Is that really you?

Kiera Kaster

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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12" Ash wand with tail of unicorn hair core
Kiera Potter was walking swiftly through the streets of London in England. She had just left practice and decided that she wanted to go to a charming new ice cream parlor in diagon alley on her way back to Grimwald Place. It was beginning to get warmer as summer was upon Europe. Kiera was dressed in a olive shirt and black pants with sneakers. Her brunette hair was tied up and a black hat was on her head, trying to disguse her slightly. The hat partly covered her face. She didn't really want to draw attention to herself. Not too much had been in the papers lately with the Potters name on it and Kiera preferred it that way. The small woman often attracted too much attention.

Kiera walked swiftly through the Leaky Cauldron, tapping the bricks to open the passageway to the streets. Luck was with the young woman as she didn't get any looks from witches and wizards she passed. A bright smile graced her face, making her look even younger than she was. It pleased her greatly that no one paid her any attention. Finally, the brunette reached the ice cream shoppe. She ordered a sundae but got it to go. It was too nice of a day to sit inside and eat the ice cream. Kiera wanted to be outside in the fresh air. She took her bowl over to a fountain, hopping up on the side of it. She sat cross legged on the edge, putting a large bite of ice cream in her mouth.
There were time when you can actually find Link in a rather lighter mood sometimes. It always depended on where he was or where his travel took him. If it held good or bad memories. Just something always had a connection with him. though he's been distraught for quite sometimes, he force his thoughts away for the time being. He forgotten why he's been under dark clouds since he killed that man claiming to be his father. He erased his memory for the day, forgetting whatever hoover negatively around him. For once he crave just for once a normal day. Today he felt it, it felt potential, so he walked his way around diagonally minding his own affairs.
He had walked sometimes, alone till he reached near the crowded Townsend. Blending away into the crowds, he made himself invisible. And for once, he didn't feel the stares of traveling strangers. Or the whispers questioning his identity. He felt normal, he felt free. The locks from life had lighten up today, he just wish this feeling last forever. Knowing himself more than any, he's well aware that's impossible. Everything always come back to hunt you, no matter how many years gone by. Things just never could be forgotten. He channel his thoughts away again, and hope this negative feeling would go away again. Instead feeling as if he were sufficating in a room alone. With no place or no place to run. He really did he needed to stop, afraid the good mood would go away. He sat down by a fountain, just staring out. For a while he sat, taking it easy.
Kiera was pretty much oblivious of her surroundings, enjoying her perfect day all too much. Everything had been amazing for her lately. James had taken her on a romantic date, she was doing excellent getting Ollivanders into order, and the Harpies had been playing really well this season. There was nothing that could rain on her parade. Or at least that's what she thought before she turned her head. Her chocolate eyes nearly popped out of her head as she saw exactly who it was that was sitting on her side. She frowned, not sure if what he was seeing was real. "Link? Link Black?" she said outloud. Her eyes watched him curiously, waiting to see what he would do as soon as he recognized Kiera. Their last encounter hadn't exactly gone well at all. He had barely even spoken to her when she had come to see him graduate. Kiera hadn't seen him since that day, almost an entire year ago.
His relax posture had been calming to him for a while. For a while he just sat thinking but not to much of his future. It seem somewhat questionable since he haven't spoken or contacted Sanctuari in a long time. He loved her loads but something inside him wasn't to sure it would be okay. With some much chaos, Link just couldn't claim his future anymore. He would just have to play it out as he live. His thoughts kept him company till he heard his name come out of nowhere, unaware that he would be seeing her again. He turn his eyes up, his grey iris stop, and notice Kirea out of all places had capture his attention. "Yes Kirea, you need something?" he asked her. Merlin knew he didn't care for this girl anymore, but it seems like wherever he went to, Kirea seems to bump into him casually and attempt to talk to him as if nothing happen between them. In better judgment, he kept it nice. For now at least, he didn't turn into the monster she seem to fear whenever he did see her.
Kiera's face broke out into a wide spread grin as he spoke back to her. She ignored his usual sullen tone like she always did. She threw her arms around him in a hug, estatic to see him again. The brunette forgot all the anger she had previously harbored to him at their last meeting. "It is you!" she exclaimed joyfully. "How have you been Link?" she asked him curiously. "Mom told me about what you did to their house." she said with a laugh. Personally, she found it hiliarious. Not that she would tell Jacqueline or Raziel that.
When Kirea went to hug, he quickly withdrew back. "What you don't get? Am I just a joke to your something?" his gaze enticing, pierce through that pretty smile of hers, that always would trigger his anger more when she seemed casual around him. "I don't like you, I don't associate with the likes of you, I never want to hear from you..." he stood. When he stood he stared down at her, she would never listen to him. She would never get the picture. She would always be a stubborn little brawed, he will just have to break that part of her away from it now. "Kirea Potter" he wince when he mention her name. "I will always hate the sight of you till I die...." the last bit sting, but he had to do it. Or else, murder came to mind. She just lucky he was still letting her breath the same air, after her betrayal with him.

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