It Was Bliss 'Till She Said I Was Vile

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Teddy Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Hello World! How've you been?
Let's get to business shall we?


Teddy here has just had yet another life change. He has just had all responsibility taken from him and, set with the worst influence he could possibly have, he has fallen as far as he can. He has become a bit of a play around now. He needs other guys too keep him bad, and some ladies for him to mess around with. Anything else is also welcome. He's still as easily angered and violent as ever.

Ellie-May here is a special girl. If you want any type of girl, as long as she's around twenty. She is a constant lier and manipulates people to no end. She will make up a name and a persona based on what she wants from the person. If she has something to gain from it, she'll do it, even if it is just making a guy fall in love with her. She needs any people willing to be fooled.
Astrid is a first year Hufflepuff. She has a strong opinion on almost everything. She knows when she is right and will stand up for herself. Apart from that she won't take anything from anyone that she doesn't deserve. She needs anything really, she's always up for friends.​


Gareth is a shopkeeper, the owner of Scribbulus Everchanging Inks. He looks after his sisters at home, though two go to school. He is often up for a drink, and happy for the company of a women. He is currently trying to convince his ex girlfriend he is fit to be a father to their child. He needs anyone really, mates or girlfriends. He wouldn't have a long lasting relationship right now but flings are allowed.

Love you all
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Ugh I hate that I'm so busy lately. Maybe when life eases up Nina and Gareth can get together for a rp we can actually finish?
Robyn : Sure, why not right? Maybe after he's spoken with Alfie yeah?

Alexis : Lol, yeah maybe. I figured after the one they just had she was still too scared to see him, 'spesh since she just actually let him in a bit.
I have briar Rowan (gryffindor fifth year prefect) who could have a fling with Teddy. she is a little wild and will give everything a try. she wont be in for a relationship, but a fling will be fun.
also ether Briar or Tara could be a mentor for Astrid
Tara cant have a fling.
Briar would be the one for the fling she is fearless, she does stuff just because she can. she is sort of a typical lion. she will stand up for those she thinks are vulnerable. and she also helps out younger students the best she can.

as for Tara she, is nice and bubbly, happy and loves drawing, however this holidays she has had to face something she didn't want to, so she is a little bit down at the moment, but she will try and hide her hurt, so unless you already knew her you probably wouldn't notice anything wrong, only occasionally when she lets her guard down will you notice.
well i gave you some info about both of them. so is Tara what you want for astrid? maybe Briar would be better for her. i don't bind ether way.
I think we should chuck Alexis Pettit and your firstie together.

She's a Firstie Slytherin, she is shy, she has trust issues, but can be a good friend.
Would you like to start, or..?
so briar/teddy will have to wait for the next brightstone weekend, but i don't mind starting one with astrid in the morning. just let me know who with and a suggestion of where.
So now that things have eased up a little bit, I am good to RP more. Do you want to get Nina and Gareth together? Maybe this time they go on a date or something?
It is a brightstone weekend, so do you want me to start one for Briar and teddy?
Yes please.

Unfortunately, I've had to ration my time on here which means giving up a couple of people. I will only be using Teddy and Gareth now.

thats okay, i will ope up the one i have at the lakefront.
i will start one for briar and teddy now.
here it is
Its in the three broomsticks and called First time for everything.
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