Closed Kicking Rocks

Savannah Walters

sda president; seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (17)
Savannah wasn't often in Obsidian Harbour, she lived in Brightstone and it was only because she had needed to get some basic owl treats for her father's owl whom he never took care of. She was kicking rocks as she moved along the harbour. The weather was nice, so she wasn't too bothered by it, and she had a couple of hours to kill before she was due back home and there was nothing exciting happening at home so why not just kick about Obsidian Harbour. She kicked some rocks into the water, ignoring anyone who was swimming in the wayer where she was kicking the rocks. She couldn't wait till she was at school and had her wand and was finally able to learn about magic. Away from her stupid parents.
Swimming in the harbor again, despite the dirty water, quickly became one of Cassius Styx's favorite past times when the one watching him was doing something else. He was going to catch a fish with his bare hands. He had to! However, something kept scaring the fish away. The source of the problem dropped on his head while he was underwater. He never believed in karma, so this was likely outside forces at play for hitting that muggle in the face with a rock, and blaming him for it. He emerged from the surface to see a girl kicking rocks. "Hey! Watch where you are kicking those things!" Cass shouted from the water. "Just because your life might suck doesn't give you the right to hit me with a rock!" That was rich coming from him. So very ironic and rich.
Of course Savannah hadn't been paying attention to what she was doing or she might've avoided exactly this, but she hadn't been watching and was stopped in her tracks by a boy who was swimming in the water. She frowned at him. "Dude, this is on you, who swims in a harbour," she retorted sharply. She wasn't going to admit fault or anything because it couldn't be her fault and really she didn't think it was his fault either but she wouldn't say that. "And my life is great, at least I have a shower at home so I don't have to wash off in public," she was sure that his life was a whole lot better than hers, since she knew her life sucked but he couldn't know that and the fact her life sucked had nothing to do with her kicking rocks.
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Was she really blaming him? Him?! That was ridiculous! He swam over to the edge and climbed out, grabbing his towel to wrap around his shoulders. His eyes glared at the girl that dared to hit him in the head. Even if it were not on purpose, she needed to take responsibility! And then the audacity to accuse him of needing the harbor to take a bath! “I happen to be… Actually that isn’t important. Do you see bath stuff? I don’t need to bathe in the harbor! I’m wealthy!” He dried himself off and slipped on his clothes, which thankfully were just robes that actually signified that he was upper class at least. He would need to go home and take a bath after this, but that was not important. “I am a bloody pureblood, so trust me, my economic level is definitely outside of your comprehension, girl.”
As if blaming her for what had happened to him was bad enough, he seemed to take real insult to her saying he was poor. Savannah was suddenly even more defensive, as if he could see that she was in fact poor and that she always felt her parents were one pay check away from always have to use aguamenti to fill buckets to wash themselves in. She crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes at him, making a big show of it. "Sure thing buddy," Savannah retorted trying to keep her tone more casual. "I mean if you're washing in public I bet you don't have the money for soap or anything," she added quickly, even as she watched him put on some of the nicest robes she'd ever seen.

Savannah wasn't exactly the sort of person who cared about fashion but his fancy robes were clearly well made, and a far cry from her clearly worn and oversized clothes. It was not too much of a surprise that he was pureblood, or at least claimed to be. "Well, duhh it's out of my comprehension because your economic level is so below what I know," Savannah was lying, bare faced lying, and she knew it was probably easy to tell that she was. She had never been very good at it. But it was said now, she wasn't going to take it back.
Cass could hardly believe what the girl was saying. The nerve! Perhaps she was blind or something? He gestured his hand in front of her face. "Only a blind person would assume that my clothes are that of the poor. And seeing your reaction, there's no way, so you are just stupid," Cass insulted casually, like it was second nature. Well, to be fair, it was second nature to him. Cass was just in awe that someone was like that... Unless there was a reason. Of course! She was jealous! She saw how he looked and knew that he was rich, therefore was trying to bring him down! Well, that was not going to work on him. No sir. He looked her over once more and pointed out. "I think you are trying to project your issues on me. Nice try."

Even so, she still kicked a rock and had a personality that seemed to butt heads against his. But she was clearly lying, trying to make herself feel better about herself. It was just so obvious - to him anyway. "Coming from someone who either dropped a lot of weight real quick, or has hand-me-downs? Yeah, I'm really going to care about your opinion." He paused as he reached into his pockets to feel around. Yes, he had money with him.
"Actually, let me do you a favor. I'll buy you something. Then, you can owe me something in the future. Assuming you come from a magical background. If you have muggle parents, I will not waste my time."
Savannah huffed a little and rolled her eyes at him, clearly she'd touched a real nerve, and she could tell his clothes were fancy and rich but she wasn't going to give him that satisfaction, no way. She didn't really know why but annoying him was just the way to go about this, she'd definitely not done anything wrong and he'd just overreacted so she would overreact back. She frowned as he accused her of projecting and it was probably was true. This boy was probably rich in a way that Savannah had no clue about. Her family was on the breadline, jumping between having very little to no money. It was just a good thing they were magic because that solved water and heating, lights.

There was no way Savannah was going to let this boy know that. "Ehh, it's called style...worn clothes are in, but you'd never know that since you just want to project fake wealth," she retorted with a roll of her eyes. It was entirely fake. And if they weren't having this argument when he offered to buy her something, she might've almost accepted. "I don't need your fake charity. Keep your last galleons to yourself," Savannah replied, "My parents are magical, I'm mixed blood," She didn't have particularly feelings about people and their blood types but she definitely got the impression that this boy cared a lot.
Cassius could hardly believe this. Worn clothes were in style? What a joke! Then again... What if they were? He was not the type to keep up with girl fashion, so maybe looking like a bum was in or something. How ridiculous though. "If looking like a hag is considered 'in', then I am really glad that I am considered 'out' because there's no way I would look like that." Just no. There was no way. But her saying all those things to him, someone that was born with a diamond spoon no less, was still irritating. He didn't even know why it bothered him. Why should he care about some lowlife's opinion of him? No, he needed to set a good example for the family. But it was so hard when she clearly was blind! Or... She was riling him up on purpose!

"Last galleons? Ha, maybe for today. I get a daily allowance if I behave." Now, he was fibbing. He received an allowance weekly, if he behaved day by day, but whatever. At least she wasn't muggle-born so she might have heard of his family. A cocky smirk crossed his lips. "Good, then maybe you heard of my family then. I'm Cassius Styx. I even have the classic silver eyes and tallness, before you call me a liar on that one." He smirked even more. "If you are on my good side, if you go to Hogwarts New Zealand like me in the coming year, you'll have connections to make it big." And such big talk from someone who had absolutely no idea how to pull off such a task.
Savannah rolled her eyes at him. It was very obvious that this boy had money and was beyond the trends whatever they were. They certainly weren't what Savannah was saying they were given that these were just her clothes, old and worn because they were old and worn. "That's a likely excuse," she retort to his comment on the 'current' style. She couldn't imagine getting a daily allowance, she only got money if she was sent to buy things and never more than what she needed. But she didn't need his money or his charity, even if it was only offered because she was riling him up.

At his name, she paused somewhat, actually glancing him over. She was familiar with the name, her family wasn't super involved in those sorts of things but it was difficult to escape this boy's family. "I don't need your connections," she replied quickly, though it would probably help her and her parents who were so awful at keeping jobs, but giving this boy that satisfaction. "I'm Savannah Walters, I'll make it big on my own," she said her surname though it held none of the importance of his and might end up meaning that this boy could figure out her parents and therefore how much she'd been lying.
This girl was adamant on not believing him, and now Cassius was growing somewhat impatient. He had to keep reminding himself not to care about it though. Why should he care? He really, truly shouldn't. This was a no one, surely. Wearing that, even if she were pureblood would not be worth his salt. "Whatever you say, peasant." If she was going to insult and tease him, then he could do the same. But the moment that she said that she did not need his connections told him that she did know of his family, therefore would know that he was definitely not poor. He never wanted to be thought of as that, even though it was rude to really tease someone over their financial status. Her name was not really important from what he could gather, which made him smirk even more. "If you say so, Savannah Walters. Very few people can make it big on their own, but most do it when they have a strong backing. At least, that is what my parents say." Cassius shrugged his shoulders. "But we are kids, so what do we know? Except the difference between rags and riches."
Savannah certainly felt insulted as he called her a peasant, but she knew she couldn't exactly retort or she'd end up giving it all away or giving him the upper hand and she wasn't about to do that. Someone who was a peasant would be annoyed by it, someone who wasn't would know that they weren't. Savannah was sure that her name would give it away but he didn't seem to point it out. She just frowned. "Just you wait and see," he was also sure that it would help to have a strong backing but she didn't have that, so her only option was to make it alone. She would let him know that that was her only option. She definitely didn't want to give this game away. "I know more than you," she retorted with a roll of her eyes. "But I do have better things to do that talk to you....and you can get back to your.....bath,"
Cassius thought that someone that was lower would have jumped at the chance to work with someone like him, but that was not the case. He was flabbergasted, but whatever. It was her failure in the end. "Fine. Fall on your face and never get out of those rags. I doubt you'll even afford a suitable wand. Oh well, no skin off my back." Cass smirked as he knew that he was poking at her to see if she would react, because he had a feeling that she was like most others in the wizarding world - a nobody. As if she would know more though. He spent his time studying subjects so he could be lightyears ahead of others (although he wasn't allowed to practice magic which was unfortunate otherwise he would likely graduate at age 13 with his brilliance). The amount of pride he had was astronomical - of course. He let out an audible groan as he grabbed the rest of his things to go back to his brother. "It was not a bath!" At this point, was there any point in convincing her? He was annoyed, and he needed to get something to eat. Swimming on an empty stomach was not good.
Savannah began moving, heading away from him and she heard his last retort. She turned around and gave one last wave towards the boy but continued to walk away. She wasn't going to bother going back, she felt she had had the best outcome there, she hadn't won..because there was no winning this sort of thing but he seemed like a jerk and if she lingered around he'd end up figuring out more about her than she wanted to. If he hadn't already.

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