Open j'en ai rien a faire

Simone Moreau-Chen

beuxs grad ⚡ bonsquad ⚡ sports photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 Inch Swishy Dogwood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
12/2033 (29)
Simone needed to clear her head and while It was far earlier than she would have liked to be awake on a Saturday, Nadine and Orelie's nearly constant bickering was making it nearly impossible to stay in their room longer than strictly necessary. This morning they had started earlier then normal, so Simone had quickly grabbed her skateboard and made her way to one of the larger courtyards that had a fountain and started skating around in circles. It had been a while since she had a chance to skate with quidditch keeping her so busy. She had ended up liking the team way more than she expected but knowing it was all because Bijoux wanted to find some lost sister and now it was causing Nadine and Orelie to fight, she wondered if it was really worth it. Simone shook her head and took a deep breath as she picked up speed to try and grind on the ledge of the fountain. She kicked off and managed to pull off the trick and land with a loud thud as her wheels made contact with the ground again. "Yes." she said to herself. Not so rusty after all. it wasn't the most graceful landing but she could live with that. With a grin she decided to try a kick flip and of course that would be the moment her luck ran out as she messed up the timing and caught her foot on the edge of the board. Simone cursed as she fell on her back, scraping her elbow as she landed. "Ouch." she groaned and sat up slowly to inspect the damage.
Archer's chat with Azelle had actually affected him more than he would like to admit. It had gotten him thinking about things a bit more seriously. He was close to only having a year left at the school and after that he'd be on his own. Well, he'd still have his parents to support him but he'd have to make his own decisions. Adult decisions about what to do with his life. Did he still want to model now she had gotten him thinking about all the downsides of it? He enjoyed it, but he wasn't sure whether it would be the best thing to do anymore. He had even decided that he'd might as well try harder for school in the little time he had left in an effort to get his grades up. All of these thoughts had once again made him want to get out of the school, not wanting to be stuck inside the walls for a little while. It was still early and he was surprised to see someone else already out in the courtyard. More often than not he'd be on his own and he quite enjoyed that. It took him a couple of seconds to recognize the girl was Simone as he made his way outside. The boy smiled when she seemed to land a trick, probably not even aware that he had joined her outside. Not even a moment later his smile disappeared as she landed on the ground. It didn't seem too bad, but it still looked like it hurt and Archer made his way over to her. "Hey Simone." He greeted her to make her aware of his presence if she hadn't noticed yet, before he crouched down next to her. "You okay?"
Simone was so disoriented by her sudden dealing with gravity that she didn’t notice there was someone else there until he spoke. “Oh, hey Archer.” she said when she recognized the boy and immediately started to wave off his concern as he kneeled next to her. “Oh this?” she asked sarcastically gesturing to her scraped up elbow. “It’s just a scratch.” she said as she stood up again. “Trust me I’ve had worse.” she insisted and started to brush herself off before hopping back on her board and skating circles around the other boy to prove her point. “Remind me to tell you about the time I broke both wrists when I was 12.” she said with a laugh. It wasn’t a particularly long story, it mostly involved a poor attempt at hiding the injury and an unfortunate amount of Skele-Gro. “Well what internal turmoil has you out and loitering about so early this morning?” she asked, because there was no reason for anyone to be functioning by now without a reason.
Archer had not been close enough to see how hard Simone landed on the ground and he had always figured her to be rather tough, so if she said it was nothing to worry about he definitely wouldn't dare to doubt her. "Or you could just tell me now?" The boy replied, now curious about how she managed to make both wrists. He could imagine some scenario's but it'd be better to hear the true story. "I mean not that I don't trust myself to remember that, because obviously my memory is as great as the rest of me." He continued half-joking but serious about the confidence he had in himself as well. After observing Simone's movements around him for a second Archer managed to step out of the little circle she was skating in around him without her bumping in to him. "Getting old, loosing my good looks." He joked as he stepped towards one of the benches and sat down on it. If there was one thing he definitely didn't need to worry about for many years to come it was his looks. "More seriously, life after school I guess." The boy shrugged, not really elaborating on anything before turning the question back at her. "What about you? Happen to have anything to do with your roommates?" Archer knew all too well the tension that was going on between Nadine and Orélie and wondered whether that was what had driven Simone outside this early in the day.
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Simone laughed. “Can’t a lady have a little mystery?” she asked. She figured she could tell him but that would ruin the fun now. “Let’s just say it took a lot of falls to get this good.” she said with a shrug and pointed toward her board. To prove her point she did an ollie and landed it was a small sound of triumph. Thankfully she had been spared any further embarrassment even though her body was still a little sore from her earlier fall. She snorted at his comment about his greatness. “You?" she asked in mock horror and stopped her circling and sat down on her board facing him. "You are a timeless beauty, Thompson.” she said, trying to sound reassuring but her poorly hidden giggles made that impossible. It was true. Archer was good looking, no one could deny that. Even if Simone didn't particularly like boys much. But he was right, next year would be their last at school. Simone was looking forward to being free of this place and finally getting to make her own decisions but she was also terrified. "Yeah I guess that is coming up. Real life or whatever.” She shrugged. She had no real plan and her parents both wanted very different things for her which didn't help at all. “Ugh, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole school can hear them fighting across campus?” she groaned, suddenly back to her original emotion of the day. "I swear they're just so stubborn and self-centered, and that's coming from me." she complained. Simone knew she wasn't the easiest person to get along with but they were supposed to be the mature ones.
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Archer raised an eyebrow at Simone's response. "So what you're trying to say is that it's just a bad story?" He joked back at her. He clapped his hands a couple of times as a sign of approval when she landed her trick. There was no denying that she was pretty good with a skateboard. He probably wouldn't even be able to skate in a straight line without losing his balance a hundred times, let alone land a trick. "I'm glad real beauty is still appreciated." Archer nodded before he had to laugh himself as well. Mostly at Simone's terrible attempt at sounding like she was being reassuring. His face turned slightly more serious when she didn't seem all to excited about the leaving the school as well. "Yup, one year to go and then we'll just be thrown out into the world." He let out a chuckle at how ridiculous it somtimes sounded to be practically living at a school for seven years and then having to leave just like that. "Well it's not as bad as that, but there's no going around it for sure either." Archer shrugged. He could get uncomfortable from just seeing or hearing the girls argue from a distance so he could only imagine how bad it would be for the girls in their dorm. They were all friends as well, which might actually make it worse. "Definitely a lot of stubborness going on in that dorm." He nodded with a small smile. As far as he knew the girls they all had strong personalities so they were bound to clash at some point in time. "You think things will magically get better over the break?"
Simone acted offended. "Well now I'm definitely not going to tell you." she said indignantly, but still laughed and gave him an over dramatic wink when he accepted her moderately sincere compliment. She nodded thoughtfully, "Thrown out is a good way to put it." she said somberly but quickly continued. "Don't get me wrong. I am counting the seconds till I'm free of this place." she added. "But I'll miss my friends, even when they fight." Simone admitted, sounding more heartfelt then their casual conversation required. She cleared her throat and got back on her board again, not really skating but testing her balance. "Might no, but they did fight during practice in front of the whole team, which wasn't great." she pointed out. "God, I hope. Would hate to spend our last year like this. They remind me of my parents." she muttered as she watched her feet as she rocked back and forth on the board. "Anyways what big plans do you and your pretty face have once you leave this place for good?" she teased. Ready to change the subject as she smugly looked at the other boy.
Archer smiled, yet rolled his eyes when Simone said she wasn't going to tell him the story now. He had to admit he was honestly interested in how she managed to break both wrists at the same time but he also didn't mind not knowing. "Want to get out so badly then?" He asked when she talked about how ready she was for leaving school. getting out of school. Personally, he didn't know whether to be excited about leaving school or not. His feelings were pretty much mixed on the matter. "Yeah, I get that." He nodded when she said she'd miss her friends. "We could just do like a yearly reunion." Archer shrugged. "Or you guys could do that and I somehow show up every year without being invited." He wiggled his eyebrows as a joke, trying to keep the balance of the conversation. It was good to have an honest conversation about getting out of school, but he also felt like not letting the mood get too gloomy. "That is pretty bad." He agreed with her on the quidditch practice fight. "Well this pretty face," Archer motioned to his face as he dramatically stared into the distance for a second to show off his face. "Might continue modelling." He replied honestly. "Although I'm less sure than I used to be and could do with a back-up plan. So don't get all confused if you actually see me pick up a book this year." He chuckled but there was still a hint of seriousness to his voice as well. He did need to try and get his grades up if he wanted to have more options for his future. "What about you? Got any grand plans?"
Simone was thoughtful for a second, for once trying to articulate her thoughts clearly. “Yeah, I mean, I guess.” she said with a shrug. “Never been one for school and studying. I think my friends are the only reason I haven’t failed every class I’ve taken. I don’t like sitting still or being told what to do.” she laughed, it was true. Simone was always distracted, her mind somewhere else during every lesson, always thinking of a million other things she could be doing with her time. “Now that’s a good idea.” she said enthusiastically when Archer suggested an annual reunion. “I’m sure we could make an exception for you.” she teased and started to skate circles around the courtyard, still listening to Archer. “I didn’t know you could read.” she said in mock surprise, and laughed. “You’re smart to have a backup plan. Smarter than me.” Simone admitted. “No plan at the moment. But I think I have finally convinced my parents to let me take a gap year to travel before I have to make any official decision.” she shrugged. “Who knows maybe I’ll keep playing quidditch, go pro or whatever.” she said with a laugh and a dismissive wave of her hand. She had been barely playing for two years but she was pretty good if the other schools were any indication of skill. She knew Nadine had her sights on a real quidditch career but she hadn’t really considered it for herself.
Even though Simone laughed as she answered his question Archer had a feeling that she was also being sincere. "Well, we've got that much in common." He smiled when she told him she wasn't one for studying. He wasn't either but he knew he could. He just didn't want to. There were so many things he could do instead or at least, that's what he had always thought. Now he might actually need to start studying for a change. "You better." Archer nodded when being told that they could possibly make an exception for him. "I mean it is my brilliant mind that just gave you the idea anyways and I'm highly likeable so I don't see why you shouldn't." He laughed, sure of the fact that those girls could've come up with the idea of a reunion themselves but still wanting to score himself an invite. "Honestly, I'm as shocked as you are." He joked along with Simone, placing his hand on his chest and acting as if he was genuinly surprised by the the fact that he could read. Perhaps if he didn't want to become a model after all he could always try an acting carreer, although that might have the same disadvantages as modelling did. Archer shrugged when she told him he was smart for having a backup plan. He didn't see trying to get his grades up as a real backup plan but it would sure be useful in finding one. "That's cool." He nodded when she mentioned travelling. "I mean who says you'll have to get a job right away?" Personally, he had never doubted he'd start working right after graduation as he always thought he'd just roll right into modelling. With the job he had now he'd likely be able to do so, if he chose to. "You'll have to let me know if you decide to visit New Zealand then." He smiled at her, even though he wasn't sure whether he'd continue to live in the country after graduation. It would be fun to show her around or at least give her some tips on what places to see in the country if she did visit. "If you like it enough to make it your job I'm pretty sure you'll excel at it." Archer tried to encourage her. "You're pretty good in my opinion."
Simone put her hands on her hips and considered Archer closely. This was one of the first times she had ever talked to him for this long one on one before. She was regretting that now, considering they were getting along so well and actually seemed to have a lot in common. “Hmm, don’t push it.” she warned with a laugh as he mentioned being highly likeable. “I’ll be the judge of that.” she said and pointed sternly in his direction. She grinned when he joked back with her, glad he could take a bit of teasing. With her friends bantering always came so easy she sometimes got confused when it came to talking to other people and knowing how far to take things. “I’d consider it.” Simone said and narrowed her eyes as he mentioned New Zealand. “Have you been? I’ve only gone for quidditch but I’d like to go again and actually see the place. Bijoux has some unfinished business there. Might turn into an adventure if she’d let us.” she explained. She wanted to travel all around the world once she was finally done with school. New Zealand wouldn't be a bad place to start. Maybe joining a pro quidditich team wouldn't be so bad. She'd more then likely get to travel to all sorts of places for games. “Oh why thank you. At least someone recognizes my potential. Wish my captains felt the same way. Speaking of, I should probably go check and make sure they haven’t killed each other yet.” she sighed and got off her board.

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