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Edmund Kreuz

Well-Known Member
Hornbeam Wood, 8' ¨ö" Essence of Phoenix Feather
About Edmund:

Name: Edmund Marius Kreuz (Ed-munt)
Date Of Birth: 16th March 1988
Orientation: Hetrosexual
Appearance: Six foot two inches, short, spiked dark brown hair, wears black a lot, has a nose ring and a labret. He also has a chest smothered in tattoos and a little bit of neatly trimmed facial hair.
Occupation: Musician, judge jury and executioner
Likes: Wrock music, romance, red, mint ice-cream, screaming fans, concerts, balconies, red wine, gloves, wizarding fireworks.
Dislikes: Long-term relationships, boggarts, women who refuse to be seduced.

What I desire (Temptation):

Requirements: Must be female and at least 17 years of age.
If your character is a fan of Quintaped, that would probably help.
The 'romance' will only last for a couple of months, top, so if you want your character to have a brief fling with a wrocker, Edmund is your man ;)
It'd be quite fun if someone was married and had a fling with him.
Any blood status other than muggle (because they wouldn't know him.. Although, I suppose that'd be kinda cool) and preferably living in Europe. (But I'm sure we can work something out)

An important note:
I currently have no intention of finding a final for Edmund, however, if he does meet someone very special, I'll let you know ;)

Requirements: You must be [-----] this awesome ;)
Anyone who wants to come along to gigs, is welcome to. (Obviously, RP having bought tickets, rather than just randomly walking in xD Unless there's randomly a competition that someone wins.. Which could lead to such things as below.
Any lady fans may just find themselves being flown away into the sunset.
And yes, I do mean pretty much ANY.

I need people for Edmund to know outside of his life in Quintaped
Requirements: Preferably males so that Edmund is not tempted to make life awkward for himself and his friends. Although, I would sort of like him to have an old school friend (female) who he possibly has a little chemistry with, but they have never been anything more than close friends, going for drinks together and having a laugh.
As for the males, they should probably be the sort who sit around getting drunk, talking pig swill.
All friends should be at least 20. I would like the school friend to be 37/38/39, and the males to be around that age, possibly slightly older or younger.

Band Members
I would like at least two other people to join the band, save me just RPing them as being there.
Requirements: Male would be best, but I can accept a female, I guess..
Should know how to play guitar/drums/violin/cello/any interesting instrument.
You should be available, every now and then, to RP gigs.
Doesn't matter if your character is pure blood, half, mixed, whatever, but not muggle.
As I have college, I'm pretty chillaxed about people taking their time to post, as I will take my time, also.
Maximum band members - 5 (not including Edmund)
It would also help a load if they were German or from/living in that sort of area, as opposed to being from New Zealand and having to travel all that way every day of practice.

Band Info:

Name: Quintaped
Current Members: Edmund Kreuz
Upcoming Gigs: -

If you don't want to post here for whatever reason, feel free to PM Edmund Kreuz. I'm normally on everyday for a couple of hours, unless I've drowned under all my college work. :lol:
I have Bea. She could be some random fan.
Or an obsessed stalker-fan, whatever.
She is the kind of person who gives blondes a bad name, very slow to catch on and ditzy.
Bea can be whatever. *shrugs*

whilst there's a large age gap, if they were both rather drunk, I feel Zephina could be 'Seduced' xD
She's a right flirt, and goes out with a LOT of boys. i have an interesting idea though. (By the way, she's meant to be in members, not Durmy :p )

There are two people i want Zephina to.. 'Meet' xD . Perhaps.. I was hoping to get her preggies see, and if she had been with both people, she wouldn't know who's it was :tut:

naughty, eh?
Beatrice - The idea of a stalker fan is kind of amusing :p It could start off as a normal sort of 'fan of the band' thing, and then she could start leaving him rose petals, or something, and then, she could start writing on mirrors and leaving him notes and, eventually, she could be hiding in the room with him and he's looking in the mirror and he sees her and can be all 'oh mein Gott..'
Or something like that xD
Up to you, really :D

Zephina - I like the first part :) The second part, I will have to PM you about ;)
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