I've abandoned this poor bub

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Lea Mauven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry, 12 ½", Wood Rose.
Well, here we have Lea Yellowstone! I have abandoned her a bit.. She's an orphan and lives at the Hogwarts Halfway House. She is twelve years old and is really shy, but really sweet. If you have any questions feel free to ask or look at her Biography [**not completed yet]

What I am looking for...

!A relationship!
Some second year or thrid year wubs! I don't mind who, and age isn't a biggie, but perhaps only second year and up.

!A foster family!
Lea is in need of a family, I don't want her to be an orphan forever, so a family that could take her in would be just lovely.

I know this isn't very desicive or informative but I'm having a mind blank right now. Anything please post here! Open to suggestions!
Brittany xx

I have a few ideas for her, One which I'll PM you about as it is still pretty much in the works.

But I can offer Elijah Tine, my second year 'puff. He ran away from home to attend Hogwarts, and has been staying in an unders hostel In Wellington, with the money he Stole borrowed from the family he used to live with.
I think they could be good friends. He's got a girlfriend at the moment, but maybe we could have a plot involving that, maybe they get to talking and he falls head over heels for her, but also still has feelings for the current girl he likes. I dunno, throughing idea out there.

As for family, What about the Romanes? The Italian twins. They have a huge family and live in Italy, they are very close, but they've been split up by the sorting hat, So maybe Lea could get to know Ostensia, She could suggest it to the family, and the family being the kind and caring Italians who care a lot about families adopt her, or foster her. Choice is up to you.

:o I totally just thought of Matilda. You know the Roald Dahl book? Where Ms Honey (the adorable teacher) adopts Matilda and the two live happily ever after? :lol: Well I don't think that Anabelle would be able to adopt Lea as such, but she will be a very dedicated teacher (if she gets accepted for the charms professor, that is. If not, I'm going to apply for others until she does become one, because a professor is what she has to be :lol: ), and will love all of her students as if they were her own. I'm sure that she'd try to look out for Lea, or maybe offer to let her stay some holidays or something? I think it would be cute if Ana had a mentee of sorts. :p

Edit: Oops, I forgot to switch accounts. I'm talking about Anabelle Rose. xD
that sounds great! i'm sure we could get some great plots with that

thats sounds good too, i'm sure they'd be great friends

i like your thinking! anabelle woukd be a great mentor/confidant for lea

Okay, Would you like to set up the RP for Lea and Elijah? Or would you like me to?
We can start up the other later, cause there are too many things happening for my poor little brain. lol
Sure thing, I'll start it up tonight. The Hufflepuff common room sound good? ^_^
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