It's a Medical Emergency... sort of.

Damon Williams

Well-Known Member
Damon looked at the time and tapped his foot with impatience. This couldn't be happening. Where was Josephine? She should have been here by now. With a sigh, Damon looked at his mobile on the coffee table, and at the moment, a message came through. Once Damon read the message, his mood went very sour. Josephine pulled out. How could she do that?! This was a wedding, not a simple date, he had to go there with someone, there wasn't any other way. His mother was strangle him if he showed up without a date, again. Everyone else he knew was either male, or going to the wedding, he had no-one! This was a disaster. Pulling at his three-piece suit, Damon sighed and a thought popped into his head. He knew someone, and he had an idea as to how to get her to come. Picking up his mobile, Damon dialled the number of Adelaide, the nurse he had thrown up on a few weeks again and smiled slightly. "Nurse?" He asked in a very worried tone. "It's the guy that threw up on you the other week." He stated, making sure that she knew who was calling her. "I'm at the front of my house, and I'm throwing up blood." He explained, making a few wrenching noises and tipping the vase of flowers onto the floor in an attempt to make it sound like he was throwing up vast amounts of blood. He knew she'd be able to know where he lived, she had his patient files after all. "I'm feeling light headed..." He added, trailing off a bit for effect and the dropping the mobile.

Damon apparated to the dress store down the road, making sure he wasn't seen. Looking at the dresses, he looked for one that looked about the size of his date, well, she wasn't his date yet, but she was going to be. How could she refuse a 'dying' man's wish? Finding a nice red dress that went with the bridesmaids dresses, it was perfect. Buying the dress and putting it carefully in a bag, Damon brought some lipstick and matching shoes. Damon then apparated to the front of his house, Damon pulled on his suit jacket and did it up, making sure his head was in good form and that he had the wedding gift. Adelaide was going to this wedding with him, there was nothing she could do about it. When he saw her, Damon quickly laid down on the bench and pretended to have fainted, well, he would look that way from a distance. When she came closer, Damon sat up and stretched, a smile on his face. "I needed a date." He explained with a shrug. As he planned, the stretch limo showed up at that moment and he smirked. How could she refuse this?
Adelaide had been asleep for about an hour and a half when her phone went off. She thought it might be work trying to call her in, so she ignored the first two rings. After a few moments of holding her eyes shut, she looked over at the table beside her bed to see who was calling. it wasn't a number that was programmed into her phone. "Hello?" She answered groggily. When she heard the voice and introduction, she sat up in bed immediately. "Mr. Williams?" She stated, she had a knack for remembering names. It was a big part of her job after all. "Blood, what?" She asked, not awake enough to ask what color it was, but awake enough to know he needed her. She heard him sound like he was throwing up, and she heard splattering against the ground. She let her eyes draw wide open, and was already logging in to her account to get the patient records up. "Mr. Williams, Mr. Williams!" She exclaimed. He had passed out, and Adelaide became concerned for him. Just barely grabbing her keys and a coat, Adelaide left her house, still in her PJ's. It wasn't very far from her apartment, and Adelaide sped slightly to get there. Her messy waves and curls flopped in her face, as the little, yellow beetle pulled up to a parallel parking space just a bit from his house. She was so worried for him, she hoped she would make it in time to help him. What if it was internal bleeding, or the effects of acid erosion on his esophagus? Adelaide let her head fill with worry as she approached him, laying on the bench.

Adelaide did notice something strange about his appearance, even from afar. He was dressed nicely, well groomed; he looked nothing like someone who was truly sick. She still approached the bench with caution, she needed to get him help if he was really sick. she looked around for signs of blood on the ground, or anywhere near the area, before Damon sat up and she jumped. She wasn't expecting him to sit up smiling, and Adelaide soon felt a bit of rage baling up inside of her. The words that escaped his mouth were followed by a limo, and she couldn't decide whether to be very upset, or be flattered. "You called me here, to be your date to somewhere, while I am in my pajamas, with my hair messy, and on my day off. You are..." She paused looking at him. "Different." She finished. she couldn't say no, after all, no boy had ever asked her out before. And he had went through so much trouble. "What do you expect me to even wear to wherever we're going?" She asked, crossing her arms over the buttons on her jacket.​
Damon looked her up and down, realising that she must have been sleeping. He hadn't noticed in his rush to get everything ready, Adelaide seemed to have been in a rush also. She was pitifully under dressed for a wedding, and she'd have to get her hair and make-up done, but they could get all that done in the limo. Damon could tell that she was a little cross, who wouldn't be? Atleast she didn't yell at him. Damon walked closer to her and laughed at what she said, with a shrug, Damon looked at the gift on the bench and the bag of everything she'd need in his hands, including a dress, and shoes. Sure, he was a little different, but that made him unique. "Don't worry about what you look like, that can all be fixed with a brush and make-up kit, both of which can be found in that limo." He said, motioning to the black stretch that was still parked silently on the side of the road, waiting for them to enter. Thank Merlin the driver was understanding and patient.

Damon's smile grew. She hadn't said no, which meant to Damon that it was most certainly a yes. He was right, how could she refuse? Damon held out the bag and shrugged. "I picked you up something on your way here. A dress and shoes, with a few other things. We're going to a wedding and a bridesmaid and grooms-man, so you've got to look your best." He explained. "Or my mum will kill us both." He added, leading Adelaide to the limo door. "So as you can see, everything is set and ready. You've got nothing to worry about. Everything is already taken care of, all expenses paid for and no need to stress." He added, walking back to pick up the present and placing it onto the back-seat of the limo. Leaning on the door frame, Damon looked at Adelaide once more. "So... you in?"
Adelaide felt extremely self-conscience at this point. Her hair was up, she was in a tank top and sweats and look a wreck. That days makeup with still under her eyes, and she obviously was tired. She saw the bag he picked up, and could make out some of the material over the top of it. Oh goodness it was a dress. Adelaide had dressed up some as a child, but she had never worn flashy clothing before. it wasn't in her nature, she hadn't been raised that way. Her dressed in her old village were ankle length, black, modest, and she could almost make out a red color. Red was a color of passion, and she had never worn it before in that form. She was slightly nervous that she would look ridiculous. "It's in the limo." She said with a slight laugh. "Of course it is." She laughed a little more. This guy really thought of it all; he was pretty determined to get her to go. She wasn't going to say no, what did she knew, it might be fun. She had never gone anywhere as someone's date. As long as he wasn't one of the boys she had been warned about, who wanted nothing more than her purity. That was something that Adelaide held close to her, and saved for the man that God had chosen for her.

"Alright, dress and shoes, sounds better than my outfit." She replied, some sarcasm in her tone, making the way she felt about the dress evident. "Wait wedding? Bridesmaid? What? Your date must have bailed hardcore!" She said. She knew how important a wedding was, and having everyone there was very important as well. She looked at Damon like he was crazy. "Alright, well then, maybe i should just be Adelaide and you Damon, not Mr. Williams. Don't need the formalities now that you've tricked me into this." she smiled slightly and got into the limo, it was huge and her jaw dropped slightly. She had never ridden in one before.​
It was going to be a great day, Damon was sure of it. The skies were quite clear and the forecast earlier that day had said that it would be fine weather. Perfect for an outdoor wedding. Even though by blood he wasn't related to the bride, by marriage he was, and it was the niece of his step-mother, he had to show up otherwise she'd kill him, and his father would kill him, and his mother would kill him for being rude. Death didn't sound so sweet, so he looked at Adelaide quietly and smiled brightly. He was confident that she couldn't refuse. She'd get a lovely dress, and if she was worried about applying the make up without a mirror, Damon could help her or something, applying make up to someone wasn't exactly rocket science. Her hair would be a little bit of a problem, but a hair brush and if he could sneak in some magic would fix that entirely. Damon nodded. "Yes it is. Now, are you going to enter the limo, or stand out here in your jamies?" He asked, looking at what he suspected were clothes she slept in the night before. It was sort of adorable that she was so worried about him. But since he said that he was coughing up blood, and made sound effects, she was probably panicking. He was sure anyone would be panicking.

Damon nodded, trying to ignore the hilarious image he got when he imagined Adelaide rocking up to the wedding his step-mother had worked so hard to plan in what she was wearing now. She'd probably have a heart attack and fall to the ground. It'd be hilarious, but Adeliade would be escorted out by security. "Yes, it will be much better. My mother would have a heart-attack and die. Can't have that at a wedding." He commented, flipping his hair out of his eyes. A small frown threatened to show on the blondes face, but he hide it well behind a soft smile. "Josephine is useless sometimes." He explained, with a shrug. Damon didn't even like Josephine, because she always did stuff like this. In fact, Damon had half expected it, but usually she'd give a days notice. "But that doesn't matter. You're now a bridesmaid, congratulations." He added, humour wrapping his voice. Damon nodded. "Okay then, Adelaide. Driver, take us to the wedding if you will." Damon gave the bag to Adelaide and hopped in the front, giving her the privacy of the back seat. "If you have any more questions, just ask." He called, sitting quietly as the driver began driving.
Adelaide wasn't sure if it was the glitz of the limo, or the glamour of a guy who actually wanted to take her on a date. Adelaide had never been on a date, let alone bee someone's date to a wedding. She realized, or course, that she was a last resort, but still, she was a resort. She smiled slightly at Damon, kind of warming up to the idea that she would have a little fun instead of sleeping away her day and night. That little smile that Damon gave actually made him look kind of cute, and with that thought, she took a step into the limo. It really was amazing, how big inside the vehicle was. it was big enough to fit a whole party of people, let alone just the two of them. She shook her head, and proceeded to take her blonde locks out of the messy bun that they had been so carelessly thrown into. "I must warn you, my hair will take the longest to deal with. Even magic can't tame these curls." She laughed slightly, and shook her hair out, so that it was at least parted on the right side, and let down a little bit. it was still obvious to the naked eye that her hair was knotted in places, and it was frizzy. Adelaide immediately felt self conscience about the way that she looked.

Adelaide let a small giggle slide when he mentioned not wanting his mom to have a heart attack at the wedding. That would be one way to ruin someone's special day, she supposed. She was then a bit taken aback by what Damon had to say. For the longest time, she was under the impression that this woman and Damon were dating, but her impression changed dramatically when he said that the could be useless. Some couples got mad at each other, but she had never heard the words useless thrown around. She smiled again and nodded. "Thanks, I've never been part of a wedding before." She stated honestly. Adelaide nodded when he handed her the bag, and smiled slightly. She began removing articles, and slipped the dress on, she removed a bra strap from her versatile bra, and was nearly ready. She reached back and began trying to zip it up, but couldn't. "Damon..." She trailed off. He would see the other scars on her back, being a farm girl had it's disadvantages after all. "i need you to zip me up, please." She took a deep breath and waited for him.​

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