Kat and Caysi

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Caysi Romance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caysi (Main Account)
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Caysi walked down to the Garden, it made her peaceful. Nothing mattered these days to her, except for her cutting, it made her feel a whole lot better. Her parent's wouldn't stop fighting, so that was he solution to it. She pulled out the piece of glass and made some fresh cuts on her arm. The blood dripped down, she loved the sight of it. People must think that she's a monster.
As stated in the Site Rules under "GENERAL/CODE OF CONDUCT":
4. Excessive violence, gore, suicide, or self-mutilation are prohibited. While conflict and a certain amount of violence are central to some plotlines involving the Death Eaters, members must be careful not to step over the line to explicit gore and horror movie territory. The roleplaying of suicide or self-mutilation may result in immediate banishment.

I encourage you to re-read the site rules, and if you feel there are any grey areas please Personal Message an Administrator for clarification of the rules and/or permission to proceed with a plot.

I'll be closing this thread, if you desire it re-opened please PM me. :)
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