Jumping on That Bandwagon

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Aurora Night

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Wild 10 3/4 Inch Reasonably Supple Ebony Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
So, I've finally kicked myself into gear to bring my new firsties out to play; click on their name for a link to their bios.

loud · spontaneous · gryffindor · first year
First up I have Frankie, who has come all the way from Los Angeles only to find out that her long-lost sister (who is supposed to be in Britain) has wound up at the same school as her. Frankie is definitely the more rambunctious of the two, and the ways in which she spend her time often tend to be very action-packed and full-on. She's completely the type to drag people along with her in her escapades, and although she generally likes to think she's considerate of other people's feelings, her enthusiasm for experiencing life to the fullest can leave her a bit blind to others' true thoughts until it's too late. Frankie has also been known to stand up for complete strangers if she sees them being harassed or bullied by someone, which is a big part of her 'act first, ask questions later' way of handling things.

For Frankie I'm looking for anything - she feels like the type of personality that either makes friends very easily or completely rubs people the wrong way and makes enemies out of them. Although she feels like someone who has a lot of friends she bounces between all the time, I'm also interested in playing with the fact that when she gets upset or angry she descends into a serious black mood that is quite hard to coax her out of, so anyone who wants to get on her bad side is very welcome!
aloof · prideful · slytherin · first year
My other firstie this year is Lucinda, and I'm so keen to see her involved with other students at Hogwarts as she begins to navigate the magical world on her own. As a muggle-born Lucinda grew up with a very specific idea of what witchcraft entailed, and watching her try to fit together that idea of magic and the reality she has come up against has been too entertaining for me so far. She's very much of the opinion that when she's right, she's right, and her arrogance in this respect often leads her to be very dismissive of anyone she doesn't agree with. Lucinda is the type who likes to feel better than everyone else, and one of the main ways she has of differentiating herself from others is by immersing herself in spooky and weird interests. This, of course, didn't gain her many friends growing up, but Lucinda couldn't have cared less - if they weren't interested they were clearly unworthy of her time. Despite this attitude towards others, however, Lucinda is not averse to making friends, and would actually be happy to find people with similar interests to herself - if she could keep her social skills in check long enough to have them like her, that is.

For Lucinda I'm mostly looking for bullies that will make fun of the idea of magic she holds - currently she believes that she'll be able to perform wandless magic within two or three years (if not earlier), that she can already work hexes on people through incantations she found on the internet, and that she can accurately predict people's future through the use of tarot cards (which may or may not be true at this stage). The whole fun of this character for me was bringing the traditional spooky witch to meet the witch of J.K. Rowling's world, so anything that can play into this would be wonderful. Friends are also welcome, despite the fact that Lucinda can be quite prickly.

As always I've also got <URL url="http://hogwarts.nz/topic/30052311/1/">Aurora Night, who's quite happy to float around and make mischief with any and all of her friends, or meet new people. <URL url="http://hogwarts.nz/topic/30177681/1/">Veronica Willows, shy, rambling machine enthusiast, and Jessica Matthews, charming, bright hider-of-her-true-feelings are also totally up for anything and everything you might want to throw at them as well.
I'm super keen to get started on that Jessica/Hayley plot idea we had.

Also, Hayley is seeking muggleborns this year to survey experiences and define her revolution ideas, and Lucinda seems like an obvious target for that. Maybe not yet, though, as she probably won't have experienced much in the way of pureblood prejudice this early in the year.

I'm also keen for Stella to meet Veronica; science girls should stick together, right?
hayley · jessica
I'm just going to skype you about this one when I'm done here, I have too many details to discuss xD
hayley · lucinda
Lucinda is going to be... interesting in this regard for sure. Because without experiencing any prejudice I imagine she'll still firmly be on the 'magic is better' end of the spectrum. And if/when she does experience it, at this point its all going to depend on how that plays out to see where her thoughts will fall on the blood debate. But Lucinda's very solitary and concerned with herself rather than the problems of the 'masses,' anyway, so she might not be interested in revolution - which means conflict and that's always fun. We should definitely put a pin in this one for later.

stella · veronica
Complete yes to this one. Astronomy is also one of Veronica's greatest passions, so I imagine they'll get on really well. Do you want to start this one, or Hayley/Jessica, and I'll take the other one?
Hiiiii Kathy! :hug:

The characters you make are super awesome and we totally need to rp properly so I hope you don't mind that I'm posting here!

The first idea that popped out for me, is for Frankie and Nixon to be friends! Nixon is also the type of person to make a lot of friends and he tends to keep them at arms length from fear that if they know the real him and are clued in to his insecurities, they would not want to be his friend anymore. I'm thinking that Frankie and Nixon would have a really typical kind of superficial friendship where they just hang out, Nixon follows her on all of her adventures, they don't talk about anything serious and focus completely on the moment! Nixon would be relieved that Frankie wouldn't notice his emotions and would be happy to just have fun. Let me know what you think of this!

I'm also thinking we could rp Rory and Andi, since they're in the same house and year yet haven't properly interacted! I think they would get along at first though I'm totally game to see how Aodhan makes Rory and Andi clash later on :devious:

I'm not exactly sure how this could start up, but I could always start something in the dorms for them that we can leave open for the other third year girls to join in!
nixon · frankie
Yess, I love the idea of these two - although I feel like I've half-lied to you and should clarify, Frankie does tend to be quite perceptive too, but only depending on if she's paying attention/the thing is physically apparent to her. If they're out doing something though, she would be way more focused on the moment of that thing rather than worrying about whatever Nixon's thinking though, so a shallow surface friendship will definitely work between them. (Also, she's eleven, I'm not allowing her perceptive skills to be super good yet :p ) I can start this one for them!

andi · rory
Also, not gonna lie but I've been like, looking at these three and just going, 'hmmm.' xD There's definitely potential for good plot stuff here. And yes, having them meet up in the dorms sounds good!
I'm game for both of these plots! I'm also game for you to start the one for Frankie and Nixon!

I'll already be starting a wee thing in the dorms with Andi, so I'm happy to start another one or have them talk in the common room or something. Maybe I could start another one in the kitchens that's like the one we had in their first year but a reprise since they're a little older? No matter what rp we do it will be a basis for what's happening later so I'm really fine with anything! Just wanted to suggest more ideas :D
Cool, I'll have Frankie and Nixon's one up soon! As for Andi and Rory, the kitchen sounds like it could be the one, though if you suddenly find inspiration for somewhere else just go for it :D
EDIT: http://hogwarts.nz/topic/30314521/1/ Here you go!
Hi Kathy! I have a couple of things to offer, if you are up to it ^_^

For Lucinda, I have someone who can definitely, probably tease her. Cole Dragonov, who is also a prideful Slytherin as well, is a typical stern, prideful, Quidditch loving, potions making (later on) wizard who doesn't know about the muggle style of witches at all, so her terms would definitely bring about his smart ass remarks.

I would also be up for another Brooklyn and Jessica rp. I got burned out on her for some reason, but maybe with her being older, it might help me get more into her character. xD

cole · lucinda
Yes please to this idea. Whatever else they end up thinking about each other, having someone to actively challenge her muggle perceptions of magic will be great. I also love that you used the words 'teasing,' and 'smart ass' - that attitude will frustrate Lucinda for sure which is just a bonus.

brooklyn · jessica
Yes to this one as well, and you can totally reply to it at whatever pace you find necessary. I really liked the first interaction between them, and feel like they have a couple of things in common despite their differences in hobbies, so another rp between them would be fun to explore that!

Do you have a preference for which one you'd like to start?
Hi Kathy!! I have a few to offer. I don't think I've plotted with you before xD

Frankie x Xavier:
Xavier is my first year puff, he's polite, caring, but can be too honest sometimes and if Frankie gets upset he'll tell her how things are - so I'm not sure if this trait of his will help her mood or make it worse. He can be a friend, or one of those people whom she hates but then likes him for standing up to her or something. He likes to do what is right and hates being in the middle of things, so for her not to stick to the rules will make him roll his eyes :p I think with time though he'll become protective over her, if they keep "bumping into each other". I hope to put up a bio soon for him when I've come up with more but that's about it for Xavier at the moment.

Aurora x Daniel/Aurora x Leo:
Okay so when you mentioned Aurora I had a weird thought with two of my prefects. Daniel is my sixth year Slytherin, he'll always think of ways not to get anyone in trouble unless it's serious. He's the type of person who is easily approachable normally and although he might seem intimidating because he isn't easily swayed or manipulated by others, not to mention that he's three years older and has a badge, he would help people out with whatever they're going through if they're unable to handle it themselves. I do have a bio for him (which I need to update) but feel free to ask me about him. I'm sure you've seen him around.
Leo is also in Gryffindor, in fifth year, so he might have seen Aurora around the common room with her friends or somewhere around the castle. It's his first year as prefect and the guy is still digesting the idea. Leo likes to pull pranks and be adventurous and not study, so what I thought of is if Rory is exploring the castle or is out after curfew and Leo just happens to spot them it'll put him in a somewhat uncomfortable position. He'd want to know what they're doing, why they're up etc and try to act as authorative as he can but he'd also be tempted to make friends while he has the opportunity.

I have Sara Benivieni who's a second year Slyth and is up for literally anything and loves to meet friends. She's Leo's younger sister :) Athena is also an offer, her personality will clash with Frankie's, she's manipulative and therefore I think her and Veronica won't get along at first, or Veronica will be influenced by Athena but I can see a very slow friendship forming here.

Let me know what you think!
Yes, good, I love plotting with new people! :D

xavier · frankie
I love this idea, it would actually be really perfect for Frankie to have someone who would tell her when she's crossing the line. How she'd react would depend on the situation, but having someone as strong-minded as her to interact with would definitely be a positive thing for her, especially with that idea that they grow into it through recurring meetings. I'm really excited to see how this one will develop!

leo · rory · daniel
Having a newly minted prefect being conflicted over his supposed authority vs. his inherent Gryffindor traits sounds wonderful, and I'd love to have Rory involved in this! I'm just a bit uncertain as to where you wanted Daniel to come into it? (Or was he a completely separate idea and I've mixed them up in my head, cause that's entirely possible).

sara · veronica/jessica
So I have two potential friendships to offer for Sara - from what I've seen of her around the board, Veronica would definitely be the better friend for her in the end, because I have... terrible mean plans for Jessica, and I already feel bad about some of the friendships she's going to ruin for herself. xD So if either (or both) of these take your fancy, let me know (especially with Jessica, because I feel like if you pick that path more details will need sharing).

athena · veronica
This is one of those rare times where I haven't gotten an immediate feeling about which way a relationship might go, so I'd love to just put these two together in a thread and find out!

athena · frankie
I wasn't sure if you were actually offering a clash between these two, or saying that they would as a point of reference for Athena's personality, but if you did want to I would totally be up for it. Someone's gotta have a go at Frankie at some point =))
Xavier x Frankie:
Perfect! Should we start a thread for them? I have the impression that if Frankie is planning something mischievous and Xavier finds out about it or sees her around the castle doing something suspicious he'll approach her and ask her about it. I'm good with either open or closed.

Leo x Rory/Leo x Daniel:
I'm sorry I should have cleared this up when I posted xD I meant Daniel and Rory to be a separate plot to Leo and Rory. Because having Dan in the middle of Rory and Leo's interaction wouldn't really be of use, I think. He'd just be a presence being unable to take points because he's not a Gryff, he'd be quite bored :p So I think two separate plots will be better.

Sara x Veronica/Sara x Jessica:
Sara is patient with almost everyone - unless they get on her bad side. She'd definitely be better friends with Veronica than Jessica. Did you have something in mind about Sara and Jess? They should already know each other from the dorms and all. Maybe they could be frenemies. It could be an interesting interaction. But if that doesn't work out or is too complicated I don't mind leaving it and just focusing on Sara and Veronica.

Athena x Frankie:
So Athena is all for good first impressions. She'd try to win Frankie over and if/when she sees that Frankie isn't manipulative and things don't go her way, she won't really like the girl. It could be hilarious to see Frankie shut her down at some point and Athena getting jealous of her for being strong-willed/standing up to her, etc. Through the years I can totally see them become enemies xD
xavier · frankie | leo · rory | athena · veronica | athena · frankie
Okay, if I'm counting correctly these are the ones all ready to go - so if I start Xavier and Frankie, you can pick two of the others to start and I'll take the last one?

daniel · rory
Having these two separate makes much more sense, I don't know what my brain was trying to do to me haha. This interaction sounds like it's also going to be him finding Rory doing something she probably shouldn't be though, and I don't know how different it would be to the Leo one?

sara · veronica
After actually taking stock of how many plots we're deciding to take on, I think we'll just stick with these two for now xD Veronica has a very small bubble of friends right now, so I'm excited to expand it a little. I can start it if you like.
I could start the Athena and Frankie topic, as well as the Leo and Rory one. I do have another idea for the Leo and Rory one if the Daniel/Rory plot doesn't work out.

Daniel x Rory:
Maybe Rory is doing something she isn't supposed to, but this time she's upset about something? Dan wouldn't be able to take points away from her seeing as he isn't in Gryffindor. Unless Rory sees him and asks her to help her with something and he goes along with it because he isn't sure what exactly she needs a hand with but Rory has no idea that he's a prefect? I don't know, throwing ideas out there =))
Otherwise if it is similar to the Leo and Rory plot, I could add him in to theirs and we could make it an open, chaotic event :p So that Leo arrives first and then Dan later if he sees that Leo isn't handling the situation very well? It would add to the humour and chaos if it's an open one.

Sara x Veronica:
Yes please! You're right, we have definitely plotted a lot :lol:
Aurora Night said:

cole · lucinda
Yes please to this idea. Whatever else they end up thinking about each other, having someone to actively challenge her muggle perceptions of magic will be great. I also love that you used the words 'teasing,' and 'smart ass' - that attitude will frustrate Lucinda for sure which is just a bonus.

brooklyn · jessica
Yes to this one as well, and you can totally reply to it at whatever pace you find necessary. I really liked the first interaction between them, and feel like they have a couple of things in common despite their differences in hobbies, so another rp between them would be fun to explore that!

Do you have a preference for which one you'd like to start?
Glad you like my ideas! ^_^
Um, I can start the one with Cole, and you can take Jessica x Brooklyn? I'll have it down on my list of rps to start, because that's the only way I will remember a thing.
Cool, I'll add all mine to start to my list!

daniel · rory
Now that you've mentioned Rory being upset about something, I have the perfect idea - that takes place next year (hopefully). Seeing as that's not very helpful to right now though... I feel like I just need to add you on Skype so we can lay everything out all at once. xD (Or just PM, if that's preferable to you.)

Thanks, I'll get to this and start my one asap!
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