- Messages
- 296
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Married
- Sexual Orientation
- Homoflexible
- Wand
- Knotted 18 Inch Sturdy Oak Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
- Age
- 9/2011

So this is Stephanie Stark (19). She was a Hogwarts Scotland Alumni, Gryffindor house and is currently floating through life. Ever since some plots recently fell through, (no-ones fault, just fell through) she sort of has no purpose, so I want to give her a purpose. She is a fairly bright girl and likes adventure, she is musical, though she can only play the piano and she is quite good at it. She is kind and caring, though she tends to shield her emotions for fear of being hurt. She has seen alot of relationships fail in her nineteen years, and she never wants to have to go through that herself. She used to want nothing but to be with her brother, but that was years ago and she hasen't really spoken to him as she is worried that he will hate her for leaving New Zealand. She has currenlty moved back to Australia where her parents are. She loves animals and was very good at Care of Magical Creatures, and her dream job is to teach that class, but as of yet she has been unsuccesful. So what I would like for Steph is a circle of two to three friends. They can be boys or girls, I'm not fussed. One of the circle could also be her bestfriend, again, boy or girl is fine, though i would like them to be of a similar age, if thats okay. Also a final, which would need to be female and maybe similar in age to her.
This here, is Zane Preston (20). He is the BFF of Buddy McMerdor (for those of you that know him) and he really needs a life outside of Buddy and his criminal activities. Zane is a Professional Photographer and mostly photographs nature for those nature magazines you see everywhere. Though he earns most of his money through shady activities. He is alittle two faced with the fact that he can be mean as much as he can be nice. He is a secret supporter of Death Eaters, but only because his muggle mother took off when he was only a kid because she hated magic. So he figured it was only fair that he hate muggles. Though he does not openly admitt to muggle-hating. However those close to him would know of his dislike for his mother. Zane and his fater were close until he passed away several years ago and since then he has kind of been drifting about, though he has lived in Mayfair, London for a few months and has no plans to move. What I need for this man is a love life, a final would be awesome, and as he is gay, it would need to be a man, but a fling or two is cool, or they could just date for a while aswell, I'm fine with that. Anything else you can think of would be nice or if you have anything illegal going on, Zane is your man.
This is Hayley Jones (11). She is the cousin of Abel Smith (For those that know him) and she is a First Year Slytherin. Hayley's Mother is a Pure-blood, but her Father is a Mixed-blood, which of course causes her to miss out on the Pure-blood lineage, something she greatly wants. This isn't to say that she hates her Father, she adores him, she just hates his blood status. This of course makes Hayley alittle bit bitter. However, she associates with other magical kids, as long as they are not Muggle-born as she harbours her Mother and Grandmothers ill feelings towards them. (This differs from Abel who just doesn't understand them, Hayley doesn't like them) When she is amongst friends, Hayley is kind, she is smart and she likes to present people with gifts, however, put her with a Muggle-born and the claws come out. Yes I know she is a Hypocrite, but that is just the way she is. Her Father is not prejudiced and tries to sway his wife and two daughters, but so far he has been wildly unsuccessful. Though he still lies in hope. So what I want for Hayley is a few enemies and a couple of friends, I'm not really set on the kind of people they are going to be so you are free to surprise me, but remember she wouldn't be friends with a Muggle-born, unless she didn't know their blood status and she makes it her job to discover these things. I would also be open to her bullying some-one, if you want that.
So that young man up there is Alexandros Kanas (11), he is a First Year Hufflepuff from Greece. Lexan is the kind of person to act on impulse rather than thought. However this is only when he is angry. Lexan is hard to anger but once you manage to do so he is rather fast and can be very mean. Lexan likes swimming and practices for eight to ten hours a day when he is at home, however he has had to cut this down to about two hours due to school commitments, so this sometimes makes him anxious as he worries about losing touch with the water. He likes Quidditch though he's more of a watcher then a player. He is kind and smart though he doesn't really like to study. Of course he does all he has to, to achieve the marks he would need for a career. Of course he has yet to decide what he wants to be. He is adventurous and likes to explore his environment, it was intially the thing that got him into swimming because he had to swim out of a cave he had once fallen into. He tends to talk alot when someone brings up a subject that he loves, though in saying that, he can be shy when he first meets someone. So what I want for Lexan is some friends and perhaps some-one to bully him as he is so bullyable. I know I said he can get angry, but that would only be if some-one hurt someone/thing he cared about, so a bully of his would be quite safe.
This ladies and gentlemen is my newest and dearest creation. Meet Lucas Martinez (21). Lucas is a kind, playful, caring kind of guy. He is a Professional Quidditch Player for the Falmouth Falcons and is unbelieveably charming. But here's the grub. This man is in an unhappy marriage. His wife is viscious, controlling and a liar. Seriously she does everything to keep this poor guy at home, and he listens to her, some of the time, because his parents marriage is just like this one, he doesn't know any better. This leads him to being very depressed and having rather regular mood swings. The only person he has to confide in is his sister Francis, but she is younger than him by about two years so she doesn't really understand. The siblings are very close and spend as much time together as possible. Now what I want for Lucas is friends. They could be fellow Quidditch players or not, that is entirely up to you. A final is out of the question as that is already covered but maybe some girls that try to get close because they can see he is unhappy, but get rejected because despite the fact tha his wife is a total control freak. He thinks he loves her and would never betray her.
Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart (11), First Year Hufflepuff and the cutest little ball of sunshine that you will ever meet. Kelsey is Energetic, being energetic makes Pip a very interesting kind of girl. She loves being in control of her energy. Pip is the kind of person to put all her energy into anything she does, that includes any extracurricular activities as well as in schooling or other such functions. Humorous, is another reason why Pip likes to be around other people, whether they be older or younger than her. Age does not bother her as she has decided that anyone is allowed to be funny or see people be funny. She is a very funny young girl because of this. Cheerfulness, is just another reason as to why Pip is the way she is. Pip is a happily cheerful kind of girl. She has never to her knowledge felt sad. This is due to her parents deciding that she need not know of the kind of things that happen in the muggle world. She has never seen violence and so has lived a relatively comfortable live for a young witch. Her parents doing this don't mean to cause any harm, they just don't want their daughter to get hurt in anyway, shape or form. This of course leads into her being just a little naive about certain things, which includes life in general. Her grandmother and grandfather are the only other people, besides her friends and other such people that she gets to see as they are scared she will learn about her sheltered life and not be happy about it. What I need for Pip here is some friends. A final has already been taken care of so I don't need that, but a Mentor would be nice too and anything else you can think of that could include Kelsey, just throw it at me and we will see if I like it.
So anything you have, just post here or pm Kelsey and we will see what we can work out

So anything you have, just post here or pm Kelsey and we will see what we can work out