Open Just Like Old Times

Professor Noel Waldgrave

DADA 1-4 | Loyal | Charming
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 Inch Alder Wand 13 3/4" With Essence of Dragon Heartstring
After lunch Noel was on his way back to the first floor, to prepare his lessons. It was interesting to see the new group first years, some of them were eager surely. He was glad Adorah was back too and to spend time with her again between the busy times here. On his way he had to come between some students, and tried to solve it. He didn't thought of him as an very strict professor, but he didn't liked someone breaking the rules or when someone had not respect. He wanted people to have respect for eachother, and discussions were welcome. Also in his class.

He thought it was a shame that Professor Kingsley wasn't around anymore, he would definitely miss her. And wondered how James would do. After their last conversation, he wasn't the biggest fan of the man. But he rather had someone honest than someone who wasn't. So he was willing to give it another chance. As he stopped he noticed an familliar face. He had heard of it, but now he noticed him. And he remembered what Eric had said about this place. It was an reunion, now him Adorah, Minnie and Eric were all back at this place. '' Eric. I've never thought I would see you here.'' He said with an grin. Noel liked to tease him an bit, but he didn't felt like he hated the boy as much as he did back at school.
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Eric had joined the Hogwarts staff partway through the school year last year, so he hadn't been there for the start of the year. There was an electric energy in the air, one he remembered from his own time at Hogwarts. One he would have tried his best to ignore back then. Eric wouldn't have let himself get excited about almost anything, especially not school. It had seemed so much easier to just hate everything beforehand, it meant he was less likely to be disappointed by things. He couldn't say he had entirely shaken the habit, but Eric did feel like he had grown less bitter over the years. Minnie had helped with that quite a bit.

That didn't mean Eric was now all sunshine and rainbows, he had his usual scowl in place as he patrolled the corridors. It was easy for him and he had found it helped with his work. He could do a lot with just a look, make students stop in their tracks before they did something stupid and thoughtless. He was pretty good at sniffing out trouble, considering he was an expert in making it. Eric had just sent a group of giggling students hurrying off by glaring in their direction, when he heard a familiar voice. He had seen Noel around in the distance, but he hadn't sought him out. He had known this moment would come, though. Eric grunted in response. "Me neither." He said with a small shrug. Because even a year ago, he wouldn't have thought he'd take this job.
As Noel watched around him, waving a few times to students greeting him he looked back at Eric. In a way he perhaps secretly felt better because he was a professor. But it wasn't that he felt better than others, not at all. Perhaps back in the day he would make fun of it and think low. But being adult changed him a bit too. He was still loyal to the people he loved, but also the injustice warrior when he saw or heard something which wasn't right in his eyes. Noel smirked as Eric replied, it was a surprise to both of them than. '' Welcome back than - I guess.'' he said in a friendly way. Didn't want to start of the wrong foot, and act normal. The past was the past. But that didn't ment that he and Eric should like eachother like friends. It was funny to him that Eric now had to take on a role and punish perhaps some actions of students, he had did once as student. '' How are you finding it so far?'' He asked polite as he was.
Eric wasn't sure if he trusted Noel to stay nice for very long. They had a delicate truce, but they also hadn't had to work together in close proximity before, so who knew if it was going to last? At least Eric didn't have to share a dormitory with the sanctimonious little sh*t anymore. He wondered if he had gotten any better, though he doubted it. He watched as Noel greeted some passing students, not bothering to do the same. None of the students liked him, and that was probably for the best. "Thanks, I guess." Eric said in a slightly sarcastic tone. "It's fine. Easy, none of these kids have figured out anything new. I've done it all before." He said with a slight grin. "So I know what to watch out for."
There didn't seemed to be a lot of trust yet between them. The way Eric looked at him, like he was gonna do or act like something all of sudden and they were back in time. But Noel didn't even liked fights and he know as an professor saw children who reminded him of Eric too. He never really had looked behind the anger, perhaps there was an reason for it. Behavior was interesting and he didn't want to judge so quickly as he did back in the days. Still Eric made him grin sometimes how he was, such an grumpy old man he seemed sometimes. He smirked back it seemed Eric had more sense of humor than he had before. '' You are the right guy for the position than.'' Noel said with an smirk, but there seemed to be an part serious in there too. '' Still got that pocket knife of yours? Or did Kingsley never got it back?'' Noel than suddenly remembered and smirked. It was strange that Kingsley was not walking this halls anymore now. Noel just wanted to have an laugh, and didn't asked to be annoying. But teasing about their past was always fun to him. At least he thought and hoped Eric thought so too.
Eric snorted and nodded with a small shrug. He knew others would be able to do the job too, but it was still funny. It was also kind of funny how horrified he would've been as a student to know this was his future job. You never knew what life would bring. "I think I got it back. Or I got a new one, I don't remember." He said with a shrug. He then grimaced. "In some sort of ironic twist of the universe, I caught my brother doing the same thing." He paused. "Half brother." He said quickly, realizing it might not be too smart to alert Noel about Holden and his relation to him, he wouldn't want him to treat him badly. "He's a nice kid, just stupid." He said quickly. "Not even smart enough to carve someone else's name into the windowsill." He said with a slight shake of his head. He did want to protect Holden though, he didn't trust Noel to treat him fairly, so he wasn't going to say his name if he could help it. "I already went to Cade with it." He said with a shrug.

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