- Messages
- 151
- OOC First Name
- Jamie
- Blood Status
- Half Blood
- Relationship Status
- Single
- Wand
- Curly 15 Inch Swishy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
- Age
- 20
Isabelle LENORE Walden
'' Tale as old as time. True as it can be.''
NAME: Isabelle Lenore Walden------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'' Tale as old as time. True as it can be.''
- Isabelle (Ee-za-bell-e): Isabelle means pledged to god. It is a name about which everything is lovely.
- Lenore (Le-Nawr): The name Lenore is an American name. In American the meaning of the name Lenore is: Light.
- Walden (Wall-den): This ancient and famous surname, enobled by the Barons de Walden, is of Olde English and Anglo-Saxon 8th century origins. It is a locational surname and originates from one of the places called "Walden" in either the counties of Essex, Hertfordshire, or North Yorkshire.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Hertfordshire, England
NICKNAME/ALIAS: Isabelle gets called Belle as a shortened version of her name.
AGE: 16
BIRTHDAY: December 27th, 2034
'' Barely even friends. Than somebody bends, Unexpectedly ''
'' Barely even friends. Than somebody bends, Unexpectedly ''
NATIONALITY: Isabelle is English from orgin
BLOOD STATUS: Half blood
SEXUALITY: Hetrosexual
ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn: As a Capricorn born on December 27th, your strong determination is as notable as your patience. While others get lost in procrastination, you are active and tireless in your pursuits. As long as you see the value in a challenge, you will always put in the work to be successful. Your family and friends admire your determined qualities, but they may have even more appreciation for your patience. You always seem to keep a calm head, even in the most frantic or frustrating situations.
ELEMENT: Earth: Earth is the elemental pair of your sign, and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only cardinal connection to the element. Earth's influence explains for your grounded and practical nature. You take little interest in theoretical daydreaming, as you only find value in realistic pursuits. While all Earth sign's share in the prudence, your unique connection to the element makes you more active and self-starting. Embrace the positive qualities of Earth, as they can become your greatest strengths. Take care to avoid Earth's negative qualities however, which include an overly cautious and conservative nature.
PLANET: Saturn: Your sign's planetary ruler is Saturn and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive a double helping of Saturn's influence. Being the planet of control, Saturn's influence is seen in your determined, organized and disciplined nature. More so than any of the Capricorn Decans, your perseverance puts you on the path to success. In love, you display the same determination and are truly devoted to the security of those you hold dear. You may have a tendency to spoil your loved ones, but you may find it more difficult to express loving affection. Find balance between your material pursuits and emotional needs to avoid the depressed moods.
''Just a little change. Small to say the least ''
EDUCATION: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, New Zealand
FAVORITE CLASS: History of Magic
WAND Curly 15 Inch Swishy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
- Wood: Alder wands are best held by those who are kind and helpful and becomes a loyal and trusted helper itself, when controlled properly.
- Core: Wands with this core are good for charms spell casting. Be warned that they do sometimes lead to failed hexes.
- Inches: 15 Inches is the wand from Isabelle. A little longer side of things, wands with this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
'' Both a little scared. Neither one prepared, Beauty and the Beast. ''
'' Both a little scared. Neither one prepared, Beauty and the Beast. ''
SORTING POST: Isabelle had packed all of her stuff she wanted to bring along to Hogwarts. The week before she spend time with Maddie and her family. It was really nice of them to let her stay there. Maddie and her went shopping for the next year and the brunette was really glad that her oldest cousin wanted to do that with her. Isabelle really loved her family, and spending time with them. Though she felt kind of nervous now the day actually was there. Everyone except Hermione was sorted into Gryffindor. And Isabelle had no idea if she was brave enough to be sorted there. It would be really nice to be sorted in the same house as most of her family, but if she wasn't she could handle that too. Isabelle had read about the sorting hat before and knew that whatever came out of it, it was right. It was amazing how a hat with magic could look inside their heads. Isabelle was curious what the hat would find in her head.
When the brunette stepped of the train, she looked around. There were so many new students just like her and she was curious if Kishen would also be close. She had met the boy and thought it would be nice to see him again. Isabelle was looking forward to making new friends and getting to know the Professors. As usual she had some books inside of her bag, because she never went anywhere without one. Mostly it were fairytale stories, since the brunette liked them so much. But she liked reading facts too. She had prepared herself well before coming her. When the brunette entered the castle she was amazed by how big it was. Maddie, Aaron, Leila and Benjamin had already told her about the castle before but now she could see it with her own eyes. It seemed even more beautiful than in her books. When the group arrived at the Great Hall she looked out for some family and waved at them as they walked pass the Gryffindor table it seemed. How nice it would be to sit with them, but whenever she wouldn't be a Gryffindor she could find them also ofcourse. Isabelle had thought about where she could belong, but in her dreams she was a Gryffindor. Isabelle was a real dreamer and sometimes people had to squeeze her to come back to reality. Isabelle looked at the table in front of her where all the Professors were sitting and tried to see who would be the nicest. She saw a man with onyx coloured eyes, he wouldn't earn that title she figured. But she just had to experiance it in classes, the brunette thought. When the sorting began the brunette clapped as the students got sorted. When she heard her name getting called the brunette smiled and sighted one time deeply, before the hat was placed onside of her head. This was the moment of truth. In my dreams I am a brave Gryffindor. A girl can dream right? the brunette thought as she felt the hat touching her.
"You are brave, but you're also intelligent and a dreamer and those make you a...RAVENCLAW!"
PLAY BY: Emilie de Ravin
HAIR: Isabelle has got long brown hair. She almost always wears her hair down.
EYES: Isabelle has very bright blue eyes. It is the most beautiful part she thinks of herself.
'' Ever just the same. Ever a surprise ''
'' Ever just the same. Ever a surprise ''
LIKES: Books, Study, Learning, Fairytales, Making friends, Positivity, Sweets and Shopping.
DISLIKES: Bullies, Negativity, Lies, Cruel people and Violence
SECRETS: Isabelle doesn't have secrets at the moment.
GOALS: Isabelle wants to see more of the world and explore new stuff around magic.
FEARS: Drowning and Losing people she loves
STRENGTHS: Isabelle is a Positive girl. It is a strenght that she can look at everyone without a negative first impression. She would search for something good inside of everyone and if she is sure she will not stop with letting that someone find it. Whenever something happens that would make her sad, she would try to look in a positive way and make the best of it. Isabelle is also very sweet, she would not hurt a fly. She knows where her limits but she will try her best to help others. If someone would need a shoulder to cry on she would be the first to help. And at last she is very intelligent. She loves to read books so already did this on young age. She prepared herself good for her future and knows a lot of stuff about the magical world but also the muggles.
WEAKNESSES: Isabelle is a dreamer, and you can look at it at something positive but mostly in her case it is negative. She loves to read fairytales and dreams of being a hero, but doesn't have the confidence for those actions. She never really got the change to be brave, because she is very protected by her parents. She can be dreamy in some situations where she would need to pay attention. Because of that she is very positive and doesn't try to have a negative impression of anyone, people can take advantage of it and try to pretend to be a better person but actually they won't.
MIRROR OF ERISED If Isabelle would look into the mirror, she would see herself as a hero.
BOGGART: Drowning in water
PATRONUS: A Raven: The Raven is one of the most smart animals.
AMORTENTIA: Roses, Pepermin and Parchment
'' Ever as before. And ever just as sure. ''
'' Ever as before. And ever just as sure. ''
PERSONALITY: Isabelle is a very sweet girl that will help the others around her. She will forget herself easily, because she thinks of others first. Isabelle is also very intelligent, from young age already she had read a lot of books. Books are really something she really adores to have around her, that's why she always carries a book along with her in a bag. That doesn't make her not social, because she likes to talk to others too. Isabelle is not quickly afraid of something, she believes that knowledge is a great power and something she believes is her strenght. Isabelle will always think before she will do anything. But mostly she do her actions because it feels good from her heart.
HISTORY: Isabelle was born in Hertfordshire, England and stayed there for a while. As the oldest child of her parents she was the greatest joy ever in their lifes. She had a amazing childhood with much love. When her younger brother was born she was the most proud sister ever and cared for him as much as she could. They moved to Bath when Isabelle was seven and they enjoy their time there.

Little Isabelle
![]() NAME: Calvin Walden RELATION: Father BLOOD STATUS: Muggle MARITAL STATUS: Married OCCUPATION: Librarian | ![]() NAME: Holliday Walden RELATION: Mother BLOOD STATUS: Half blood MARITAL STATUS: Married OCCUPATION: Librarian | ![]() NAME: Noah Isaac Walden RELATION: Brother BLOOD STATUS: Half blood MARITAL STATUS: Single OCCUPATION: HNZ Student | ![]() NAME: Charles Walden RELATION: Uncle BLOOD STATUS: Muggle MARITAL STATUS: Married OCCUPATION: Farmer |
![]() NAME: Nancy Walden RELATION: Aunt BLOOD STATUS: Half Blood MARITAL STATUS: Married OCCUPATION: Part time Farmer | ![]() NAME: Madeline Walden RELATION: Cousin BLOOD STATUS: Half Blood MARITAL STATUS: Married OCCUPATION: | ![]() NAME: Aaron Walden RELATION: Cousin BLOOD STATUS: Half Blood MARITAL STATUS: Single OCCUPATION: | ![]() NAME: Leila Walden RELATION: Cousin BLOOD STATUS: Half Blood MARITAL STATUS: - OCCUPATION: |
![]() NAME: Benjamin Walden RELATION: Cousin BLOOD STATUS: Half Blood MARITAL STATUS: Single OCCUPATION: HNZ Student Gryffindor | ![]() NAME: Christopher Walden RELATION: Uncle BLOOD STATUS: Muggle MARITAL STATUS: Married OCCUPATION: - | ![]() NAME: Alice Walden RELATION: Aunt BLOOD STATUS: Half Blood MARITAL STATUS: Married OCCUPATION: - | ![]() NAME: Hermione Walden RELATION: Cousin BLOOD STATUS: Half Blood MARITAL STATUS: - OCCUPATION: HNZ Student Slytherin |
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