I've Got My Eye On You

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Carson West

Well-Known Member
So Carson is in need of a quite a lot of relationships. If you need to learn more about Carson here is the link to her bio-- Tis the Linkth. Clickth But yeah. Basically Carson is a bubbly, happy, and fashionable eleven year old girl. She is in need of:

*Best Friends: Carson needs one girl best friend and one guy best friend. It would be great if one could be shy. That way Carson can sort of help them out of their shell like she did back home with her best friend Liz. Carson takes friendship very seriously and if you are her best friend she will be there for you no matter what.

*Friends: Carson hates to be alone so she is usually always surrounded by a group of friends. She makes friends with both girls and guys easily (probably guys but that doesn't matter). Carson can have plenty of friends and once you are her friend she will stand by you and try to help you in any way possible. It would be cool if one of her friends is more of a trouble maker. That way Carson can let her adventurous side out a bit more.

*Two Faced Friend: We all have them so Carson needs one. She needs a friend that will be friendly to her face but a completely and total meany :)P) behind her back. This can be of either gender, but only one is needed. Carson won't find out of your ways right away either due to the fact that she is abnormally trusting of people she calls friends.

*Enemies: Carson needs a few of these. Maybe just a few people that get on her nerves. Carson on a normal basis doesn't hate or dislike anyone though she has never had her buttons pushed so to say. It's going to take a lot for Carson to hate or even dislike you but if you are willing for a challenge then be an enemy

*Crush: Carson doesn't fall for people easily and really at the age of eleven she isn't looking persay. It would be cool if someone could crush on Carson or even she may have a little tiny barely noticable crush on you. Maybe in a few years it will branch out into something more.

And that's all ladies and gentlemen. If you want to be any of the listed above or anything else really just let me know and we can try to work something out.
That would be nice actually. Carson is so outgoing and loud that someone shy balances her out somehow. Though she could very possibly help Penelope find her braveness. :)

Would you like to start a roleplay or would you like me to?
Would Kali be a good friend for her?

She is very bouncy and happy, sort of Chipper. She trusts easily and forgives easily. She isn't really that into fashion and finds the most simple things entertaining.

I can offer you Grace Winter as a friend,

Grace is very laid back. She's a really happy girl that takes life in her stride. She likes to have fun and is always kind to everyone.
I'll get a link soon


Kali: Kali would be a good friend actually. Carson basically gets along with everyone and it just better if Kali is a happy person. We can roleplay and see where the friendship goes. Would you like to start a topic or would you like me to?

Imogen: Grace seems like the type that Carson would get along with. Two very laid back girls could most likely be friends. Would you like me to start a topic or you would like to?

Thanks to both of you :D
This is Penelope - Could you please start it? I have a few shop assistants and other RPs I need to post in so I'm a little busy at the moment.
I can start on if you like? Obsidian Harbour okay?
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