Open It's Something to Do

Tyler Lee

Gringotts Worker | Calculating | 2054 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2036 (26)
Even though Tyler was aware that Hogwarts was a magical school, he had found it wasn't really all that different from the few muggle schools he had attended before. Sure, the subjects were a bit more interesting, but the rest was really the same. Especially the groups that formed within the student body. There were still cool people and uncool people, and Tyler had always made sure to belong to the former group. But now that he was back for his second year, he felt less pressure to establish himself. He felt like he had done an okay job, especially by aligning himself with Blake. But he did miss something his previous schools had had, a sports club he could be a part of. Tyler had been part of the track team before, but at Hogwarts there was nothing like that. He had no interest in joining the Quidditch team, happy to let that be Blake's thing. Tyler liked sports, but that didn't mean he liked being at risk of being mangled by a bludger. He still went running fairly often, but there was less interest when there was no one to compete against. Right now he was quite bored as well, killing some time between classes and dinner. He had found a small ball in his trunk and had headed outside, hoping to run into someone interesting. But he hadn't seen anyone interesting, so instead he had started bouncing the ball off one of the walls in the courtyard, catching it in his hand every time. It was nice to do something active, even if it wasn't all that thrilling. After a few times of catching it successfully, he miscalculated and missed it. The ball flew past him and rolled to a stop a few paces behind him.
Chloe had to admit she was still confused about where everything was at this castle. She liked the outdoors, though, and it was relieving to be outside instead of being cooped up in the common room or just generally inside, where the confusion had started. There were way too many corridors, and rooms. Although for this many students, she could kind of understand why it was so massive. Chloe wanted to clear her head, and process the information she had just learned, before she would head back inside to eat. She really wanted to find a quiet place and mull over what she'd been told and what she had read. After some time walking, the Ravenclaw found herself in the courtyard, a place she had yet to see. She wasn't paying much attention to the other students here as well, and when she felt something that stopped at her feet, she glanced down, and to the student in front of her, before she put the puzzle pieces together. Without feeling the need to say anything, a small smile on her features, Chloe picked up the ball and bounced it on the wall before she caught it again. "I'm guessing this is yours?" she asked the boy, holding out the ball for him to take.
Tyler turned around to pick up the ball, but noticed it had stopped near a girl he didn't know. She didn't look older than him, but he also didn't recognize her from his year. She was probably a first year. "You guessed right." He told her with a smile, taking the ball from her. She seemed nice enough, and Tyler was pretty bored. Maybe talking to this girl would be more interesting than throwing his ball, at least for a little while. "Thanks. What's your name?" He asked her casually. He tossed up the ball then caught it again in his hand, repeating that while he waited for the girl to answer. He didn't recognize her from the house meeting, so guessed she was probably in a different house than him as well. Tyler had focused mostly on his own house and year so far, but now that he had a more established friendship that he could build on he was happy to look around for more friends, even if girls were strange. He didn't think he would ever be good friends with a girl, but being friendly wouldn't hurt.

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