Kala's House

Angela Marion

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Angela was so very excited. Her and Kala had took a taxi to where sh elived. though Angela was excited, something in her was a bit scared. 'what if her brother is home?' she thought. Angela had always been afraid of adult men, ever since the death of her father; she just couldn't stand it. "Are we almost there?"
Kala looked happily at Angela as the cab slowed. "Yup we're here."She opened the door and stepped out. "Welcome to Kala Casa!" A tall brick building with crumpling mortor stood before them. "Its not much to look at but it's home."
"I love it," Angela said, cheering right up. she looked at it. It wasn't what she was used to, but it was something she could see herself in. "So, lets go, i can't wait to see it!"
"Alright." Kala took out her key and opened the front door. "If your a guest you have to be buzzed in but since your with me you don't have to worry about it." Kala then led Angela up two flights to room 213. After unlocking the front door Kala led her inside. The couch was beat up, the walls an off white, and the floor had stains all over it but this place had become home to Kala. She could tell by the quietness that Kari must have gone to work.
Angela actually was loving the house. She hadn't ever liked anyhting being too perfect, this was just right. "this is amazing!"
"There is a pool outback, but I don't swim. We can still go out if you want, or we can just chill here and I'll make us some food." Kala smiled. She was glad that Angela wasn't disgusted with her place.
"Oh sure that sounds great." She didn't mention that she couldn't swim either, it didn't seem important.
Kala cocked her eye brow. "Which one, swimming or food?" She laughed. Angela must have been to absorbed in taking her home in that she probably didn't relize that there was two choices.
"Um, well i can't swim, so food... wait or are we swimming in food?" Angela had become a bit confused.
Kala laughed so hard she snorted. "No, we are just eating the food."
Angela laughed too. "Okay, I'll eat it. though I wonder what it'd be like to swim in it?"
"Speaking I'm making salsa, I think it would probably burn." Kala struck her tongue out as she slipped a bowl into the microwave. Then as the food was cooking she stepped away. "Would you like to see my brother's and my room?"
"uh sure..." She paused and thought before speaking. "He's not here is he?"
Kala laughed. "No I told you he works a lot." Kala led Angela to a single bedroom with two beds. One on either side of the room. She pointed to the smaller bed with the purple covers. "Thats my bed, and over there is Kari's bed." His bed was much bigger than Kala's but had much less on it. "We share the same closet too. Our bathroom is through that door."
"Really, must suck." Angela had never had to share a room with anyone. when she was young she refused to share a room with her brother, and for good reasons.
"I don't mind at all. My brother has always been my protector. I feel safer with him here." Kala's smile was warm and full of love for her older brother. "I really am so lucky to have him. He works so hard for us to live here."
Angela smiled at Kala's admiration for Kari. It was something she only had for her father. She felt another piece of her heart break, knowing that she couldn't have ever felt that for her brother. The smile Kala gave her, made her tears stop from forming; Angela smiled back. "That's great! I've never met anyone with as much love for their siblings."
"Well the death of our parents really brought Kari and I together." Kala frowned slightly. "Speaking he actually knew them it was very hard on them. He tells me that I'm fortuante not to have remembered."
Angela knew what it was like to loose someone. "I'm really sorry, but something good came out of it at least." She smiled at her, her green-blue eyes glowing.
"Yeah I guess so." Kala's eyes twinkled. Then the timer went off. "So how 'bout them nachos?"
"Ive never had nachos! So yeah."
Kala's Jaw dropped. "You've never had nachos?"
"nope, but i'm sure they are amazing!"
"Trust me!" Kala made her face dramatic, "You in for the ride of your life." Kala handed her a dipped tortilla chip.
"Oh, this is going to be great."

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