Join the plastic cult...if you dare

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Maddison Montgomery said:
Alphonse and Katalina-Of course!
Alyson-Don't laugh and no way
I'm laughing at Alphonse XD

And No way to what?
Brit- Haha. Wow how did you manage this one? I practically wait weeks to get one reply on these xD does Amelia get to be a leader??? Coz I know of some others who might like this....

Kelsey- din't worry I don't even know.
Yes Amelia will be a leader, love the banner Livi!
Yay! Jaimee has a proper profile now!
Ya :) (B is in hospital)
Members said:
Maddison Montgomery
Amelia Andrews
Alice Bellavue

Dani Cruise
Lily Green
Sasha Hayden
Frances Spade
Brett Messerschmidt
Panda Tormaigh

(bold indicates the three, the rest are kinda like followers xD )

I took the liberty of making the list as B is away :) Are there any more?
What about Rosemarie? But she'd hate to be a follower, so she may be not really like a follower, but she would still want to be a part of the clique.
Amelia Andrews said:
Ya :) (B is in hospital)
Members said:
Maddison Montgomery
Amelia Andrews
Alice Bellavue

Dani Cruise
Lily Green
Sasha Hayden
Frances Spade
Brett Messerschmidt
Panda Tormaigh
Rosemarie Wilkinson

(bold indicates the three, the rest are kinda like followers xD )

I took the liberty of making the list as B is away :) Are there any more?

I edited the list to include Rosemarie :)

I've been thinking about having Elle join this group for a while.
She'd be quite happy as a follower, for now. She'd be the type to work her way up.

Elle is friendly and kind, but has sharp claws if necessary. She's loyal to her friends, but doesn't keep too many. She has CIPA, which effects, pretty much everything she does. She's not got much of a style right now, she's got a fashionable enough style, but it will grow over the years. She's not that spoiled, but favoured in her family. A lot. So she is basically.
Hey you play Eli? Don't you? Of course she's in! Shes a fellow Slytherin!
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