Kala's House

"yeah it will be great. Though i miss my mother a lot." She said smiling.
"Yeah i'll miss Kari too." Kala smiled. "We can still write them though. So what house do you think you'll get?"
I think either Ravenclaw or Gryffendor. i don't know." She said smiling. "What about you?"
"Kari tells me I'm a deffinate for Ravenclaw, but he's never gone to hogwarts." Kala frowned.
"Well you seem smart enough. I hear that everyone from Ravenclaw is smart. I think that you could do it!"
Kala smiled and nodded. "I certianly hope so."
She smiled at Kala. "Oh you will be, trust me."
Kala smiled. She liked having someone to trust. "Yeah. You bet I will."
Angela smiled back at Kala, it was contagious. "So what do you do around the house all day?"
Kala pointed out the window. "Mostly I just people watch and draw."
"Oh well that sounds like fun, have you been out to obsidian Harbor or anywhere?"
"Oh yeah, me and Klaus went together to walk around. It's not boring but it's not too exciting, just gives you something to do." She said.
"Yeah that would be fun." Angela smiled at Kala and started to laugh... something about Kala made her laugh, but what was it? Maybe Angela just felt the need to laugh.
Kala looked out to see the sky starting to darken. "Its getting late."
"Yeah, i should probably get going, Skyle might be getting worried." She said smiling.
"Yeah you're probably right." Kala stood up and outstretched her hands for a hug.
"okay," she gave Kala a hug. "It was nice meeting and seeing you." She turned and said loud enough for Kari to hear. "It was nice meeting you to Kari." Seh smiled and handed Kala a piece of paper with her number on it. "Here if you need to get a hold of me." She smiled.
Kala raised her eyebrow. She said in a half kidding half serious tone, "Can I call you even if I don't need to?"
"Yeah of course." She checked her watch. "Skyle will be getting worried." she said heading toward the door.
"Okay Angela. I'm glad I met you. I hope to see you soon. Later!" Kala waved to her friend.
Angela left the house feeling very serene. she had made a good friend, someone who she knew would strive to protect her, and someone she would protect also.

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