Closed Just One More

Kiara Wood

Medical Student | 'Apothecary' owner | Mom of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
September 2, 2037 (26)
Kiara enjoyed hanging around at Arthur mom’s house or rather Kiara’s almost mother-in-law. Either way, Kiara really loved Kami. And she decided to come over to her, she brought some Coq au Vin which was a traditional French chicken stew. Food was something that they both bonded about in their first meeting about five years ago. So she came over with the dish.

And once ready, she came over to Kameron’a house. She was dressed rather covered in some oversized clothes not taking hot weather into consideration, she was bloated and didn’t want to show it all off. So with that, she knocked on Kami’s door and waited for either Calliope or Kami to open the door.
Kami loved her life. She had a wonderful husband, amazing children, and amazing grandchildren. She was so happy that things had turned out this way in the end. She was happy at home, the twins were off at school and Calliope had gone on a playdate at a friends house while Ian was at work. Kami was just preparing dinner, having made a nice stew in the slow cooker. She had just stirred it when she heard a knock at the door. Who could that be? She wasn't expecting company. She wiped off her hands and walked over to the front door, eyes lighting up as well as her smile as she saw who was there. "Kiara!" She cooed, opening her arms immediately for a hug. "What a wonderful surprise! Come in, come in," She stepped back, holding the door open for her guest.
Kiara immediately broke into a smile once Kami opened the door excitedly. She balanced her own dish in one hand giving into the hug, leaning her head for a bit on Arthur's moms shoulder. "Hope I'm not disturbing anything, I just had a free day, Arthur is away and I thought that I could drop by," she coyly offered. It was just an urge to go visit Kameron, nothing planned or anything, and she just hoped that it wasn't an unpleasant surprise actually. "I even brought some food, I made a Coq Au Vin, it's a french chicken stew," Kiara put out the food, smiling softly.
Kami pulled back, chuckling as the girl explained why she was there. "You're not disturbing anything, it's just me tonight, until Ian gets home." She stepped back, holding the door open and motioning the girl inside. "We must be in sync- I have a stew of my own on the stove," She gave Kiara a playful wink. "I'll eat yours if you eat mine," She teased, shutting the door behind her daughter-in-law and moving to the kitchen. "Sit, sit, would you like some iced tea?" She asked, moving to the fridge.
"Yay!" Kiara excitedly chuckled, happy that Kami indeed had a time for her. "No way! We really are in sync," she agreed with her mother-in-law. "Deal!" Kiara liked Kameron's food, so she was absolutely okay with the exchange. After that Kiara yawned, she was sleeping good, yet, she was tired for a few days already, feeling a little sick too but not so often. "Oh, I would love to! Lately I have jumped from coffee more to tea, especially iced one," Wood also added while following Kami in and putting her stew on the table. "Oh, I've actually been thinking about wedding... I know I wanted a bouquet with lillies but I am thinking of changing to different flowers because I was in a flower shop and I almost threw up because of the smell... I don't know if I never noticed the smell or now I'm just scared of having the same reaction during the wedding but I think it would be better to switch them. I just don't know which flowers to choose now," Kiara took a seat and started chatting. Wedding was a lot on her mind, she was doing her best to still keep everything in tact, she was working at the Apothecary daily, studying and planning the wedding at her free time. So she just felt like she needed a little bit of advice from Kami.
Kami poured them both a glass and set them on the table before moving to serve the girl some of her stew. She studied her. She was tired, sensitive to smells... Kami took her seat. "Is anything else making you sick?" She asked, cradling her drink in her hands. She reached over, offering out her hand to Kiara. "What's going on, is everything alright? You sound tired," She fretted. "Are you working too hard again?" She asked. "Why don't you bring your things by, and I can help you plan," She offered, not wanting the girl to overwork herself.
Kiara nodded a little. "Oh yeah, actually I just can't make myself tolerate the smell of the meat. I did not like it before but I never wanted to throw up from it. In fact, two days ago I actually threw up after I ate... a shrimp? I can not remember what I ate at that time but I ate something," she simply chatted about her eating habits. She did not know what was going on with her but who knew, maybe she caught something? "Oh, I'm fine. Mostly. The school break is so close, so the work will require more time. One of the delivers is starting to deliver bad products, I have a session at univeristy quite soon. The wedding. Ah, there's just a lot honestly," Kiara admitted. She knew that Kami would not be happy about how worked up Kiara was but she did not wanna lie. "Kami, would you wanna be may maid of honours?" she slightly giggled but she knew that she could not rely on anyone else with the wedding planning more than she could count on Kami and Arthur's family.
Kami was quiet, studying Kiara, listening to her speak. It was all adding up. She sat up a bit, smiling as Kiara asked her to be her maid of honor. "Of course I would, sweetheart," She countered, considering . "Kiara, darling, forgive me, but... you're pregnant." She offered, keeping her voice gentle. "Everything you're describing... sweetness, it's morning sickness." She thought over questions. "Have you noticed anything else? Soreness?"
Kiara just chocked on the food when Kami told her that she's pregnant. "I'm what?" they were not planning a kid, were they? They definitely were not, she had not finished her university yet, but it took her a minute to start smiling. She needed the information to sink down to understand that with Arthur, she was ready for kids. "Do you think I could actually be pregnant?" now she looked hopeful, she did not even notice how she unconsciously put her hand on the belly. "Nothing much really, only those things and like the lower part of my back hurts a lot. I thought I just overworked myself," now she wanted to take a test. Kiara always knew that she wanted to be a mother one day and it finally happened, maybe it happened.
Kami smiled and offered out her hand. "Trust me, sweetheart. I was a nurse for a while, you know," She teased gently. Letting her eyes fall to the hand on Kiara's stomach. She felt too young to be a grandmother, but it was a strange kind of joy. "I can call my sister, have her bring by a test if you'd like?" She offered. "Just to be sure, though I am fairly certain already."

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