I've Taken Over The World!

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Kotaro Higuchi

Active Member
OOC First Name
Well, come under this bucket and find out!
Not really, but, as long as I have your attention I will be soon. And Kotaro would like some friends and stuff before that happens. i've just taken over this account, and really all I know is that he's a complete clown, and he loves to joke around. I'll probably develope that into a bad thing where he does it to cover up his emotions, but, before hand, I need some people who he can mess around with and prank and have fun with!

Friends - these are people who love the pranks just as much as him. And can get a good laugh in, probably people who have a hard time looking at reality and who can't handle serious situations. (Reminds me of me)

Love interest - This will be for later, but, since he is a prankster, this person will have to have met him and liked him as the prankster that he is, and understand it well enough to know that he's hiding emotions. But, before that person can come around, I need a funny girl, who dates him sometime and breaks his heart!

And everything else in between! Thanks =D
I can offer Lyra Sato, she's a prankster...
BFF??? xD
SAlly she's adorable! She'd be perfect for a bestie friend. And i know, I'm starting it, just wait a bittie bit! =D
woo hooo! Okiez!! ^_^
I can offer Katie Kain as a friend. She loves to trick people and play pranks. She was considered a class clown at the muggle school she used to go to.
Awesome, do you think you can start this one, since I Still haven't started Sally's... teehee.
I can offer Sapphire so silently giggle at Kotaro's antics from the back of the classroom. This can go on for a few years before he actually starts to notice her as more of a girl than just the silent girl in the corner :p
Ana :hug: Yes, i love the idea, mostly because I love Christian Serratos (I think that's her name). This is cool! i like people replying to my things!
*Spits out finger* Yeah... eaten... Erm... Awesome, so could you atart, or shall I?

Heyy Cole,

I can offer you my second year Puff Eljah Tine. He is music crazy, and just generally crazy. He's run away from his adoptive family, so everything in his room is all he actually owns. He's independent and doesn't rely on others at all. He can be a little overly dramatic at times and is very forgetful. Often forgets to go to class. I Can seem him, being like a little brother or something. Anyway. I think they would make great friends.
Emzies! Yes, that would be wonderful. Within the next two days, I should have an RP set up.
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