Closed Is This How You Ask Someone Out?

Ezra Ito

✌️ Friendly | People Pleaser | Conflict Avoider ✌️
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 Inch Sturdy Birch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
2/2046 (16)
After seeing Savannah at a few dances last year and talking to her more and more, Ezra had decided it might be time to ask her out. At the speed dating event they had briefly talked and Savnnah had basically said he could ask her out if he wanted, but then he had gotten too nervous and dropped the ball. It was now months later and he could only hope she still felt the same way. He headed over to the Ravenclaw table at breakfast and hesitated. "Uh, Savannah? Can I ask you something?" He asked, nervously stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Savannah had thought that maybe there was something to the ongoing conversations she was having with Ezra. She had even invited him to ask her out, and then nothing had happened. She had assumed she'd misread things, she wasn't very good at reading such things. She had her notes for the next SDA event in front of her and looked up when she heard him speak. "Hey Ezra," she greeted plainly. "Sure,"
Ezra nearly chickened out. Savannah was just so cool and collected. He could easily picture her saying no. More easily than her saying yes, if he was honest. But she had told him to do it last year, so maybe there was a chance. "Do you- I mean. Would you uh, wanna go out with me sometime?" He asked nervously. "Like on a date?"
Savannah looked at him, and then gave a little smile. She had honestly sort of figured that he had given up with how long it had taken him. "Sure," she agreed easily. More than keen to go on a date with him, though she was perhaps just keen to go on any date with anyone. "When were you thinking?" she asked.
Savannah's little smile wsa encouraging, but Ezra still felt immensely relieved when she agreed to go out with him. He sighed, then grinned. "Oh, cool." He said, though he knew he was way too relieved to truly play it casual. "Uh, next brightstone weekend?" He suggested hopefully.
Savannah nodded at the suggestion. "Okay, but anywhere but Madam Puddifoots, I refuse to go to my workplace for a date," she told him. It was the only place she'd be completely unwilling to go on this date, anywhere else she had little issue with.

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