It's Not Fair!

Alessine Styx

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Vinewood Wand 13 1/4" Essence of Fairy Dust
Alessine Styx entered the kitchen and immediately grabbed an organic granola bar to snack on. Alessine was a morning person, she always had been. She was up early regardless of what time she went to bed. Mornings were the best time for her to get anything done. Mostly because the house was quiet and mostly everyone was still asleep, except maybe her dad and a few of her siblings whom all preferred to mind their own business. Alessine didn't mind though, it gave her more time to herself. This morning in particular, she was going to look through some of her parents' advance potion textbooks. Alessine love the art of potion making. The process of throwing ingredients together to make one big thing was really cool in her opinion. Alessine would love the chance to be able to experiment with making potions. Her mother warned her not to do that sort of thing though, as mixing the wrong things together could result in her death. As much as Alessine would like to defy her mother, she was smarter than that. Plus she was pretty sure her mom discussed everything with her dad already too. Alessine was said to take after her mother a lot. From their looks all the way down to the fiery personality they both had. Basically, like her mother, she was also a hot-head. But that was what made it easier to get along with her dad than with her mother. Two hot-heads trying to talk about anything was really hard. Alessine loved her mother dearly, but she was just able to bond with her father more easily. Perhaps that was why her mother and father seemed to be so close. They were total opposites, so they filled in what the other was missing. Or something weird like that. Kailie was more like their father than she was their mother, and it seemed like to Alessine. Alessine loved her sister too, but sometimes she could be a real pain in the ass.

Alessine took another bite of her granola bar and flipped the page. She could hear footsteps coming this way, but they were too far away for her to tell exactly who those footsteps belonged to. Alessine was just finishing up with the small granola bar she had chosen when she saw her dad walk into the kitchen. She was surprised to see him actually, from what she knew he rarely ever came in here? By by the looks if it he actually came to talk to her. Or maybe not. It was really hard to tell. "Hi dad." Alessine heard her older brother Hades often refer to him as father, but it felt awkward calling him that. Maybe when she was older or something. Calling him dad sounded a lot better than all the things her mother seemed to call him. It actually surprised her that they loved one another as much as they did. They bickered so much. Alessine wished she could find someone like that, who bickered with her but still loved her in the morning. "You hiding from mom down here?" There were times it when it seemed like Nicolette was in one of those moods, and that was when it was just best to pretend like you weren't home. Alessine frowned, she was still hungry. But she wasn't sure if she really should eat anything more. Plus her father was still in the kitchen, and that made her antsy. What if she had done something to get herself in trouble again? Getting yelled at by him was so scary. Especially when he threw in the words disappointed and upset. That was when it really got to Alessine.
Kalif had finished talking to Nicolette, his wife, about his plans to make sure that his daughters and future kids don't do the same stupid thing like his son had done. He went and married a half-breed. He had gotten into a large fight with Nicolette over it, but then Kalif pulled the fact that he was Head of the family, and his decisions went. That was probably not the best thing to pull with his wife, but it worked for now. He had already spoken to Kailie about possibly arranging her to another family, and she chose to have her dad choose for her. Kalif knew that it would not be one of the traditional Zhefarovich family arrangements, but it would be a mutual agreement with himself and the other family. He would want to do the same thing with Alessine. However he would have to talk to her first. Well, he would not have to have her agreement or consent, but he would just want to see what she would say about this. He had a feeling that Alessine would end up disagreeing with him and his choices since she was so muck like Nicolette, but there was the possibility that she would want to. He was informed by Damianos that Alessine was in the kitchen, and that was where he needed to go. He entered the kitchen and he saw his daughter and noticed what she was doing. She was eating some sort of granola bar. Hopefully she remained a health nut like the rest of their family. Kalif said simply, "Afternoon." He was not much of a talker, even to his own children. He was a good father, but he just did not talk much.

When she asked if he was hiding from Nicolette, he rolled his onyx eyes and he shook his head. They might have just argued and all, but soon enough she would see that he was right. Their children would be better off if he could choose their future mates. He did not have an arranged marriage, but Nicolette was unfortunate enough to be tricked into marrying him, so to speak. He shrugged, "Your mother is being difficult. Nothing a trip to the pool won't fix. However we do need to speak." Kalif was not sure on how he would word it enough to make sure that he would make it sound appeasing. He might as well get straight to the point. After all, he was in here, and so was she. She seemed like she was hungry and looking for food. So he would make this quick. "You know the difficulty that Hades had before finally finding someone. Kaleb fell in love with a half-breed. I have decided that enough was enough." His voice sounded cold, even for the tone that he normally used when he was talking to his own children. "Kailie has already agreed to this, for her own sake. It had to do with some boy at school messing with her. Now, it is your turn. I am choosing a future male for you. I've contacted some families and waiting on a response. I would be willing to hear your opinion, but don't think I will change my mind easily." He was telling her like it is, and he knew that it was for the best for her.
Alessine expected her father to admit that as usual her mother was being difficult. People would start to worry if it had been any other way. Nicolette and Kalif just didn't get along with one another. He was like a block of ice and she was the fire underneath it. It was hard to understand why they claimed to love one another at all, when it honestly seemed like they didn't. Especially lately. To Alessine it seemed like their bickering was getting worse and worse, things just seemed more tense at home right now. "I seriously don't know how you and mom can stand to be together if all you two do is fight." Alessine finished up her granola bar and threw the wrapper in the trash. Her eyes never leaving her father as she did so. Alessine was kind of worried that she would never find love. Though there were times when she thought the whole love thing was full of crap, there was a part of her that really hoped that she wound find someone who cared for her. Supposedly the way her father cared for her mother, or so it would seem. Alessine was often scared to ask her dad if he really loved her mom, especially if he were to react badly. But Alessine was curious to see if people like the Zhefarovich's could really love another person. Alessine froze, suddenly remember the fact that her dad likely had the ability to see her thoughts and musings. What if he was sitting there doing that this very moment? Alessine swallowed the lump in her throat and looked away for a brief moment, her eyes taking interest in everything else but her father's stoic figure. Alessine was close with her dad, but sometimes he still managed to intimidate her the slightest bit.

Alessine listened in carefully when her father brought up the fact that Hades had a hard time finding love, and that Kaleb married a half-breed, not fully getting the picture that her father was trying to illustrate. "Enough of them being happy? It might not be the ideal situation for you, but you can't deny that they are happy." Alessine explained to her father, hoping that he wouldn't ruin her the happiness that her brothers had finally found. It was about time that they had finally found a light at the end of the tunnel for them to hold onto. Wasn't that good enough for him. "I don't really care what Kailie does, we're two different people which means we don't always want the same thing." Kailie seemed to agree with their father a lot more, while Alessine tended to agree with their mother. Alessine loved her sister, but she didn't want to always be roped into the same things that Kailie did. Then her father dropped the bomb. That was going to choose her future husband for her, instead of letting Alessine had the option to choose him herself. Alessine's mouth fell open as she stared at her father. "No! Why would you think begin to think that this is something I would want? Hades and Kaleb got to choose who they wanted to be with, and they actually look happy! Plus I know'll pick the most boring egocentric guy that I'll want to strangle every single day." Alessine whined, hoping to get through to her father to have him understand that he was making the wrong decision by doing this. Alessine wanted to be with a guy she loved, someone she chose. Why did her father have to be like this?
Kalif raised his eyebrows when he heard what she had said. Kalif shook his head as he leaned against the counter. That was somewhat true, since they mostly fought. Even now. However if someone tried to hurt or flirt with Nicolette, they would not be alive, that was for certain. Kalif had an interesting way of showing his appreciation for someone. Kalif shrugged, "We have lasted over twenty years, so I believe that stands for itself. If you want further proof, perhaps you should ask your mother on what happened to previous men that looked at her in a lustful manner." All of them were wiped from the map. There were times when he thought that they were not the best pair, but when they were together against someone, then mercy upon that someone. Half the time he picked fights with her was because he was bored. Kalif did not have much to do nowadays, now that the youngest children are not so young anymore. It was hard to believe that his and Nicolette's firstborn was married and preparing for a family of their own. He did briefly wonder when they were moving out, but it seemed that Kaleb was in the process of buying a home, and needed some more time. Kalif rolled his eyes briefly at the thought, and then looked down upon his daughter once more. He did not read her mind, seeing as he often did not when it came to the children unless he was suspicious or something. He did not even guess what Alessine was thinking.

The even thought of them being happy made him shake his head. "You should remember the roughness that Hades went through with the other women. It should not have happened to him, or to anyone in the family. Kaleb and that bird flinch every time Axel or Benjamen enter the room, so I hardly consider that 'happy'. Regardless, that is not the point. The point is, the ordeals they went through. I'm not dealing with that again." Kalif was dead serious about it. He was tired of all of the drama that the males went through, and he knew that the females would receive even more. So he was putting an end to it. Kalif stated, "She didn't have a choice. She didn't want it, but she didn't see the point in arguing." Kalif recalled reading her mind after he had dropped the bomb on her. It was definitely not pleasant, but it was not enough to get her in serious trouble. However her outburst was rather anticipated. What he did not appreciate was her whining. That was very unfitting for a young woman, a Zhefarovich no less. Kalif's face hardened a bit, as he started to get irritated with his daughter. "First, stop your whining. Second, it is what is best for you and best for this family. If I could turn back time, I would have done the same with Hades and Kaleb but it is took late for them. Like I said, I don't change my mind easily." Kalif hoped that she was done whining or else he would have to resort to punishment. The first offence was harsh, the second, even more so, and there was not a third offence in the Styx Manor. Kalif remained stone cold, as if a statue, as he stared her down. He was not budging.
Alessine inspected her nails as she listened to her father try to justify how he and her mother fought like cats and dogs, yet claimed to still love one another. Alessine didn’t see it like everyone else did, but the two of them still being together after all this time must have meant something was going good. "Mom’s mentioned it before. I still don’t get it though; I could never marry someone I fought with all the time." Alessine looked up from her nails and stared into her father’s eyes. The never seemed like they were happy around one another, and that was rather depressing. Twenty years was a long time for two people who never got along to be in the same house with one another. Alessine could never do it, she would have killed her husband before she ever let it get that far. "Unless more goes on behind the scenes than you two let on." Which she was sure did happen, or else they’d be trying to kill one another. It was gross to think about though so Alessine tried to avoid the topic as much as possible. Couples that were overly mushy and always wanting to take their clothes off needed to find something better to do than express how hormonal they were. This might have just been because Alessine wasn’t all that fond of romance. Most guys her age were kind of annoying and with a one track mind. Her friends that were guys weren’t all that bad, but they had their moments where she wanted to smack them as much as she wanted to smack the rest. Alessine noticed that her dad looked as if he had something important to say to her, so she remained quiet in hopes that he would just come out and say it so she didn’t have to wonder what he wanted anymore.

Her dad started off by saying that Hades had a lot of problems and roughness with other women, which Alessine understood was true, but she also wanted to throw in that if Hades maybe stopped killing them he might have had more luck. However, she remained silent and let her dad finish. He even went on about Kaleb and Artemisia. But that didn’t mean Alessine really cared. The struggle they went through is what made it all worth it. Alessine felt like struggling to find her one true love was what would make her love them even more. Didn’t her dad feel the same way? Apparently not if he was about to force to marry someone she likely would never come to love. "Dad, I’m not whining! Just think about how you would feel if you or mom had to marry someone else…then you never got to meet and find out you were each other’s soul mates! If you force me to marry some punk, that will be me! I refuse to marry someone I that I haven’t chosen to marry myself, and I don’t see how you can expect me to do either!" Alessine crossed her arms over her chest. Her father may have had authority in the house over her and her siblings, but Alessine was going to give him hell over this. Alessine already dislike the whole idea of love, and with someone trying to force it down her throat she hated it even more. Just because Kailie agreed to it meant crap, Alessine wasn’t Kailie so she shouldn’t be treated the same as her sister. "What did mom say about all of this?" For some reason Alessine couldn’t see her mother being too happy about this either. Nicolette was also the type of person to dislike the idea of someone being forced into doing something.
Kalif looked down upon her and how she claimed that she could never marry someone she fought with all of the time. He had said the very thing before he married Nicolette. And now, he was stuck with her. A lot of the times, she got on his nerves, but now he thought that he could deal with it in time. Alessine simply did not understand the type of life that he had grown into. He was trained so much, that he would not have been into those little fairy tale lives, which he found to be pointless as ever. Then she mentioned that there might be more that goes on behinds the scenes, and indeed there was. He narrowed those onyx eyes and he shook his head, "Don't think of our marriage or what happens when you are not around. You are too young to be dealing with those thoughts. All you need to know is the fact that you are lucky that your parents did not split or die." He often heard of those that were divorced or one of the two would have died. Jaken, Kalif's adopted son, went through that with the death of his idiot mother, and then made Estrella suffer through it as well. It was not the type of life that he would have chosen for the boy, since he had much of his mother in him. Kalif was somewhat glad that he was not the father of him. He would have much rather hung himself. That was saying something too, since he already had two children from two different mothers that was not his wife. However that was before Nicolette's time, and now there were times he wished that he had not met those other women at all. Maybe if he had not, he would not have dealt with the death of Jaken at all, or made a half-blood.

The Head of the Zhefarovich Family was getting irritated, and her threatening to refuse his word was dangerously close to breaking one of the laws, which would mean the worst. Kalif did not want to have to bring his daughter in because of teenage hormones making her want to rebel. "Do I need to remind you that if you don't do as I say, which would be for the good of the family, the Patriarch will have to get involved? He is the last person you want to handle, and he won't grant mercy just because you are of my blood." Even now, Asparuh without a piece of his soul, it was difficult to say what he would do if he were to figure out about this. Kalif did not want to have to do that, but he was also ordered to take care of the family. The last thing he wanted was to put Alessine's life in danger, and if she did not get someone of noble blood, her life might very well be. "You don't understand yet, and most likely won't." Asparuh was definitely different, and he might be cracking down on the family at any moment, which was why he was determined to take care of his children first. Kalif shrugged his shoulders, "A lot, but I tuned it out. She doesn't like the idea, but my reasonings are clear. I'm not having anymore suffer." Not just by the potential bad spouse but the whole Patriarch ordeal. "I'm not talking about any further. If you want someone to override my word, go to your grandfather, but I doubt he would disagree with me." He ended that little conversation, and he left the kitchen to allow Alessine to steam. He had his reasonings, and he knew that they were justified. He felt no guilt.


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