Just a day or two

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Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core
I'm sorry to those of you who have rp's with me but I hope you'll understand.
My friends husband has been battling cancer for the past 8 years. The last year has been the worst and I just found out a few moments ago that he passed away.
He's survived by two beautiful kids and an amazing wife ... sorry, I'm actually in tears writing this.

I won't be on hnz for the next day or two because I want to spend time with them and possibly for the next week or so my time on here will be sporadic.


:console: Lindzorz! :(
I already told you this but I am sooo sorry for your and your friend's loss. :(
Absence is entirely understandable and if you need to talk you know I'm here for you. :hug:
I'll pray for your friend's family. ^_^
Oh my goodness Linda! I am so sorry. :console: Please know that I will have your friend and her family and you in my prayers. This will not be easy for her at all, and its wonderful that she has you to lean on. Hug those kids tight, they will be her lifeline more than she will ever know. If you need to talk, you know how to get in touch with me. :hug:
Aww that's hard to go through :( My wishes go out to you and your friend.

See you when you get back :hug:

Madz ♥
I hope you feel better. HNZ will be waiting for you and we're always here for you.
Oh man, I am so sorry Linda. :hug:
Do not even worry about us, just take care of yourself and your friend. :) Take as much time as you need. :hug:

~ Sir Kaitlyn
I'm so sorry to hear this.
Take care of your friend and we'll see you when you get back.

That is terrible to hear. One of my best friends had his father pass away from cancer just a while ago, so I know your friend will need all the support she can get. I wish her family all the best. Remember not to think of the bad but to focus on the good points because those are what get you through it. :hug:
guys thank you all so very much
you always amaze me by how much you rally round and are so mega supportive

the children are still convinced that he will be coming back, I've taken the day off work today so am taking them from her for a while. I mean how do you convince a 7 and 4 yr old that their father is dead when they've never really had to experience it before?
She had way too much to organize and sort out and my sister who is her best friend (they've been that way since 6 yrs old) she's going to be right there with her.

I will try to run through a few rp's this morning, can't promise I will get to everyone but hopefully it'll take my mind off of things for a bit...
scrap this part ... did some b.day stuff but that's all I can manage :( sorry

anyhow I :wub: you all very much and again thank you

I'm so sorry to hear about this Lin. Take care of yourself as well as your friends. Don't fret about Role plays - absence is more than understandable. My thoughts are with you and those others whom were effected by the loss.
Thank you to all of you for being so patient in the past few days, I seriously appreciate it. Derry's funeral was today and it was possibly the hardest one I've gone through to date -- that probably sounds horrible considering both my parents have passed away in the last two years but Derry would only be 37 nxt week, his son Paul was actually only 4 yrs old today.

I cried and laughed so much to day and felt as if I would never feel those emotions quite so raw ever again. Even though I am religious after the last few days I feel as if there are even things in my life that I take for granted.

So with that in mind... I want to say ...genuinely thank you;
to all of you for being so supportive ... this is not the first death I have been faced with in the past few years but if it were not for you and more importantly Nick who has been brilliant in all this I know I would probably have fallen apart completely and may not even be here on HNZ now.

Life is so very short and none of it should be taken for granted.
Enjoy it, live it, love it and believe in yourselves every moment that you breathe in and out because if you don't... who else will?
Don't wait for someone else to gratify your existence, belief in yourself always.

I'm not one for words at this moment, so I shall go with the following; which may seem stupid, but I can't leave without giving a virtual internet huggles.

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