Kala's House

Kala laughed as Angela took a bite. "Careful. Its spicy." Then she took a huge bit herself.
"ZOMG!" she screamed. "These are awesome!"
Kala laughed so hard she nearly choked. "I told you they were good." She gasped in between coughs.
"I can't believe I've never had these before!" She smiled and said, "spit it out girl, you are turning blue." Of course Kala wasn't, it was just an expression.
Kala stopped choking and stuck her tongue out at Angela. "So hopefully next time you come over you can meet Kari. He really is the nicest person you can meet."
Angela froze with a nacho half-way into her mouth. She really didn't want to meet Kari. Sure she couldn't dislike him because she hadn't met him, but still, she was afraid to. She realized that she had been sitting there for almost a full minute with a nacho hanging out of her mouth; so she bit down and ate it. "Y-yeah sure."
Kala frowned. "Don't you want to meet my big brother?"
"Uh, yeah of course i do." she put on the best smile she could do. she really did want to meet him, she was just to scared and uneasy around adults.
Angela smiled, "OK." Kala trusted her, and she trusted Kala. "So what now?" She asked eating another nacho.
"Wait here." Kala walked to her room and got her box out from the top of the closet. She came back and sat down next to Angela. Her arms crossed protectively over the box. "This is all I have left of my parents."
She smiled when Kala came out, her arms crossed protectively over a box. "All you have left? Pictures?"
"Some." Kala carefully opened the box. Quickly the scent of lillacs and lavender came wafting out. She held up a small purple bottle. It was slightly curvy and looked so pretty. "This was my moms perfume. She would always wear this as she rocked me asleep."
The smell was intoxicating to Angela she sniffed the air. "wow that's an amazing scent."
"I know." Kala had a small smile spread over her face. She brought out a small book of piano music. "This was my mother's too. She would write all her songs in here. I have each one of them memorized. She was an amazing artist."

Kala set down the notepad, reached in and pulled out a stetch pad. It was torn, the pages were yellowing, and dust had started to cover the top. SHe brushed it off and opened the well worn pages. She had spent so many nights looking at these pages, wondering what her mother was thinking as she drew her vision of the world. The first page was of a small baby. Her fingers longer than most but gracefull. Her eyes so strikingly deep.

Kala smiled at her portrate. She could tell by the precision of the lines that her mother worked very hard on this. She fliped the next page. A self portate of her mother. A beautiful, kind looking face. She had the same long and gracefull fingers, the same strikingly deep green eyes. She hoped to one day be as beautiful as her mother.

Kala could feel a tear slide down her cheek and she wiped it away before it could hit the paper. "There are many more and your welcome to look through them if you'd like, but i really wanted to show you these. They are my favorite. The baby is me and the woman is my mother."
Angela watched as Kala flipped through the sketch book. She could only imagine how hard it must be for her. She smiled. "Your mother was an amazing artist!" She exclaimed. "Just like you." she watched Kala wipe away a tear and Angela put a hand on her shoulder. "You look a lot like your mom. You are both beautiful."
She smiled as Kala offered her the book. she took it gently and flipped through the pages as if she was caring for a fragile little baby. The drawings were so amazing, they looked like photographs. She smiled at the photo's.
"so are these all of you," she asked talking about some of the little girl drawings.
Kala shook her head. "Some of the baby pictures are of Kari." Yet again she went ruffling though the musty old box. She pulled out a long and elagantly carved handle. She smiled fondly as she swept her hand across the smooth ivory. With a quick motion she flicked it open. The blade was still in prestine condition. She shown it is the light leaning it into Angela's veiw. "This was my father's. He used to carve the most beautiful small statues. He could carve something beautiful out of anything."
She saw her pull out the hand;e of a knife. At first Angela was relieved to see it was just the handle, but when she puled out a knife Angela flinched back a bit. she hated knives ever since her sister tried to carve her last thanksgiving. "Wow really," she said trying to keep her voice from shaking.
Kari walked up the stares. His legs heavy fro, working hard all day. His eyes lidded as he walked down the hallway to his door. He opened it and as he looked at his beloved little sister he felt all his fatige and worries wash away. Everything was going to be okay. On the couch besides her was a rather tall girl. Her long hair drifting over her shoulder. He smiled happy to see that Kala had made a friend. He walked in and took his shoes off. "Kala! Where's that hug of mine!"
A tall man, Kari no doubt, walked into the room. Angela's heart skipped a bat, she was terrified of him already. She looked at him with wide eyes as he asked Kala for a hug. Sure being afraid of men was an irrational fear, but it was third greatest fear.
Kala set down her knife and leaped to her brother. "KARI! Your home!" She swung about in his arms, smiling at the feeling of being protected. When he set her down she smiled at Angela. "This is my big brother Kari."
"Uh-huh," she said nodding. She tried to put a smile on her face, but she couldn't.
Kari stuck out his hand and with a great big smile said, "Its very nice to meet you, Kala's friend."
She forced herself to smile and extend a very shaky hand. "n-nice to m meet you t-too."
Kala frowned at her friend. "Yeah Kari. This is Angela." Then in an effort to make him leave she said, "Can you make us something to eat big brother? I'm really hungry."

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