It Worked?!

Kyne Katsaros

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Ebony 15" Core of Basilisk's fang
Kyne had to admit, things were rather down since he met Evie. Kyne had revealed his real name to her, and made him seem a little like a liar, but that was his nick name, and that was what he went by. When he wrote on paper, it usually came out as Kyne anyway. Kyne was wearing a casual outfit with dark blue jeans and dark brown boots as he entered the club that he was always into when he had small breaks from school. All he had left to attend was graduation, and then that was it. After that, he did not know what he was going to do. Teach maybe? Nah, he did not like kids that much anyway, well, not any that he would or could raise. He wanted to be a dad, and that was what he was dying to be. That was why had slept with Evie to begin with. What could he say? He had a thing for pregnant ladies. They were always so motherly, feisty and they practically glowed with beauty. It was the best thing he had ever looked at in his life. Kyne smiled lightly when the club was a little on the empty side. People would not crowd into here until later on. It was barely past five in the afternoon right now. Kyne approached his good friend that was the bartender named Derrek.

Kyne leaned forward so he could speak with Derrek alone. Kyne inquired, "Has that girl come in with my shirt yet?" Derrek thought for a moment, and he shook his head, "No girl has come in here with your shirt. Oh, let me guess, you left it behind, didn't you?" Kyne groaned and knew that he would have to tell him. Kyne warned, "Yeah, but I was late for an exam. I had to. You better not tell anyone, Derrek." Derrek shrugged and Kyne motioned for him to go back to work. Kyne put his elbows on the counter and he sat down on the stool. He buried his face in his hands and could only hope that he would get his favorite shirt back eventually. How he loved that shirt. Then again, it could be an excuse to see Evie again. She was awesome. Everything about her, Kyne just liked. She was unlike any other girl he had met, and he had met a lot of girls.
Evangelina would really rather be anywhere but home right now. Her parents had been driving her absolutely nuts ever since they find out she was pregnant. As soon as that creepy dude who was into her sister informed her that she could be pregnant she had gone home and taken a test to make sure. When that first test had come out positive she brought it upon herself to keep buying them until one said negative. By the time she had taken like thirty tests and they all came out positive she became fed up and went to the doctors to confirm it all. They also confirmed that she was indeed pregnant with a baby. That was at least two months ago though, which meant she was just a little over four months pregnant right now. To Evie this is probably the worst possible thing that could happen. She did not want a baby and she knew that she wasn't ready to be a mother. Evangelina had never been around babies, never read the books, she didn't even know whats going on with her body right now. It was just all a haze and now it was getting harder and harder for her to hide the fact that she was going to have a baby. Her Bump was getting harder and harder to hide. In fact the dress she was wearing right now didn't hide it at all, she didn't have a reason to hide it anyways. All she was doing was heading to the club to bring that bartender Kyne's shirt back before she headed over to a friends house for the night. She knew he was the father but frankly she wasn't so sure she wanted him to know that she was having his baby or anything of the sort. Chances are that he was going to be one of those typical guys that had one night stands and not want anything to do with the baby. So hopefully all she had to do was bring the shirt back the leave it and would all be okay. Chances are if Kyne was there he would see that it was obvious that she was pregnant and he would ask questions.

Evangelina carefully opened the door to the Club and walked inside. Some eyes immediately shifted to her baby bump and she immediately felt herself begin to wish she had never come. People always stared and thats what bothered her most. They knew she was pregnant and they probably thought she was some pathetic girl who had slept around.The guy she had given her innocence to might be with her if he hadn't left her alone the morning after. Spying the bartender she headed over to him carefully. But just as she reached him she stopped and froze in her place. "Trace?!" What the hell was he doing here right now? He wasn't supposed to be here tonight and this just seemingly ruined everything. Her hands crossed over her chest as she hoped that he didn't notice her bump. Maybe his eyes wouldn't travel. Evie's hand twitched a little as he had the urge to slap him. And before she knew it the words were coming out of her mouth like a firebolt. "Here's your stupid shirt. Oh and by the way...thanks." Evangelina retorted sarcastically as her arms moved to her sides and she turned to walk away. How could he do this to her? What did she do to deserve this? That night was nothing more than a mistake to her, even if right now she already loved the baby. The motherly instinct in her made her love him regardless of the fact that he was an accident.
Kyne ran fingers through his hair. What was he going to do? The graduation and all, he needed a goal in life, and he had nothing he could do or think of doing. Kyne glanced up at Derrek who was not paying any attention to him at all. However, people started to come in. They did not matter to him at all. Kyne let out a soft sigh and he noticed that Derrek was doing his best to serve everyone. It seemed like the staff were a little low today. He could work here when he was older. He knew the staff so why not?However, Kyne had a few girls approach him, and he brushed them off. They did not interest him in the slightest. Their hair was not brown enough, their eyes were not dark and cold enough. They just did not seem like his type at all. He could not think about any other then. Kyne turned around to look over at Derrek sighing as he served another few people. Luckily, a band was not playing tonight, and there was like mudic in the background for some mild and light dancing. It was not a Friday night or Saturday night at all. Things were never too busy until the weekend. That was one of the ways Kyne loved it. He liked it when things were not so jumpy even if he loved to dance.

A familiar voice cut through his mind, and Kyne slowly turned on the stool to face the goddess herself, calling him by his nickname, and Kyne met her eyes with his own. Kyne greeted with a smile, "Evie!" What were the odds of her coming here? And she was carrying his shirt. He got off of the stool and he stood in front of her. He reached out to take his shirt, when his hazel eyes glanced down when she sarcastically said 'thanks'. He saw some sort of bump, and instantly, he was rejuvenated. He was going to be a dad! Unless, that child was not his. He assumed it was. Kyne beamed, "Oh I cannot believe that it worked! You are pregnant! Wow, this is amazing. I've always wanted to be a dad, and wow, you look amazing." He was not like a normal male. He loved babies, but did not like children. It was odd, but then again, all the children he came across were brats with no respect. Kyne wanted to feel the baby bump, but right now, she seemed fiery and made her seem all more attractive to him. Plus, she probably did not want to have a child just yet. "So, boy or girl?" Kyne had a million questions, of course.
Evangelina was at a loss foe words at Kyne's reaction to her being pregnant. He actually seemed beyond overjoyed about the fact that a small child was growing within her stomach as the days, weeks, and even months flew by. But what shocked her even more was how he mentioned that it worked? Had he intentionally spent the night with her in order to possibly impregnate her with his child? By the look on his face she could tell that he had indeed meant to do it. What was the matter with him? Evie's small but tense hand swung backwards before her hand connected with Kyne's faced loudly and painfully. Her darkened black eyes gleamed with furiousness. "How dare you? I trusted you and..I thought you liked me! I was only a vessel? What the hell is your problem?" Evangelina knew her voice was a bit loud and that people were now starting to stare but she was absolute hurt and stricken right now. This was probably the cruelest thing that anyone had done to her, ever. The dark haired beauty rester her hand on her stomach as she tried to calm herself down a little. All this stress wasn't good for the baby, that much she knew on her own. Her hand gently ran up and down as she tried to sooth her and her little boy within. He was awful sensitive right now. Kyne had always wanted to be a father but what he did was wrong and sick. Did he ever think that maybe she wasn't ready to have a baby or be a mother. Her body heaved as she panted and stared at Kyne hatefully, he was nowhere near being mature enough to be a father to this baby.

"Why should I tell you anything about this baby?" Evangelina leaned against the bar as she continued to try and soothe herself from all the stress and stuff she was going though. The heat and the smell of alcohol wasn't helping her any. Really though, he should learn squat about this baby. Miriah didn't think he frankly deserved to hear any of it. A part of her couldn't help but be curious about whether or not he wanted a son or a daughter. Hopefully it was a boy though because thats what he was getting and there was nothing either of them could do about it. "Erm...Kyne..could you get me some water? I don't feel really good?" Sure she felt like slapping him again and again but she knew that wouldn't do much to help her right now. She was thirsty and such and she knew some ice cold water would probably help her out a little. Was it going to be like this all the time?
The slap was a little bit on the rough side. Well, a little bit was a hell of an understatement. Kyne felt the heat of the hand cause an eruption of pain across his cheek. Some people around saw and were baffled that someone would hit Kyne that hard. Hard enough to cause his head to turn, yet there was hardly any sign of anger at all. He purred out tauntingly, “Oh, I love them when they are rough.” He chuckled and he turned his hazel eyes to see just how mad she was. When she spoke, it struck him worse than that slap was. He did not realize just what he had done to her until she was speaking. It made him feel like a real jerk, which was what he was at times just not to girls that he did actually like. Kyne’s hand went to his cheek and rubbed the skin that was inflamed by the slap. Kyne’s expression changed from sly to almost saddened and hurt as well. It was something that he did not think through, and he did not think about her. He only thought about himself. What kind of guy was he? He wanted Evie to like him, and this is what happens? He drives her away? Kyne uttered, “I do like you. But… I guess I was thinking more about myself than I did you. I’m a selfish guy, and I have been working on that, obviously not well enough. I suppose that slap in my face was well deserved. Maybe even another one for good measure.” He was excited over the baby, sure but he was devastated by what he had done to her. Kyne may not look and act like a gentleman but he was at heart, even though he needed a few good kicks in the right direction.

Kyne pointed out, “Cause I want to be there for every moment of that baby’s life? I don’t want to leave you and him or her abandoned.” Kyne did not want to leave this baby, not ever. He wanted to be a father, something that he never really had growing up. It was not easy growing up in an orphanage and only going about form foster home to foster home. Kyne never wanted a child to go through that like he did growing up. But then it started to hit him. Would he be able to provide for it? He could have a decent job. Kyne bit his lip from the inside with his pearly whites, and he wondered what would become of them. Why did he not think before he acted? Hell, why did he not just think? Kyne watched her lean against the bar, and he heard her request. Kyne then snapped to get Derrek’s attention. “Yo, get Evie some ice water, stat!” Derrek nodded and got some water, ice and a glass. Mixing it together to make a glass of ice water, he handed it to Kyne who in turn handed it to Evie. “Are you all right? Do you need anything else? I’ll do anything to make it up to you.”
Evangelina furrowed her brows and spoke again, her voice filled with venom. "Wanna get smacked again?" She asked with a raise eyebrow when she heard his comment about liking it rough. As bad as it sounded she thought it was kind of hot that he was willing to let her be rough with him. But she didn't want to soften up on him because he did indeed just ruin her life by getting her pregnant because he wanted to be a jerk. Never could she face her friends and classmates again without rumors being spread about her that she slept around and hook up with all kinds of guys. Kyne was her first and probably after this experience her last. Kyne told her that he did like her but he was being selfish. Her moth dropped and before she knew what was happening she had smacked him again, less hard but it still seemed affective enough to hopefully get her point across. She went closer to him but that was only so she could be more affective as she told him about the the mistakes he was forcing her to make because of their one action. First her sister was going to have a baby and now her, boy was her parents going to be thrilled. "I can't believe you did this to me Kyne! I don't know how to take care of a baby. I lost all my friends, I'm pretty sure my parents are kicking me out, and...I just...why me? what did I do to deserve this? that night we had together was so perfect and now..I..I can't even stand to look at you." Evangelina said as her voice cracked a little. Tears were building up in her eyes as she slowly wiped them away. Now she had the sudden urge to hug him and tell him she was sorry for yelling at him. It was the pregnancy hormones that made her act like this. Without sudden warning she lunged out and wrapped her arms around him in a tight and intense hug. Her growing baby bump was pressed up against him as she buried her head into his the crook of his neck.

"I'm sooo sorry. The pregnancy hormones..I just...I'm sorry." Evangelina had said once she had taken a sip of her water and was able to calm down enough to set it down. The coolness of the ice and the softness of Kyne's words was enough to make her heart melt like chocolate. He didn't wand to abandon her or the baby and that was what had made her change her mind. He was willing to be there. "You don't have to support all of this. I won't get mad, and neither will our son. I'm okay..I still feel a little sick and tired though." She pulled away from the embrace that she had given Kyne to take a large gulp of the ice water and lean against the counter again. Her hands slowly ran over her swollen tummy before she bit her lip and looked over at Kyne. Why did he seem to happy and proud of this?
Kyne smirked cockily when she offered to smack him again. He loved it rough, and he was willing to let her be as rough with him as she pleased. He loved rough, and it made the night even more appealing than ever. Though they had only met once, Kyne often wondered if this could be love at first sight. Well, he did not believe in that, so it was lust at first sight. But now that she was carrying his child, he was more attracted to her than ever. Once more, he felt that hand go across his cheek and he felt that it was less rough than before, which was almost displeasing but it still made him admire Evie even more. So, Kyne was a weird kid, and he was just showing it through ways that were just messed up. Maybe some pure-bloods just were not right in the head after all. Just Kyne really. But having a kid started to get to him. He needed a house, well a bigger house. He would get a job, and ask Evie to come with him maybe. Well, maybe not, cause he doubted that she even wanted something like that to begin with. Well, he could always just have the baby live at his house when he got one. Kyne let out a soft sigh and he murmured, “I believe I know how to. I have read enough books on the matter. I don’t know, it was just something I wanted and would do anything to get it. Maybe you attracted me so much, and I just could not resist. You deserve much more than this, I know that now. I guess…I guess I just need to grow up.”

Kyne shrugged lightly and knew that most of the place was confused by the use of his first name he hated so much. There was nothing he could do about it though, since he did not control anything Evie said. He glanced back at Derrek who seemed a little touched and he shook his head, probably thinking that Kyne needed a brain and needed to grow up and mature. There was a reason why he was not in Ravenclaw. Next thing he knew, Evie embraced him into a hug, leaving Kyne even more confused than ever. Though she explained it as the pregnancy hormones and he found that unusually sexy. Kyne shook his head and he wrapped his arms around her and he whispered, “You should not be sorry at all, babe.” It was odd that he could feel the bump against him and he did not mind. Kyne released her as he stared down at her with approbation in his hazel eyes. Kyne pointed out, “You know, I want to support you and our…our son. I want to be a dad, and that is what I have dreamed to be since I never really had one. But if you feel sick and tired, maybe you should return to the school or someplace with a bed. You know I am here for you, every step of the way if you allow me to be there that is.” Kyne glanced down at her swollen stomach, and he wanted nothing more but to feel the baby, but he knew that it probably did not kick or anything right now, did it?
Evangelina shied her face away from Kyne a little as she get her bearings together and not fall for any stupid little tricks and guys always pulled to get themselves out of trouble. "Well then your going to get a lot of baby questions but...I don't think it's attraction you feel Kyne. You just think you are because I'm pregnant with your baby." Evangelina rolled her eyes softly once she stopped trying to hide the shyness from Kyne. The fact that there was a little baby inside her right now almost made her feel a little giddy. In fact since she was nearing five months she could even feel the little guy move sometimes. It wasn't a lot since it was still quite young but it was enough to surprise her everytime. Sometimes it made her giggle too because it felt really weird. Evie could tell already that this baby was going to be a strong one, maybe even look like his father. Which wouldn't be too bad because it was easy for her to admit that Kyne was a very good looking guy. He would make gorgeous babies with almost anyone but ended up choosing her for some reason. What made her seem like such a good person to have his kid? She could be a horrible mother for all he knew, which she wasn't because it was indeed only just under five months and she was already like a pro...well okay a pro with everything but what to do once it got there. She could only hope that her motherly instincts kicked it when the baby did come.

"Don't worry, I heard it's expectant to feel like that. I'm used to it anyways. Do you think your really read to be a father though?" Evangelina question when a small giggle escaped her lips. She felt that bubbly feeling inside her stomach right now which she remembered hearing usually meant that the baby was moving around. Maybe he sensed his father around and decided to be active for awhile. Maybe if she stayed around long enough she would really start to feel him move and such, sometimes he got really active. When Evangelina caught Kyne continuously look at her stomach she raised an eyebrow. " there any reason you keep looking at my stomach like that?" She was a bit worried that he wasn't happy or something was up but at the same time it was sort of amusing to see someone stare and gawk like that. Made her feel loved, or cared about.
Kyne pointed out, "Well, you were not pregnant the first time we met. What would be your excuse on the attraction then, hm? You were...well, a virgin before me and trust me, you can use that against me as well." Kyne turned to the bar and he ordered a butterbeer from Derrek and once he received it, Kyne took a drink from it. The golden liquid quenched his thirst. Plus it soothed his nerves to actually think that he would soon be a dad. Just being in this woman's presence was enough to make him a little uneasy. Kyne wondered if she would give the baby his last name, or if he would have Evie's name. Kyne wondered so much and he was just excited over it and everything. Kyne wanted to go baby shopping and everything. Kyne was overly exciting, but alas he would have to wait for graduation and everything. That was something that he was looking for. He did not have to give a speech and that was what he loved most about not being a Head Boy. But he was also hoping that he could be a good dad, and that would be soon enough. He would be a dad, and he would care for his son as much as he cared for his hair. Kyne loved his hair as much as the next person, so he would love the child more than that.

"Okay, but I am still going to worry about you," said Kyne. Kyne took another drink of his butterbeer and set it on the counter once more. He ran his fingers through his caramel hair and he glanced down at his shoes. "Well, I am hoping that I will be a good one. You know, I think I am mature enough to handle one and take care of a baby. But we never know for sure until it happens." Kyne shrugged lightly, and he smiled charmingly down at her. He could not really help it. She had some sort of effect on him , and he wished he knew what it was. She was quite the goddess upon him. Then she asked why he was always looking at her stomach, and he answered honestly, "May I...feel our son? I have a thing, it is a little odd but yes." Kyne chuckled lightly, and he liked to hear Evie giggle. She seemed so nice and light.
Evangelina was slightly stunned when Kyne told her that she wasn't pregnant when they had first spent the night together to it couldn't possibly be that that made him attracted to her. She hadn't really thought of that. Evangelina cocked her head to the side and sighed. "So your trying to tell me that you became attracted to be on the very first night we met? Oh you are such charmer." She smirked just so slightly before she winked at him. No matter how much she tried to be mad and tell herself that this wasn't going to last she couldn't help but find herself falling for Kyne and his obvious charms. He was the father of her baby so maybe it made her have an even closer bond to him. Taking a drink of her ice water she set the glass down before she brushed some of her hair out other face and turned to face Kyne. He was still going to worry about her, which was sweet in a way. There was a lot to worry about so she didn't blame him one bit, she wasn't exactly sure how much she was going to have to go through but she was ready. She stepped over to Kyne and brought her hand up to rest it on the side of Kyne's cheek gently. "I'll be fine, no need to worry. And if you feel that worried you can always check up on me and everything. But we do need to clear some things up like, do we raise him together? Names? What things do we need? What's going to happen" Evangelina removed her hand after a moment and bit her lip as she tried to think and focus about what was happening to her and how she was going to be able to handle all of it. Having a baby was the last thing she had expected to happen. Her darkened eyes shifted around the club before she winced in pain for a second. The baby was not making this easy on her.

When Kyne asked if he could feel their son she was confused for merely a second before she released that he wanted to touch her stomach. She blushed lightly and nodded her head before she motioned for him to come over. "Sure you can. Might wanna hurry, he's been moving around quite a bit. I think he can sense your around." Evie rubbed her stomach for a moment before she remembered that she forgot to put some of that nasty stuff on her stomach to make sure she didn't get stretch marks and stuff. That wasn't something she wanted to go through and figured she would have to remind herself about it later.
Kyne snickered and he nodded when she said that he was such a charmer. Well, he was not going to lie and say that he was not a charmer, but he had been attracted to her since the day he met her and um, screwed her. He took another drink of butterbeer that Derrek had gotten him. It was nice to have his thirst quenched. Kyne raised an eyebrow at Evie when she said that he could check up on her and everything. Well, he needed to do that from now on. Kyne grinned when he thought of going in to check up on Evie, seeing the baby on the screen, and then the birthing. That was the only thing he did not want to watch from one point of view. He could be beside her, as long as he did not see anything. That would be disturbing to watch. Kyne made sure that he could word out everything, seeing as he never thought it through completely, "I would love to raise him with you, but if you can't, I'll still be here, you know? As for names, I really like the name Jayson. But you can choose the name since you are getting the bad parts of pregnancy, and all. What happens to us... Not marriage...not immediate anyway. We, well, I don't know. I really like you, and I guess we can be friends and work our way to the top. Sound good?" That was the most realistic thing he could eve think of right now. Kyne was out of options.

Excitedly, Kyne got closer to Evie, and he was told to hurry because the baby was moving around quite a bit, and might not move again for a little while. Kyne placed both of his hands upon her stomach, and he leaned his forehead against hers. This could be a magical moment, and Kyne smiled as he felt something. It was small, tiny, but it was something. Kyne murmured, "Wow...he's...moving..." Of course she would know that he was moving, and he was so entranced with how beautiful a child was, and with how Evie carried it. He was loving this all. "I love him already. This, this is amazing." Well, at least he was the type to stick around. Thing was, he did not back away from Evie either. He liked this closeness. He dropped his hands from her stomach and smiled. His hands brushed her arms, feeling the softness of her skin. She was a glorious being, and carrying his baby.
Evie knew that she had a long and rough road up ahead with this pregnancy. She was going to probably because the size of a Hippo, experience other awful symptoms, and then the actual birthing of the baby. This part alone scared her enough to make her want pass out onto the floor and never wake up again. She had read and heard such terrible things about giving birth that it scared her. Evangelina heard that sometimes the baby could not make it, there could be extreme health risks, and even sometimes there could be death. And she did not want to die so young and without really getting a chance to live her life. "Kyne I will be honest, I'm really scared about actually having the if something happens? Jayson sounds like the perfect name, I'll give him your last name too. As for the rest friends works perfectly fine to me. Never thought I'd be having a baby with a friend..teehee." Evangelina let out a giggle during the last part. That would be a fun part to explain to the parents. That she decided to have a baby with one of her friends, even if it was mostly his idea to begin with. Why did he think being a father was so great anyways? Didn't it scare him at all? Evie felt another kick and she jumped in shock, that baby was restless.

Evangelina smiled softly when she felt Kyne's forehead against hers and his hands on her stomach, it was very romantic, intimate, but beautiful at the same time. She was so happy he got to feel his son move around a little, especially since some days he moved a lot awhile other days he barely moved at all. "I think he likes it when your around Trace, he hasn't moved this much ever. Usually he just liked to move around at night when I'm trying to sleep." Evangelina told him softly when she felt his hands leave her stomach but instead grazed her arms softly. One of her hands went up to his cheek where it gently rested for a moment. His cheek was warm against her smooth hand. She was tempted to give him a kiss but remained where she was. She doubted the bartender wanted to see her and Trace get intimate right in front of him like that.
Kyne wondered just how awful someone must feel when they are pregnant. He saw it as a wondering thing, and wanted to see Evie get bigger, rub that lotion on her skin so that she would not receive stretch marks, and everything. Kyne was looking forward to it, so that he could spend more time with Evie as well as be there for the child. Kyne loved the baby already, baby boy. He was going to have a son! Kyne was completely entranced with the fact that he would be a dad, but scared at the same time. However, his fear was nothing compared to what she was feeling about giving birth and all. The back of his hand caressed her cheek and he murmured, "Don't worry, nothing will happen. I have faith." Though he was happy that she liked the name he had chosen. And she was going to let Jayson have his last name! A middle name can be chosen later. "Jayson Lurken, it has a ring to it." Her giggle was absolutely hilarious to Kyne, though all that escaped his mouth was a soft laugh. He never thought that he would be having a baby with a friend. Then she jumped in shock from what he guessed was the baby kicking. Needless to say that Kyne was a little concerned.

Kyne took a step back from Evie and he reached around and scratched his head. So, friends were not supposed to be that intimate really. Derrek seemed to enjoy the show too, as well as fake gagged at how 'cute' it was. Kyne let out a soft sigh and he murmured, "I heard that it runs in the family, sleepless nights. So, sorry about that. So, Evie, what do you want to do after graduation and all?" Kyne was wondering this, because he had a good idea of what he was going to do, and that was come back here and work. He was really good at bartending, and knew a bit of moves and all to spice it all up.
Trace told her that he had faith and that nothing was going to happen to her. She wished she could completely believe his words but she knew better than that. There could be a lot of complications and one thing she knew that would break his heart was to have the baby not make it or something. In the end she thought that was all that mattered, was him getting his baby. "As long as the baby makes it okay...I'm sure you'll have nothing to worry about. I'm still scared though, even more scared then when that creepy guy came after me on the street." She knew that this was the guy that was with her sister or something like that but he had still gone after and everything when she ran from him and it was really scary for her. What bothered her even more was that she was actually pregnant at the time, what if he had chosen to hurt her for being so rude to him? One thing was for sure and that was that she thought he was so creepy and dead-like. Was that guy even a human or anything? People were not supposed to be that pale. Evangelina was happy that he at least liked the name she had agreed with, and that she had given the baby his last name. It was done mostly because it did have a nice ring to it, but also because she thought it would make Kyne happy. She wasn't sure what was going to happen to her either. She could possible be abandoned by was uncertain. Evangelina bit her lip when Trace took a step back from her, since they were friends they shouldn't be intimate like that. Though she sort of wondered how this was going to affect their parenting.

"I'm not even really sure. Maybe find a house or somewhere and just focus on having the baby and being able to take care of him. After that I might go work at a shop or something, just something that won't take up all my time but will bring in some cash." Evangelina answered softly as her thin shoulders shrugged. There was a lot she could do but she needed to make sure that she had time for the baby and everything. That was her biggest worry, being a bad mother. If needed she would move in with a friend or something. Her parents already wanted her out and she was willing to do that for them. Evie didn't really want their help anyways.
Kyne was a little worried, but with teenagers, their bodies were easily adapted and all so maybe it would not be so bad then again too young would be devastating. Though she was not too young, because too young would be like fourteen or fifteen. Kyne had done his research on pregnancies in his life, but he had not read on them all. But he needed to get some baby books, and for that, he wondered if Evie would like that actually. Kyne raised an eyebrow, “A creepy guy came after you? Um, why?” inquired Kyne curiously. That was a little unnerving to know actually. Why would someone want to come after his Evie? Something like that really made him wonder why would someone want to come after a woman, especially someone creepy. Could it have been a Death Eater? Kyne did not really care much on the Death Eaters really, they were there, and that was all he cared about. He had no desire to join them or anything. He did not support them but he did not damn them either. Kyne then wondered if Evie ever wanted to join the ranks of the Death Eaters because even her sister was one, but neither of them knew that – well, Evie may know, but Kyne did not know anyone in the Death Eaters actually. He ignored the obvious signs.

What they needed to do as parents now was get established, and stay friends for a little while because they knew nothing about each other. “I think I already have a job once graduation follows through, but for a home, that would be a little bit of a problem though an apartment would be fine starting out. But I can understand what you are talking about because a mother should stay home with a newborn, or a father if he can, because I don’t want some stranger walking in and caring for my baby – our baby, you know what I mean.” Kyne chuckled, and from that one would know that he would be a protective father. Though he might not be the best role model in the world working at a bar, but he would still do his best. They may have to struggle for a little while, but what family that was starting out would not? Kyne could not wait until the baby was born, because he was wanting to have a family. Kyne needed one, but he often worried about Evie and her feelings on it. Well, if she did not want one, she could have had the baby removed, so to speak. He was glad that she had not however.
Evangelina watched Trace's eyebrow raise after she told him about that creepy guy that she had run into not so long ago, the one that told her that she was pregnant too. He was one of those guys that a person would most likely see in their most haunting dreams, how could her sister even consider being with that guy without being terrified of him. It seemed like he had a thing for her too, at least from what Evie could see. Then again she was still really young and didn't have much of an idea at all when it came to love or having feelings for someone, just attraction and the pains that followed it. "Yeah, I just to run but he just came after me. He said he just wanted to try an experiment but all he did was touch me so I'm not really sure he was trying to test or anything." Evangelina was sort of in the dark here. She wasn't sure why he had done this nor had he given her much of an explanation other than the fact that he needed to test something out. So she wasn't sure what else to tell Trace other than a basic idea of what happened. Hopefully she would never run into that man again because he was really creepy. The first time she had gotten off easy but she really couldn't be sure that it would end up as smooth going as it was the first time. Then again maybe that man could take her to her sister, A million thoughts raced through her thoughts before she shook her head and sighed, Evangelina used her hang to softly push some of her dark hair away from her face so she could look down at her baby bump. Even if she wanted to see her sister again and understand what was going on she had more important things to worry about. Like this baby and what she was planning to do to take care of it.

"What job is that?" He already had a job? Evangelina let her dark eyes shifted to the side lightly as she tried to make it appear that she was less worried than she already was. If he had a job that meant he was already doing his part. Sure Evie knew she needed to focus on taking care of herself and the baby but she figured that until it came close to the due date she would have to get a job too so she could help make some form of money. Then again maybe her parents would all help her out, she wasn't sure but she didn't want to make Trace give up a lot of his time because of the stupid baby that was formed by accident on her part at least. "Well, I think I'm going to end up staying with my mom or something so I won't have to worry about a place just so soon. And perhaps she could babysit but should enjoy your life a little. Don't give away everything just for the baby." Evangelina knew that young guys would probably want to go out, make friends, maybe meet a girl because she knew that as a good 'friend' she should be supportive of anything he wanted to do. Evangelina screwed her life up by being stupid and even if Trace wanted to be a father she knew she was going to feel bad by making him give up so much for the baby.
Kyne let out a soft sigh, but still that man just sounded completely and totally off to him. Why would someone want to experiment with Evie? It did not make any sense but then again he did not know the entire story. Kyne shook his head and he murmured, “Creepy people out there. He did not touch you in a sexual manner, did he? And if he comes back, then hopefully I will be there to help you or fight him off or something.” Kyne was in the dark as well with this. It just seemed all too weird for him. That man, whoever he was, needed to keep away from Evie, especially when she was pregnant. Kyne wanted to protect Evie with all of his might, against all odds. But right now, Kyne needed to plan on taking care of the baby as a father, but how would he be able to do that when he never had a role model? Kyne would just have to go by his fatherly instincts, which were buried inside of him. Kyne glanced at Derek and he said, “Bartending. After graduation, this will be where I will be working at. I think it will be from evening to late nights, but I will have the afternoons off and all.” Kyne chuckled a bit, as Derek went on with his own work. Kyne had a good future here, since he was a regular, and he could not wait to get started on working himself. “I won’t give away everything for the baby. I enjoy life, live day by day, and I know that working here will have my social life at its peak. You just worry about yourself, because at least I want to stick around for the baby.” Kyne winked his hazel eye at Evie. She really needed to worry about herself right now. To him, he was not giving up everything or anything. He was willing to do whatever it took to care for the child, no matter what.
Evangelina wasn't really too sure if Trace was more worried for her or if he was more worried about the baby when she mentioned that guy chasing her down and everything, frankly she figured that the baby deserved to be way more worried for then she did. "No he only touched my cheek. I seriously thought he was some psycho killer or something, and he was the one who told me that I might be pregnant. Oh, Trace please don't get yourself hurt or anything. I think if he comes again I can handle him." Evangelina didn't like feeling like she wasn't in control or was weak. She was still a young girl but she didn't want people to pity her or feel sorry for her because she was pregnant and was like a young girl herself. She was truly happy that Trace and her were friends and that he was feeling to step up for this baby and everything but there was a part of her that felt like this was the worlds biggest mistake. That he sort of ruined a part of her life and sucked out her fun and childhood in less than a few months. He was a really sweet guy but his dream of having a family was a little overbearing, could Evie be a good mother and keep his dream alive at the same time. She was too softhearted to want to abandon the baby or tell Kyne that he was an idiot for doing this to her. He was her friend now and even though it was weird to be having a friends baby she guessed as long as he was there for her she couldn't be too upset. She would need to keep from that she actually lived alone and everything though because she didn't want him to worry about her.

"Wow, it sounds like the perfect job for you. How many days a week are you working and everything?" This made Evangelina want a job even more. She hated to think that it would be mostly Kyne bringing in the funds for this and everything because she knew he needed money for other things like a house and stuff. It made her feel like she was depending too much on him, even if he was the one who got her pregnant. Later on tonight when she got home she would have to go through and job hunt because she needed to find a way to support herself and her baby. "So Kyne, do you think you'd want me to stop by here and everyone and awhile to give you news on the baby and everything?" Evangelina asked when she sighed softly and started to massage her swollen stomach. She suddenly felt the baby start to move around and kick viciously. It felt so weird and awkward to feel something moving around inside her stomach when she was used to feeling nothing there.
Kyne thought it was especially weird when the mysterious creeper just touched Evie's cheek. Did he mark her or something? Kyne ran his hand over his hair and shook his head, "Wow, people just keep getting stranger and stranger." Kyne could not resist thinking that he needed to meet this guy, face to face, so that Kyne to tell him to back off of his friend - and mother of his child - or else deal with his fury. Not like that will do anything really. Kyne knew that Evie would be a good mother, but he did not know if he would be able to just remain friends with her and all. What if he started to like her because she was everything he wanted in a girl so far? What if she did not return the feelings that he may develop for her? Kyne would not know how that would affect them anyhow. Kyne shrugged lightly and he answered, "At least the weekends, and then three days in the week. So, about five days a week. It has benefits and everything." Kyne could not wait to get established in the this life. He could not wait. It would be awesome. Kyne nodded and he grinned, "Yeah, of course! I want to know everything about this little one."
OOCOut of Character:
Feel free to forward time. :r
Later in Time...

Evangelina was very uncomfortable right now. She had gone into labor, or something like it some hours ago and right now the stupid Healers were waiting until she was dilated enough to give her stuff to take away the pain and let her actually have the baby. This was was close to unbearable too, never had she felt such sharp and nasty feeling pains, it made her want to curl into a ball and cry. It wasn't even minute's after she had doubled over in pain at her own home that her friend that had been staying with her to help her out with the end of pregnancy, had apparated her to the nearest Hospital and had her taken care of by a few Healers. They had put her in this private Hospital Room and this was where she was supposed to stay no matter how much she wanted to leave. This had been a few hours ago and she still wasn't having the baby. Just those pains and she was ready for them to stop. Throughout the rest of her pregnancy Evie had been doing small tasks like getting the nursery ready, getting herself ready, visiting Kyne to let him see how big she was getting and feel the baby get more restless. She hadn't seen him in a few weeks though because she wasn't feeling well and he had work.

"Is Trace here yet?" Evangelina asked her best friend as she peered over at her tiredly and trying her best not to show that it hurt really badly. Not too long ago she had owled him to tell him that she was going into labor and really wanted him here. Her friend shook her head and Evie sighed pitifully. Trace had said he wanted to be here for it too but she actually felt like she needed some here right now. To comfort her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. The baby was said to be fine but Evangelina was in pain, and she was scared. Not only for the actual for the birth but because she didn't know if she was fully ready to be a mother.

Being long since graduated from Hogwarts Scotland with the title of being a prefect, Kyne was now living in a small apartment in the United Kingdom right next to the bar that he now worked at. His best friend there quit because he moved over to another country, Turkey wasn't it? Kyne did not know. But now, he helped run the place, and he was tired enough as is because in his apartment, he had built a small nursery but it was much too small for his own comforts, not to mention it was in his bedroom, and the apartment only had one bedroom. That was all he could afford right now before he could own the bar which would happen in a year or so. He had not seen Evie in a while, and he wondered if she was doing all right. He was bit busy with getting his life together as is anyhow. He had recently heard that his sister, Abbey, was pregnant as well, but she was married. Kyne was not even close to wanting to be married. Someone his age and married, that was impossible. Kyne got the bar ready with a wave of his wand, and he thought that the place was really looking good. He did not see the owl that landed on the chair in the table, possessing the letter that would inform him of his son's birth. He ordered some people to get the stage ready, before someone told him he had mail.

Kyne hopped over the bar and he took the letter from the waiter. He opened it and he almost screamed in shock. "Why did you not let me see this sooner? My son is about to be born! Oh my God you guys are idiots!" Some of the workers thought that Kyne was nuts, because he was having a kid. He grabbed his denim jacket and he apparated out to Saint Mungo's. Healers directed him to the right place, where he burst through the door, and his hair was not in the neatest condition, but he wore a smile on his face. But seeing Evie like that was enough to almost break his heart. Slowly he made his way over to the other side of the bed and he inquired, "Okay, Evie, I'm here now, just relax and everything will be fine." He was kind of scared too. He wanted to be a dad like he had never had, but what if he failed?
Evangelina nearly jumped when someone burst through the door because for a moment she thought it was a doctor coming to tell her something was wrong with the baby. But instead it was actually the one person she was waiting for, the baby's father and a friend of hers. Kyne looked a little rushed and flustered at the moment but the brunette could figured that it was because he may have been working and had to hurry here. Evie's friend looked at Kyne as if he were some sort of beast or something before she turned her head to look at Evangelina, as if asking if this was the babies father or if she needed to call security or something. "Trace, I'm glade you came but where have you been? I was almost afraid you were going to miss it or had changed your mind." Evangelina told him softly. She might have spoken louder but she was in a lot of pain and was afraid her voice would start to crack the moment she had opened her mouth to say anything. Even though she wanted to remain strong and act like this didn't hurt that bad or anything but oh god would she be lying if she tried to act like that. Kyne was so lucky that he wasn't the one on the bed right now suffering from this pain. Evangelina didn't think that many men would be able to handle this, hell she could barely handle it. This pain would probably all be worth it though, if she could overcome this pain and be able to hold her son. She was already tired and was ready to call quits. Too bad calling quits wasn't exactly allowed this moment. This baby was coming whether she wanted it too or not.

She was told to relax and everything would be fine. For a moment she wanted to jab Kyne right then and there for suggesting that she relax, but then she figured it wasn't like he knew how much this hurt. He was trying to help. "I wish I could Trace but this hurts..really really bad. And the doctors haven't told me anything yet!" It was really too late because as she spoke her voice cracked and before anything else could be said to cover it up, Evangelina's dark eyes began to fill up with white glistening tears. She was in pain, the doctors weren't really helping her, and she was scared as hell right now. Was it going to hurt even worse than this? Would they have to cut her open or something? Another wave of pain hit her and she whimpered before she sighed glanced at Kyne. Technically this was the second to worst thing that had happened to her in her life right now.
Kyne smiled over at his friend, Evangelina. Amazingly, he was relaxed and hoping that everything is going to be all right. Kyne glanced at the friend and he did not say a word to her. He did not know her and to be frank, he wanted all his attention on Evie right now anyway. Kyne murmured, "I would not have missed this for the world, Evie. My mind is clear, clearer than it has been for quite some time." Kyne wished that there was a way to transfer to pain over to him. He had heard of some way when the woman was going through labor, and lets the man relieve it and feel the pain as well. But he thought that was just something that some people saying that were just weird. However, Kyne wished that he could do that though. Kyne wondered if there was some way to hurry and get the laboring over with so that they could hold their baby. Kyne reached for her hand so that he could cradle it with all of his might. As a friend, he was here to support her. As the father of the baby, he was obligated to be here, but he wanted to be here anyway. Kyne bit his lip and he murmured, "Wish that there was a way I can relieve you of your pain." Kyne then thought of something. "Hang on a second." Kyne rushed out of the room, told the doctors what exactly was going on and to get their arses in there to deliver the baby. Perhaps she just was not dilated enough? Kyne went back to the hospital room and he went back to Evie's side. He murmured, "They will be here any minute. You might not be dilated enough, and well, it could be a little while longer. How soon are your contractions?" If they were every three or four minutes, then the baby was really coming.
Evangelina was really happy that Kyne was so willing to be here for the birth of his son, she wasn't sure if she could handle this by herself anymore. There were horrible stories told to her recently about how hard being a single mother could be and how it wasn't uncommon for the men to leave the woman behind and no longer wanted anything to do with their child. It was sad but apparently true. Her and Kyne were just friends so she had to just hope that his loyalty would remain to her and their son. "Don't worry, just you being here is helping me out a lot." Evie told him. The fact that he was here and he was still all for this allowed her to relax. It didn't take a lot of the pain away but it helped her not feel so stressed and overworked. When Kyne rushed out of the room she let her eyes drift to her friend before she felt more pain hit her. Her friend seemed worried but told her that she figured Kyne was just getting the doctors. When he returned he said that the doctors would be here soon, which meant that he must have gone to find a doctor. Then he asked how far apart the contractions were and for a moment she blanked out. "Like every five minute's or so...ow." Evangelina breathed out as she told Kyne how long it was between the Contractions. They seemed to be getting closer together too which meant that she was becoming more and more dilated. Just as she was going to turn and ask Kyne if he was sure he wanted to be in here a few doctors came in. Evangelina smiled softly at Kyne and tuned into the doctors. They said she was just about dilated enough to have the baby now.

Before Evie knew what was really going on, she was fully dilated, her water had broken and surely enough she was in a lot of pain. A lot more than she had expected to be in. But in the end Evangelina figured that it would be worth it, she had chosen not to use drugs for this birth but by this point she was regretting that decision.</COLOR>
<COLOR color="#000">Errr...later?

Giving birth was definitely took the cake for most painful things that Evangelina had through in her lifetime. Even worse than the time time she had fallen down the stairs and broken quite a few things on the way down. Despite the pain that she had gone through, Evie had to admit that she was glad it was over with. Her ears could pick up the sounds of Jayson crying as the doctors cleaned him off, he had only been alive in the world for less than a few moments and Evangelina already missed having him close. It wasn't as hard as she thought it would be, in fact she figured that she would be much sweatier and less wired but she wasn't. Evangelina wiped some of her hair out of her face and saw a nurse approach her with a bundle in her arms. The nurse asked if she would like to hold her baby. Evangelina's mouth opened to say something but in the end all she could do was nod her head and lifted up her arms to take a hold of the baby. Her arms curled closer to her body and she held the small baby in front of her like he was a breakable antique or something. "He's so beautiful..and tiny." Evangelina cracked a smile as she scooted and turned close for Kyne to see. After all he seemed very excited just for her to pregnant in general, she had no idea how happy actually having a baby would make him. Her finger came up and gently traced his smooth cheek with her hand, it was very soft. "Do you want to hold him Trace?"

Ringing. That was all that Kyne could hear in his head for the time being. Apparently, he did not anticipate that it would be that loud in the room, and when he wanted to get the firsthand experience on watching the birth, needless to say, Kyne was seeing stars before he even hit the floor. After a healer revived him, Kyne had gone back to Evie's side, making sure that he did not get another look and another fainting sensation over attempting to watch his son being born. Kyne knew that it probably should have stayed at her side before fainting and probably freaking her out as well. But much time had passed and the exhausting process and finally, the cries of Jayson were something Kyne would never forget in his years of being alive. He wanted to wash him, cloth him, everything, but the healers did that however. A tired laugh escaped from Kyne's lips and he glanced over at Evie, and he knew that he would be around her for a long time to come, for the sake of their son. Kyne had always wanted to be a father, and for once, his judgment on what he wanted was right because he did not want to leave baby Jayson for as long as he lived. He was not the type to knock a girl up, stick around until the baby was born and then bolt. He was going to be there for the rest of the journey. Seventeen years or eighteen, until the baby graduated from school, Kyne would be there, clapping and supporting his kid. It was his responsibility, and he was going to fulfill it to a maximum.

Somehow, even with Evie looking like a wreck compared to herself fixed up when she came to the bar for the first time, Kyne still thought that she was just beautiful. Kyne smiled and he lightly kissed her on the top of her head, and he thought that that small sign of affection would be fine because it was nothing more than a friendly kiss on the top of her head. He knew that everything would be fine. The baby was safe and so was she. Though the pain was something that he could never feel in his life - not that he was not thankful for - but it just showed how strong she was, and how this journey would just become more and more like a family, something that he wanted. However, would Jayson want to have his father and his mother just be good friends, and that was it? They would be together but that was all he could guarantee. Kyne thought for a moment, and he watched as Evie scooted herself so that he could look at Jayson as well. He melted. "Evie, he...he is perfect, in every way," Kyne murmured, tears of happiness evident in his eyes. How could this be real? This had to be a dream, something Kyne could never wake from because he wanted to stay in this dream world forever. When Evie asked him if he wanted to hold Jayson. Kyne nodded and he slowly handled the bundle into his arms. For the first time, he was holding his son. Kyne could not be happier. "Evie... We are parents!" He did not know how Evie would feel about being a parent, but Kyne was the happiest man alive. "I'm...Evie, I've never seen a more beautiful baby." He could see some resemblance of him and Evie in the baby boy just by looking at him.

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