It's been a time long time coming

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Lemina Troque

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12 3/4" Black Walnut/ Maple Essence of Silver Thistle
Okay. Yeah. Bleh. I can't even write this. :unsure:

But, I think everyone knows, I haven't really been nearly as active as I used to be lately. Yeah, it sucks. But even though I haven't really like RPed PROPERLY in the longest of times, a year or something? :lol: xD But anyway, even those days I was still absolutely hooked on the OT boards. Those were the days when I would wake up about midday, have a shower, sit on HNZ in my PJs, contemplating going out and the next thing I knew, it was dark outside. Then I'd stay up, not really doing anything, until it was the wee hours of the morning again. Then I'd conk out to bed and it'd all start again. A day I got out of the hosue was a major achievement. It's a proper addiction. Crackwarts. :wub: Buuuut, like all addictions, I'm okay if I come off it for a wee bit. But I've recently realised I can't just pop on once in a while. It kind of drives me crazy. I'm slightly OCD-ish. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, I'm the kind of person who will google something instead of asking someone what it means, I will spend ages trying to come up with something to make it just perfect, if I don't know how to make it good enough, I'll just keep putting it off and off until I think 'well, it's too late to do it now. :unsure: ' . And then that vicious circle starts all over. I can't just pick up where I left off before.

And I've been going through a lot of crap in life at the moment, those of you who I'm friends with know just a glipse of this. :erm: I'm just so confused about who my friends are and stuff; and I've been trying to get off my ar$e and actually make something of my life, 'cos I've realised I'm spending all of it sitting lumped in front of my computer. It's not working, really. Like, I've picked up a few new hobbies, helping out at Beavers, started going to the gym a bit (although I've not been in 3 weeks, 'cos I keep putting it off :tut: ) and just yeah, stuff. Hopefully doing my DofE is gonna help with that a bit. I really don't know. Bleeeh, but I'm gonna call it a night here. Typically, it's almost midnight and I'm just up listening to Gina McKie doing crap, not actually doing anything and not bothering going to bed. And at school I'm always shattered, but bleeh. I just, tbh, cba with anything anymore. :erm:

I'll still pop in here once in a blue moon. Even writing this makes me cry. It's only just sunk in that this is kinda final. I don't know. I think everyone I talk to already has some way of contacting me out of HNZ, if not just like PM me or whatever. [ or ask my wee stalkee. ;) ]

Aaaah, I frickin' love you guys sooo much and HNZ has created some of the best moments of the past two and a bit years and I'll always remember you, even if I've never really talked to you, I know you are awesome. :shy: 'Cos I'm a stalker, ^_^ I'm gonna miss every single last one of you ! ] Yes, everyone. Together, you are the best people on the entire world. If I could just give up on real life and move to HNZ, I would do it in a second. But, unfortunately, I can't. :( Life sucks like that. For once, I've properly thought this through. It's been on my mind for months. And months. And I've realised that this is really the only thing that I can do. I'm just gonna try and do this. I'm gonna lose HNZ, as a whole, but I really don't want to lose all my friends.

I'm gonna miss you guys :cry:

Emily/Emmi/Lemi/Minion/Lemon/Crazy Cat Lady/Wierdo/Stalker/Whatever other crazy names you crazy ole' lot in here have come up with :p

Emily. I hope things get better soon.

Wow, I'm brilliant at writing things like this :erm:

I never really spoke to you anywhere, but it'll be weird not seeing you around.

Hope everything looks up, I don't know whats happening but I'll still be thinking about you.

Miss ya,

Olivia :wub:
My ickle minion ish leaving :cry: Not even gonna lie...I cried when I read this *wipes eyes again*. I'm going to miss chatting with you on the OT were always such a funny little ball of sunshine and I shall never ever forget how loyal you were (and still are) to Pinky and the Brain ^_^ Such a good ickly minion. Shall miss you tons Emmie!! If you're ever on MSN then please send me an IM (!!

♥ you,
Katie :hug:
You can't leave! What'll hnz be like without the crazy cat ladies? :cry:
This stinks so much! I know we can still talk on Skype and I will make a point of doing so more often now. But I'll leave you with this:
♥ you deary.

This is extremely sad news missy, we weren't exactly close or anything but you were still such a nice and pleasant person to talk to. Ahh the memories we've had of bother Pat together, those'll be some memories I probably won't forget very easily even if I wanted to. Lemina was an interesting character and I wish I could have gotten the chance to Roleplay with her more, but I guess it cannot really be helped all the much now. On top of that you have some serious kick butt skillz in making Graphics, you've made me some of the most beautiful banners I've had the liberty of using.

It's bittersweet to have to go, but I guess sometimes it's just the best thing for someone to do. I'll always been on skype or Facebook if you want to say hello.

- Jessye
I will not reply to this! I will not reply to this! I will not reply to this!

Damn I'm replying in this, aren't I? :glare: xD

Eh well I can't say I didn't see this coming because well I can't, you told me you were doing it :p But that doesn't despite the fact that I'm still very sad to read this :cry: You were one of the first people I got really friendly with on the site and I'm happy to say that over the past year or so that I've been on here we've gotten closer and I'm proud to call you one of my closest and dearest friends :wub: And most importantly MY (WEE) STALKER :woot: (as you are named on my phone xD :r )

Heck we text everyday (sometimes at really weird times but eh :r ) so it's kind of hard not to ignore you :p But still not seeing you on HNZ much, even though as you said you haven't been on much, will still be very sad :( But don't worry I'll still be bugging you some way or another :shifty:

And I know we keep talking about it but BRING ON APRIL 1st :woot: :frantics:

Love you loads Emmi :wub: And I'll miss you (well not you so much as Lemina :p ) around this joint :hug: Now finish with your shower and go to bed so you're mum doesn't shout at you any more :glare: (Who's the stalker now? :r xD )
Omg, you guys should seriously see me right now. I don't know why, but I'm shaking and laughing, whilst holding back the tears. Seriously, I'm gonna be crying myself to sleep tonight. :( But everything you've all said right here just makes me want to epically squee. ^_^ Some of you I know so well, others not so much. But I still love you all, my wee HNZ family. :wub:

Olivia; I totally know what you mean. :( It's so wierd that I'm gonna miss seeing all these little friendly faces everywhere. :cry: It would be like... if I randomly stopped seeing the Christina-Aguilera-lookalike I see everyday on the way to school, I've never once spoken to her or even smiled at her or anything; but she's just part of my life. Just like every single person on HNZ. :shy: :wub:

Braaaaain; Omg, Katie, I know we don't actually talk thaaaat much, but you are just one of the awesomest people ever. :wub: [And would you believe that, Chrome thinks 'awesomest' isn't a word :O ] And I actually think I might not have your MSN :O But I'm never on that anymore, but I'll add you anyway. :shy: And I will alwaaaays remain loyal to Kandyland and it's great leaders, for ever and ever and ever and EVER :woot: :hug:

Alexis; Haha, omg, I actually love it :wub: Like... so much :D You rockz. :woot: I'm gonna miss my other crazy cat lady. :( But we can definitely still talk on Skype and stuff. ^_^

Jesssye; Ahahaa, iPat xD And yeah, I know that we weren't the closest, but you are awesome, it doesn't take a genius to work that out. :wub: :hug: Not that I'm a genius of course. =))

Naaaat; All I will say is: I just had the world's shortest shower and I didn't go into the kitchen for ages, 'cos a light was on and I thought my mum was up, then it turned I'd left it on when I was boiling water for my hot water bottle. =)) :doh: You are awesome and hey, it's not my fault if I text you at unearthly hours, you're the only one who will reply at that time :p I love you sooo much, and you haven't escaped the (epic) annoyances of your wee stalker just yet. ;) FIRST OF APRIL! :D This bbetter not be an April Fool's Day joke. :glare: xD

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night (except Pat, I'll be texting her until god knows when xD ). :hug:

Damn you for making a fail that I would have to use the word that you know I can't use. But yeah *insert said word here* fail Emmi :p

And shhhhh :tut: OK fine I know I'm the one who replies at those times but you're the one that starts it....most of the time :shy: xD

Ohh no, that's not my April Fools for you :shifty: Ok look a text....from you :tut: xD

Merry Christmas :woot:
I have Skype as well and am usually logged on there as well. My username for that ish wincheka so you can add me on there too *nods*
Aww Emily,

Sorry to see you leave :( I know I've been on and off on Hnz but you are truly awesome and even if Lemina and Maddiie drifted apart your still on her top list :hug: Best luck in life my dear and don't make yourself stress to much. If you ever do just take a walk and breathe :D it always helps! Bye Love take care ♥

It is sad to see a great person leave, but RL comes first. :)
Your graphics are just awesome, and will miss your ever Xmas spirit personality. ^_^

Catch ya on skype every now and again! ;)
~ Kaitlyn
This is unacceptable. Nuh-uh. Not allowed.


I do actually understand, having been sucked into the computer myself a few times now. Crackwarts really is the right name for this.

Pop in every so often and say hi to us! Or you have me on Skypes, so feel free to shoot me an IM if you see me online. :D

Can't wait to see pictures of you and Pat's adventures!!!!!



Deciding to leave is not an easy thing to do. It's important that you know what is best for you. We're going to miss you, lots and lots. Know that you'll always have friends here.

If you can't have HNZ, at least you have the memories. :)

Feel free to hit me up on MSN or Skype anytime.



I don't think we ever rped much, but it is always tough to see someone leave who has been around on HNZ for a while. Take care of yourself, and good luck with all that you do.

No, This is not happening, I shant allow it! :DE: -clings-

But seriously, as much as I hate that you're having to leave HNZ I kind of get it. The horrible feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you realize just how much time you spend in front of your computer screen, knowing you could be doing so much more out in the Real World with your time? Maybe that's just me but I guess what I'm trying to say is although I'm on the verge of tears reading about the departure of one of my dearest friends on here, I definitely understand. RL comes first as much as I don't want it to sometimes, and sometimes RL has a tendency to kick your ass without mercy.

I'm horrible at writing these things I know, but I hope you got what I was trying to say anyways, just ignore how crappy it's worded. But don't think this means I'm going to quit stalking you [and by extension Pat] now. In fact, go look in your room. I went and made a special batch of cupcakes to cheer you up and cheer myself up from the sugar in the leftover batter.

And for old times sake,

Sat it on the window sill for you.

I'll miss you so much Emmi! You have me on MSN and Facebook, if I ever get Skype the first thing i'll do it attack someone for your username. :D

I'll help annoy Nat in your absence ^_^

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Your Friend,

PS, Kaileys gonna miss Lemi too!
Ok so I should really be on as Andromeda for this because screaming
"Oh nooooo!! my minion is leaving" :cry:
doesn't have the same effect with Shalamar now does it? xD

You know very well we are all going to miss you
you've been an absolute legend here on the site and we all love you like mad
Please don't be a stranger, pop into to say hi at least every other full moon ;)

now I must go and have that cry that's been threatening since I read this :cry:

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