "You're very wrong, in many ways James." Samuel uttered, a smile grasping his words, his previous monotone changing to one of a more cheerful fashion. "My name's Samuel." The teen's short, blunt sentence did not distract from the younger teen's comment. James Dean, what a comparison to make. As far as Samuel could guess, James Dean did not spend his days hidden from the sun by an endless rainbow of paint. Another guess made by the intelligent wizard was that James Dean was not at risk of insanity from inhaling paint fumes all day, Samuel had never been one to concern for his own health. Although he knew his personality was far from that of the famous muggle actor James Dean, the comment was considered a compliment by Samuel.
James was glad that he managed to drag a laughter out of Samuel who had seemed to be everywhere but nowhere at the same time which added to his somewhat unique charm. However Jamie could not help but feel that there was something almost tragic about the beautifully intelligent man which made him want nothing more than to reach out and comfort him. Jamie remained in his seat with his cup of coffee as he did not have the courage to do what he wanted to do as it was not only socially inappropriate but it also could be found insulting to Samuel who knew very little about him and he about Samuel. The silence that filled the space was somewhat peaceful as the surroundings seemed almost musical from the crackling of the fire to the whiz of the espresso machine as the quiet whispers filled the air with secrecy and a vibe of mystery. It was a song that Jamie was most comfortable with given that he spent most of his time in small intimate locals as this one whenever he wondered outside the ever familiar New Zealand. However he was still rather nervous as he rarely spent much time with a stranger of any sort which brought up memories of a strange man that he met that showed him a level of kindness that he had not yet experience by anyone. That was something to think upon when he was locked away with nothing more than his thoughts while he was being of poor company by letting his mind wander to subjects else where.

Focusing his mind once more to the older guy sitting with hum he could not help but smile into his cup as Samuel nearly spit his coffee all over the place from Jamie's interesting comparison between him and the world renown James Dean. Yet as he sat pondering the man's name he felt as though it was a fitting name for someone with the same tragic charm as the man before him, a lot could be said about someone based on their name which he had learned in numerology which he had taken this past year. He also knew that a name was only a part of what made up a human being with the other being experience which was greatly different from person to person. Jamie did not get much information back from the boy and so it was his turn to ask a question or rather questions as it was only appropriate in normal conversation to alter the role of questioner and questionee. Jamie's head began to fill with hundreds of unique and odd questions but he decided to play it safe for the time being as Samuel seemed somewhat emotional and unpredictable at best. He however decided to play it safe with a few less threatening questions.

"So if you do not mind me ask my personal James Dean, what school do you attended I am having a hard time guessing where you hail from as the area is full of students from all sorts of schools? Also I am getting a whiff of paint so I am going to step out on a broomstick and guess that you are an artist yourself, am I right? ", Jamie said with a smile as he flirted harmlessly with the smart and intelligent Samuel.
Samuel's quick wit and short attention span usually plagued him, of course when he first met a new acquaintance; he grew bored easily, very easily, which meant he usually had to go to a few social extremities in order to keep his teenage mind interested. The perfect example was his first meeting with Elspeth, not so much classified as a meeting, more of a rude interruption. No matter how rude Elspeth's interruption may have been, Samuel matched her unmannered introduction, and the two were holding hands by night. Samuel even managed to bother letting Elspeth keep his jacket. He had another jacket of the same kind; however in a smaller size, which fit well, considering his weight seemed to be on a constant low, especially since depression started to form in his mind. But that afternoon posed as a distraction, from all Samuel's troubles, in one way or another. Unlike his usual first encounters, where he was left bored to death, usually be some girl who wanted to make his fancy, pretty, but without any intellect. No wonder he hated being interrupted. Conversely, that afternoon, he had not been interrupted by James, and the tables had been turned, as a clumsy Samuel, caught up in a daydream, had interrupted James instead.

He had made a smooth recovery from their unexpected introduction, and now he was in complete control of the situation, it was obvious, very obvious. Yet somehow, instead of growing bored beyond words because of his new found friend, Samuel had grown to be bored of being in control. The irony caused the seventeen year old to laugh, almost sarcastically. Had he consumed too much coffee already? He wasn't even counting, but his craving for more caffeine worsened as his thoughts settled on drinking more coffee. Samuel, gave into his craving, and with a pleasant nod at James, the Part-Veela stood up out of his seat, to order another soy latte, instead with two shots of coffee instead of one. Some people believed Samuel had an addiction to caffeine, which did not fall as a surprise considering the teen's addictive personality. But on the contrary to popular belief, Samuel needed caffeine to stay in reality. He hardly slept anymore, and even with seven coffees, one after another, all in a row in the morning to keep his mind alert, reality still felt like a dream. A minute still felt like eternity, and Samuel, was still a heavy shade of chaos under his beautiful appearance.

His coffee made its way onto the counter, and the wizard handed over payment, smirking at the barista, an attractive young girl before returning to his oversized and comfortable chair for the second time. Samuel took a big gulp of his freshly brewed coffee, choking a little at the heat. Yet the salvation of feeling half-awake was well worth a burnt mouth. He composed himself quickly, and focused his attention back at his new friend. "Uh, well I do paint. It's how I pass most of my time. When I'm not talking to adorable boys like yourself." He politely replied, ignoring James' question about which school he went to. Some things are better left unsaid, and his school was one of them, as it forced him to think about what caused his depression in the first place, something he forbade himself from thinking about, ever since a certain accident which landed him in hospital a mere three weeks prior to this conversation. So to make up for his lack of answering the question properly, Samuel flashed a flawless smile right at James.
Jamie blushed scarlet when Sam mention him being adorable which he could safely say was a first in his lifetime and most likely the last as Jamie was oddly pessimistic about love. He past was a difficult one since he grew up in a monastery of sorts which meant that chastity and purity was of the up most importance and to indulge in the flesh was a sign of weakness. His master knew that he struggled with the idea since he not only struggled with the idea of living his life alone but also that he feared due to his gayness he would never find someone who was the same as him. However once he left the safety of the temple he had found that there was others like him who had the same desire and urges but also it was normal to have these feelings. If his father Tillian had no issue with it and in fact encouraged him to date and to love even going as far as introducing him to several young men his age that was openly gay but well situated in modern society which caused Jamie to laugh at and refused kindly. After all it was all in good nature and Tillian meant well it was just he could not date someone his father approved of unless he wanted to end up with someone just like his father which he already had one overbearing socialite that was the last thing he need was two who got along that had his "best" interest in heart.

Jamie took another sip of his coffee and noted the vast amount of caffeine his company had consumed in such a short period of time which would have him bouncing off walls for days. Jamie loved coffee which could be seen in his house where Tillian did not even so much as look at him until he had his first cup of Joe. Tillian was a tea drinker which he had no problems with but he did not care for hot tea as much as his father did nor would he ever as it reminded him of liquid potpourri when it was hot. Jamie smiled at the boy as he struggled to find what else to say following the compliment which he would never forget ...ever. After a few moments he decided that the art subject seemed like a safe enough topic even though he had a burning desire to talk about the man's sexuality. He reframed from asking a deeply personal question as Tillian would have died on the spot if Jamie had asked the boy that question as it was "socially impolite" to ask such a thing much to the same effect that asking a woman her age or weight was frowned on which he did not understand since he was not ashamed of either of those questions but then again he had lived under a proverbial rock most of his life.

"So you are a painter than, I like to draw as paint is one of those mediums that has my father infuriated for days since my whole room has a toxic smell which he swears kills brain cells by the second. Not to mention painting is one of those things you do that makes a huge mess which is liberating to you but destructive to the furniture and carpet. When did you start painting? Or have you always been a painter having grown up around water colors like so many of us are? I can still remember the yellow tray with the five colors and familiar Disney characters that I would sit for hours ruining with fantastical colors of black and grey from the overlapping paint" Jamie said feeling all to comfortable with the stranger before realizing that he had ramble which caused him to wince slightly as he doubted the boy cared about his adventurous years as a toddler.
Samuel mused, the overcast day had faded into early evening, passing along unnoticed by the two teenagers, not once speculated on. The air still appeared as though mid-afternoon clung to day, yet eventually Samuel and James would have to find themselves parting ways, half under sweet sorrow, half under the influence of sheer need to make their responsibilities known elsewhere, outside the carefully constructed confines of a small, almost invisible cafe. Samuel, absent mindedy chewing on the inside of his cheek, seemed oddly focused, showing his current cup of coffee were is final dose of the day, even so, the artist found himself bemused at the thought of feeling normal, brushing shoulders, even briefly with reality, having grown to accustom to living life as a dream. He started to crave life as a dream, just as quickly as he realised reality was just as boring as he thought, too sharp, and not fuzzy enough around the edges. Samuel quickly smirked at his younger company, more reserved, sensible, and interesting than Samuel could ever have hoped for. In a world where power was handed to those who relied on appearance, Samuel wouldn't have had to worry, nor doubt himself. However, the power was instead handed to those with charisma, and charm, something Samuel unfortunately lacked. James seemed to have an untouched amount of confidence, begging to break out from its cage, needing to be released so James could grow as a person.

It was that thought which caused Samuel to abruptly sit forward in his chair, in perfect harmony with the grandfather clock next to the fireplace, striking the hour of six. He had a desire to speak over the ringing of the six bells, equally timed one after another, yet his dry throat begged to differ. After the sixth, and final bell from the clock dimmed into silence, the teenager cleared his throat, nodding at the cup of coffee James had been sipping away at. "You finished?" Samuel queried the younger wizard, his handsome features glowing warmly in the firelight. His plan, if James had finished drinking his coffee, would be to leave the cafe, with his younger company following along behind. The two walking as far as possible side by side, until a fork in the road lead them apart. An optimistic plan, foreign among his lingering negative mind-set. Really, Samuel wanted to spend as much time possible with James, to get to know the younger teenager better, their personalities just seemed to click, mesh together perfectly without either of the two knowing, and Samuel liked it that way.

His intention was not to appear rude, in ignoring James' question about art; in fact it was quite the opposite. Samuel would have loved to have spoken about his work, all day, every day, with a fellow artist who had the slightest chance of appreciating every bush stroke, every splash of colour, everything. Thus far the time kept his attention focused on where he should be, instead of sharing the details of his creative outlet with another. The artist impatiently ran a hand through his hair, a habit James would end up accustomed to, if they kept in contact after their first, unusual meeting. Samuel had already studied James a little, in between his habitual zoning in and out of the conversation, his logical thinking working overtime, to try and decipher the younger wizard. Shaking his head, Samuel finally stood up from his chair, stretching and consecutively letting out a delicate sigh. With any luck, James had already taken into account the time, and were planning to make his way home also, wherever his home was. The part-veela would happily escort him to his destination, as long as the promise of unrelenting conversation loomed the air. Samuel approached James' chair, holding out a hand to help James up, lips curving into a pleasant smile, gracing his already heartfelt features the gentlemanly thing to do, in most respects.
Jamie had in fact just finished his coffee when several things happened all at once which sent his ever fleeting focus out the window and into a whirlwind of chaos and scattered thoughts as he placed the thick mug on the table in front of him. The first thing that happened that caused his focus to falter was the way the light from the fireplace caused Samuel eyes to dance with varying shade of brown that left Jamie feeling breathless as he took a mental picture of the man in this moment as if it would be the last time they would ever be together. He want to carry the image with him everywhere so that he would never forget the way the boy made him feel like he could save the world single handedly ... almost like a superhero. Sam was not like anyone he ever met nor did Jamie believe that the man would be like anyone that he has yet to meet, it was a feeling that both excited and confused him since someone so unique you naturally would never want to loose in any capacity. He was sure that the boy left broken hearts behind were ever he travel in a bittersweet romance kind of way that the great writers of their time often talked about with a dreamy look in their eyes.

The next thing that drew him closer to chaos was the chimes of the glorious grandfather clock that rung in his head like it did when Cinderella realized time was now up which made him deeply saddened. It had seemed as though their time was running out since Jamie need to be back home before Tillian sent out the hit wizards to bring him home. How could he loose track of time so fool-heartily it was not like him to be so out of touch with the now that he forgot the time. He did not want to part ways so soon as the man before him was an enigma wrapped in mystery punctuated by a question mark and Jamie wished for nothing more than to know everything about the handsome stranger and yet fate was cruel and desperately worked to tear them apart before they ever really got to know each other. Jamie did not pout nor would he fight against what need to be done because he had hope that it would not be the last time he saw Samuel but only tie would tell. Gather his things he looked the man in the eyes as they both stood up together each stretching and gathering their things as they prepared to leave the small haven untouched by the real world forever a fixture and the rock that any future relationship that would blossom would be built upon.

Lastly the third thing that set his mind spiraling out of control was the question that Sam had asked him, Finished yet? It was such a simple question but when asked Jamie's mind rang with an answer that caused him to frown, I will never be finished with you! It was something that he felt in parts of his soul that he did not know existed but it seemed that from such delicate regions of his being he knew that it would not be the last that he would see of Samuel because in such a small span of time and unavoidable the two of them had forged a bond that no one would ever destroy no matter who tried. They were soul mates in the most purest form unsoiled by the outside world forever meant to be together in one capacity or the other. It was this thought that allowed Jamie to smile at the man as he nodded his head to answer the question that hung in the air. He would let Samuel lead the way as it was easier to follow than it was to lead as he thought of some desperate way to stay in the man's company a little longer. Maybe the guy would walk with him the few blocks it would take to reach Jamie's house so they did not have to leave on such an uneventful way.

"I need to be heading home sadly since my father and I have a meeting at the local Debutante club it seems that my social skills need much work if I am ever going to meet my prince charming..." Jamie said not realizing that he had officially outed himself to a complete stranger and it would not hit him until later where he would kick himself for it.

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