Closed Just Leave It

Aonghas Fergusson

listless; robe-maker; father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
not interested
Oak Wand 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
8/2036 (24)
Aonghas hadn't been too happy about returning to school, sure, he felt like he was in a better position now than ever, he had done well during his first semester, his parents were happy with that. His brother hadn't apologised or come home, which had been the final time he could do that, meaning that all of a sudden all of the pressure that had been on his brother was now on Aonghas and he didn't particularly mind, he knew that it would difficult and it would have to influence the decisions that he made during his hogwarts but he wouldn't make the same mistakes as his brother. However, in saying all that, Aonghas knew that he would lose all contact with Rory at the end of this year and wanted to make the most of this time, and maybe be his brother's connection back into the family in the years to come. Aonghas would make the decisions when the time came for that. However, Aonghas loved his brother deeply, and wanted to spend some time with him before the end of the year, so Aonghas had arranged to meet up with his brother in the library so that they could study together, and though Aonghas knew it was probably the last thing Rory wanted to do so early in the semester, Aonghas had jumped at the chance. Next week they'd be doing some quidditch, he'd been sure that he need to learn that too from his brother before the older boy left. However, in all of his rushing, and with all the books in his hands, Aonghas wasn't minding his own feet and tripped up over an untied shoe lace. He and everything he'd been carrying crashed to the floor and Aonghas swore colourfully from his position on the ground. He hoped to merlin that no one had seen it.
Tristan's first semester hadn't been a huge success, but at least it had ended on a high note. The yule ball had (mostly) been great, and the boy had had a fun time with Nixon. He just hoped the younger Hufflepuff would move on, because Tristan wasn't looking to settle down in another relationship right away. Breaking up with October had hurt him quite a bit, even though it had mostly just hurt his pride. He didn't want the same thing to happen again, and he also wanted to enjoy his freedom for a little while.

His grades had been good too, and that was definitely important this year. Tristan was aware that the next head boy would be chosen soon, so he had to be on his best behavior. He was on his way to the library to get a head start on his studying for the second semester when he saw a boy trip over his own shoelaces. Apparently the kid had never heard of a bag, because he had been carrying everything in his arms. Of course that went crashing down along with him, and the boy showed some colorful language as he went down. He couldn't be older than a first year, and Tristan knew he had to help. Unfortunately, it seemed like there was nobody around to see this act of kindness, so he wouldnt even get anything out of it. It would definitely be nice if a professor saw him help a younger student, but there was nothing to be done about that. Tristan headed over to the boy on the ground and held out his hand. "That looked like a nasty fall, are you okay? Let me help you out." He said, giving the boy a smile. With his other hand Tristan took out his wand so he could easily summon the boy's scattered belongings as soon as he was on his feet again.
Aonghas felt his embarrassment over having tripped grow as another, much older boy wandered over to help him. He looked at him, and did somewhat recognise him as one of the older prefects for his house. Aonghas sat up slightly and nodded, he was likely to have bruises but he wasn't bleeding and it didn't hurt all that much. He brushed himself down a little bit and looked towards the outstretched hand that was being offered to him, "Ah'm a'right," he replied with a little sigh, but did allow the older boy to help him to his feet by taking his hand. He smiled his thanks as he continued to pat himself down and could admit it wasn't his proudest moment, he noted as he patted himself down that it was indeed the undone laces that had tripped him up, his mind so elsewhere that he hadn't noticed they were undone and they were his undoing too. Aonghas smirked a little as he bent down to tie them, "Thanks, you dinnae need tae get the books, a've got it," the boy said to the older prefect, he knew that he was probably holding the boy up from doing something probably actually important and Aonghas didn't feel like he should have to stick around and wait for him. Aonghas would be capable of getting the books himself.
Rory didn't know what had possessed him to agree to studying with Aonghas, but he had and that was where he was going. He hadn't gone home over the holidays and Rory had a feeling that that was partly why. The slytherin had known that the holidays would've been his last chance to apologise and go back to his family and his old life, but after a lot of thought, the quidditch game, his conversation with Therese and attending the yuleball with Andi, he couldn't help but think he'd made the right choice, every dumb decision he made was his own, and Rory who had spent so long being sheltered and protected by his family had decided that he liked making his own choice, that he like Andi and would've like the chance to really try with Therese. The boy had a few books in his school bag as he was making his way to the library. Entering the fourth floor he heard a loud crash and didn't think anything of it till he ventured forward and realised that the person who'd fallen was Aonghas and the boy helping him up was Tristan. "Aonghas!" Rory called out as he quickened his pace over to him, he sent a glare at the hufflepuff prefect as he stood in front of his brother, "Whit did ya dae? Did he trip ye up?" he could see that his brother was standing from having retied his shoes, but his first thought was that it was Tristan's fault that Aonghas had fallen. "Y'alright?" he added, reaching up and cupping the younger boy's face looking for any mark on him. Rory might've turned his back on his family in a big way but he wouldn't turn his back on his wee brother at school.
As Tristan looked at the boy on the ground, he was sure he had seen him before. Probably a Hufflepuff then, though Tristan found it hard to tell all the younger students apart. He was glad the kid hadn't started crying or anything, and that he looked alright. He also said he was alright, which was also good. Tristan wouldn't have to deal with him for long. He helped the boy up, giving him a small smile. "No problem. And are you sure? It'll only take a second." He said, wondering why the boy wouldn't let him help. Was it pride? Perhaps the boy was embarrassed. He was just about to insist he should help, as he was a prefect after all, when he heard a familiar voice. He turned with a frown, not surprised to see Rory Fergusson heading over to them. What did surprise him was the look of concern on his face, and his apparent familiarity with the boy. They did have the same accent, and it soon became clear to Tristan that they were related, probably brothers. But of course Rory assumed the worst of him, and Tristan bristled. "Excuse me?" He asked, glaring back at the older boy. "Your clumsy brother tripped all by himself, I only helped him." He snapped. "Unlike you, I'm not in the habit of making younger students fall over." He added, clearly annoyed. Now that he knew the kid was Rory's brother, he no longer felt the urge to help him that much. But he didn't pocket his wand, as being near Rory put him on guard. They had fought in the past, and if Rory tried anything he didn't want to be unarmed.
Aonghas nodded, "Aye it's no problem, ma awn fault," the boy would've said more, likely thanked the older boy again, but he heard his brother across the hall and looked up at him, a small but grateful smile on his face. He would feel more comfortable getting Rory to take care of it. He rolled his eyes a little at his brothers reaction, allowing him to touch his face and look for any injuries. He would've corrected his brother about the roll of the other boy but it was clear that there was something more going on between them, "Rory," he brother said quietly, trying to ensure his attention wasn't on the other boy, he couldn't help but wonder what the boy meant by his words, but he knew his brother and knew that his brother could be all sharp edges, could be a little more unkind and maybe a but cruel, but he didn't agree with this boy's words or his reaction to his brother. Despite things between them being difficult with their family, he was still loyal to his brother. "Rory, it's a'right, ahm fine. Ma shoelaces came undone, that's all," he didn't want his brother to get into a fight or something with the other boy, so was keen to assure him that everything was fine. "Leave it Rory, leave it," Aonghas added quietly, opting to speak a little gaelic to his brother, sure that would cause his brother more pause and maybe this would prevent his brother from overreacting, which Aonghas could see him doing.
Rory didn't let up on the glare he spent Tristan, though he did soften his gaze significantly when looking at his brother. He had been a little concerned since the beginning of the year that Tristan would figure out that he and Aonghas were related and pick on his brother because of what he had done. Maybe this as just another example of it. Maybe he had caused his brother's laces to become untied so that he was trip, or just cast a tripping jinx. He was very protective of his little brother, and certainly didn't see anything wrong with his own anger towards someone picking on someone else when he had done it a number of times in the last few years. He didn't appreciate Tristan's words, his brother wasn't clumsy and he didn't want his brother to know much about how he had been during school. "Ah bet ye helped," he shot back continuing to glare heavily at Tristan. He didn't want to start anything, he couldn't really afford to, he knew he was one step away from permanent detention or worse with Styx and there was so much more riding on this. If he got kicked out of school, he didn't have anywhere to go and no grades to fall back on. But he could hear his brother saying his name, one and then twice so he tore his gaze away from Tristan and back to his brother, the younger boy assuring him that it was fine, that he was fine. He didn't believe it, "Ah dinnae trust him, ye might no have noticed," he told his brother. The gaelic felt a little foreign to him, it had been a while since he'd heard that, "I'll leave it, just gotta look out for you," Rory assured his brother, returning the words in gaelic almost as if as more assurance that he wouldn't do anything. He did however turn back to Tristan, "Ye leave him alone, ah hear a word ae ye picking on him and ye'll regret it,"
Despite the similarities between the boys, Tristan wouldn't have guessed this young boy to be Rory's brother. He was a lot more polite, and seemed a lot more reasonable. But his opinion had gone down the moment he had known about the relationship between the boys. He crossed his arms and watched as the younger boy, Aonghas apparently, tried to calm Rory down. Raising his eyebrows slightly when he added something in a language Tristan didn't speak. He didn't like that at all. He rolled his eyes when Rory accused him of untying his brother's shoelaces. "I did no such thing. I'm a prefect, I can take points if I need to but making people trip isn't part of the job." He said, raising his eyebrows slightly. "That's probably why you never got the badge." He added, taunting him slightly. "Look, I had no idea this kid was your brother. All I did was help him up. You need to calm down." He snorted. "But at the same time, what are you going to do if you hear anything after you graduate? Hogwarts will be rid of you soon, and it'll be all the better for it." He smirked. "Of course, I'm not going to do anything like that. I have better things to do with my time." The fact that he actually could take points off Rory's brother if he ever did anything wrong was certainly intriguing, but he wouldn't be obvious about such an act. it would have to be at least somewhat warranted.
Aonghas could get the impression that there was a lot more history between the two boys, more so than Aonghas could be aware of. He also didn’t and was not so ready to believe that this older boy would’ve tripped him up, he couldn’t help but think that this boy hadn’t known who Aonghas was related to, or he probably wouldn’t have helped him at all. Aonghas took a hold of his brother’s arm, trying to communicate with him to leave it, that it wasn’t worth it and that this boy couldn’t have known, as he then proceeded to say as much. He didn’t know who he was and Aonghas did not want to end up in a situation where he was stuck with this older boy at the school who then hated him because of Rory. But of course Rory had to go ahead and threaten him, with the reality of this other boy who’d be at school a whole year without Rory there. He didn’t want to threaten him himself, he didn’t want to fight him, or make any more of a deal of it, Aonghas didn’t want to get into trouble, certainly not now he was facing a future where he wanted to be proud of everything he’d done at school, ”Ah can handle maself, now, come on Rory, it isnae worth it,” he spoke rapidly to his brother, ”I don't need you to make this any worse,” he spoke quietly switching back to the gaelic so he could speak privately with his brother, hating the fact his tone sounded as pleading as it did. He shook his head again, ”He isnae worth it,” the boy spoke in english and looked towards the older prefect.
Rory knew that his brother was right, he trusted Aonghas and if Aonghas didn’t think it was he did trust that, but there was a slither in him that just didn’t believe Tristan would just not know they were related, the same accent, they looked somewhat similar and someone else must’ve said. He didn’t care much for the accusation, like Rory would’ve ever wanted to be prefect - it didn’t matter that Tristan was probably right and that Styx did actively hate him. He didn’t like the fact that Tristan would even remotely ask him what he’d do if when he graduated something was done to his brother, ”Dinnae test me,” the boy didn’t want to get into a fight with him, he couldn’t really afford it. But, a part of him, really want Tristan to push him a bit further, if his whole life was up in the air, what more did he really have to lose? It would be the dumbest decision and move that Rory could take but it sat present on his mind. He looked at his brother, no shaking him off, clearly his brother had gotten far more brains and sense than Rory since he wanted this confrontation to end, and knew that Tristan wasn’t worth it. He nearly rolled his eyes at his brother’s further statement about him making it worse, he didn’t need to be reminded that he was doing that too. ”Just go away Tristan, right, ye’ve done yer piece, cheers fae helpin’ ma brother but ah’m here now, ye cin get lost,” the boy settled on with a sigh, he wanted to do the wrong thing, but his brother was right, Tristan wasn’t worth it.
Tristan frowned as he looked between the two boys. He hadn't even known Rory had a brother until this point, and knowing it certainly made him look at the younger boy differently. As the boy spoke in the strange language again, Tristan scoffed silently. But then he actually looked at him and said he, Tristan, wasn't worth the trouble of a fight. The boy had been pretty polite until that point, but it seemed like he had sensed the conflict and was firmly siding with his brother. "Ah, now I see the family resemblance." Tristan said coolly. "You're both rude." He then turned to Rory. "I would make sure your brother learns some manners soon. You'll be gone next year." He said, his tone was casual but he knew Rory would probably be angered by the comment, which was the goal. Even though he didn't want to turn his back on him, Tristan made himself turn around and walk away. He had his wand still ready in case something happened. Rory would be stupid to risk it., but that didn't mean he wouldn't.
Aonghas didn’t like this boy much at all, he didn’t like the small threats towards him, that was not something he would like at all, but Aonghas though assured that he could take care of himself was not about to in front of a prefect or against a much older prefect. He would be stuck, so the fact that there was a threat on the older boy’s words as he left, he could feel a small amount of his own anger but he couldn’t let it get any worse, he needed to do well in school, and Rory would not be there in the next year to protect him. Aonghas was suddenly worried about being on his own, but he looked towards the older boy, ”Thanks, still fae helpin’ me up,” threats aside, Aonghas was still grateful and though this had taken a decided swing south, he knew it was the right thing to try. He got to work picking up the books and then dragged his brother away from the situation, his brother would surely know how to make this a lot worse than it needed to be at all. He was still keen to study.
Rory did not like Tristan much at all, but he certainly liked him less and less in this situation - if that was at all possible. But certainly it was the case. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to protect his brother in the following year, of course he wouldn’t but he was also still hopeful that his brother would manage just fine and that Tristan would be too worried about whatever else to ever bother. His actions had made his brother a target. But, there was no telling if he wouldn’t have been able at least to warn his brother a little about it, should Tristan have known. Rory felt himself near growl at the threat that the boy lay down, but it was clearly something to get a reaction out of him, and boy was Rory so keen to just jump into it, to just punch the boy in the face remind him sharply of who Rory was and where they both stood. He glanced at his brother as the young boy spoke, gathering up clearly all that had fallen, having even apologised to Tristan, ”See ye around, Tristan,” Rory said, his voice low, the vague air of whether or not it was a threat hanging. But he couldn’t do much else with his brother dragging him away from the situation.

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