Kerrani Austin

Kerrani Austin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kerrani Mary Austin​

<FONT font="georgia"><SIZE size="150"><B>A Brief description

Kerrani is a sweet, caring young girl who doesn't speak to anybody. Even so, she is very friendly, and will do everything she can to make her friends happy. Kerrani is muggle born. She is very brave, and a hopeful Gryffindor student. All in all, she is a very kind young girl, who is often referred to as Kerry. She is willing to try new things, and take on new challenges. She never lets anything get in the way of her dreams.

<I>Physical appearance

Hair colour:


Hair type:

Mid length/long, curly



Eye colour:



She wears glasses for reading

Personal Details


Kerrani Mary Austin




4 stone 10 lb


Kerrani is a sweet natured girl. She will go out of her way to help others. She doesn't ever speak, and nobody except her knows why. She communicates with nods and shakes of her head, and occasionally she writes it down (If it was for a friend, for example). Kerrani would not dream of being horrible to somebody.

Favorite things






Her sheep toy which she has had since she was 5.

Hogwarts information

House (Or hopeful house):

Kerrani hopes to be in Gryffindor when she moves to Hogwarts.

More information to come when she moves to Hogwarts

<COLOR color="#CC0066">Family


Kerrani's mum is 39. She works at a train station in New Zealand. Her name is Lilith Mary Miller (Maiden Name)



Kerrani's dad is 40. He works as an accountant in New Zealand. His name is Zach Matthew Austin.

Brothers and Sisters:

Kerrani has no brothers or sisters. She is an only child.
Hey there! :)
I have a few questions to help us get to know your character a little bit more, and perhaps help you to develop her more as well.

How did your character's parents react when they found out that their daughter was a witch?
How did Kerrani to discovering she was a witch?
Why does Kerrani not speak to anybody?
Does Kerrani have a nickname she likes to go by?
What about Kerrani makes her seem destined for Gryffindor house?
What are Kerrani's aspirations for when she is older?
Does Kerrani have any goals for her time in Hogwarts?
What is your character's favourite animal? Why?

I think that should suffice for now. ^_^

I look forward to reading your responses.
Ooh, I did not realize these were here, so thank you for asking them Nickeh ^_^

How did your character's parents react when they found out that their daughter was a witch? They were very supportive of Kerrani, and although they realised she would be going away to school, they tried to motivate her as best they could, until she agreed that it would probably be best not to waste what she had.

How did Kerrani to discovering she was a witch? Kerrani was confused, and wasn't sure what that meant. She didn't like the idea of going away to school, but her parents persuaded her to go.

Why does Kerrani not speak to anybody? She feels she may say something wrong to somebody. The fear of embarassing herself this way stops her from speaking, and if she could speak using her mind, she was say 'I just dont'.

Does Kerrani have a nickname she likes to go by? She does - Kerry, but she cannot tell anybody that.

What about Kerrani makes her seem destined for Gryffindor house? Though she doesn't speak, Kerrani is very brave in all other concepts, and although smart, not a nerd, and though kind, can be insulting. And so, seeing as she is definately not cruel, she hoped to go into Gryffindor.

What are Kerrani's aspirations for when she is older? Kerrani has never really thought about what she would like to do when she was older. Though in the future she will think she would like to overcome her fears, and become a professor.

Does Kerrani have any goals for her time in Hogwarts? To overcome her fear of speaking by making friends and eventually feeling so strange compared to them, simply talking.
She would also like to become a professor of Astronomy when she grows up, although she doesn't know that yet.

What is your character's favourite animal? Why? Kerrani's favourite animal is a deer, because they are small, fast and in her opinion - Beautiful animals.

Thank you again for the questions, and I hope that answered them alright ^_^

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