Closed Is it worth it?

Horror Zhefarovich

captain ⛧ bored
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Vine Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
Horror Zhefarovich decided to head to the Quidditch pitch since he was unsure if he wanted to try out for Quidditch this year or not. He knew that his twin would be, but would it be worth it for him to try out as well? Horror walked to the middle of the Quidditch pitch with his broom over his shoulder. He debated on it in his mind and then decided that he would. Just not the same position. Nah. Horror didn’t want to be that spiteful. He just pondered over which position. One of them would have to make things harder on the captain to choose between the two of them. Or better yet, if he made the team and Terror didn’t. That would be even better. Horror was about to mount his broom when he looked over his shoulder to see that he was not alone. Right, he knew that Gryffindor. "Practicing before tryouts again?" Horror was not sure if they could practice since things were locked up. Though breaking in wouldn’t be a big deal if he had a hair pin.
Fraser spent way too much time at the pitch. He knew that his chances of making the team still remained low, but Fraser would never give up on his dream, no matter how long it took, and because of that, it meant practicing. Fraser was on his broom and in the air, practicing some kick-ups in the air with the quaffle. He glanced at the person who flew close to him and gave a wider smile. "yeah!" he said catching the ball and holding it in his arms. "My chance remains low, but I still have to practice," Fraser said. "Doing the same?" The boy motioned to his broom, he knew there was a chance he was just flying for the fun of it, but Fraser thought that people would be made to not want to play quidditch.​
Horror could not help but wonder if this was some sort of fool’s wish to be on a team so early. A first year student would have to be lucky to even attempt it. The fact that Fraser seemed so determined made Horror wonder if he had some Slytherin qualities to him. Horror folded his arms across his chest, balancing well on the broom as he answered, "I am thinking about it. You see, my older twin wants to, and he made things a little hard on me last year. I might go try out to make his chances of getting on the team a little lower." Horror looked up at the sky as he said the answer that made him look rather petty. Perhaps he was. "Are you going for chaser again? You know that chasers don’t mean nearly as much as seekers do."
Fraser couldn't help but wonder about Horror as he spoke. He could think of worse reasons to try-out for the team, but it was interesting. He wondered if the boy was just naturally better at Quidditch than most and so would be able to prevent or reduce chances while also then being able to play if he ended up getting on to the team. "Well, there are worse reasons than that to try-out," he decided to say, since there wasn't much else. "Yeah, but I like being a chaser," he said with a shrug. "What position will you go for, Keeper?"
Horror smirked as Fraser pointed out that there were worse reasons. He could not think of any himself, but perhaps if he really thought about it, he might just be able to. He nodded along as the Gryffindor said that he liked being a chaser, thus made him see that he was trying out for that again. "Keeper, yes. I'm not exactly a team-enough player to be a chaser. I'd be more tempted to throw the quaffle at the keeper versus through the hoops." Horror gestured toward the hoops as he spoke. "Do you want to practice on me? If you can get one by me, you might be good enough to make the Gryffindor team."
Fraser nodded with a wide smile as Horror talked about the position that he wanted to play. Keeper was fun but not for him. "Sure!" he then agreed, Fraser was never willing to turn down an opportunity to be able to practice and improve his skills, so of course he would say yes. The Gryffindor motioned to the hoops. "I'm ready to go," he said, motioning as if he was about to fly forward and attempt to race Horror to the hoops to try to score before he got there.
Horror smirked subtly as he leaned forward on his broom, somewhat glad that he had the fastest broom on the market, and made it to the hoops. He didn't think that he would do as well as he did before, in their first year, but then again, perhaps he should actually try and see what he had, and what the Gryffindor had. "All right, Fergusson. Give me your all." Horror didn't want the Gryffindor to hold back. After all, if he could manage to score beyond him, then he might have a shot. But he did wish him luck, since Gryffindor was pretty hard - from what he gathered.
Fraser gave an excited nod. He set off just as Horror got to the hoops, trying to get a bit of an advantage. he flew forward and then eventually as he got close to the hoops, decided to fake going for one before going for another hoop, hoping to at least confuse him a bit. The shot itself was mostly on target, and it wasn't going slowly either though it was still possible that the other boy would be quicker than he had been in trying to score.
Horror watched the Gryffindor carefully, and saw the move. Well, he thought he did, but Fraser went for the other hoop. The Slytherin didn't make it in time as it sailed through. Huh, now that was something. He swerved around and caught the quaffle to throw it back to the Gryffindor. "Good, you might have a shot at getting on the team. Might." Horror was not sure if he would, because the Gryffindor team was often extremely full compared to the other houses - which was odd, but he wasn't going to dwell on it. "If you don't make the team, what will you do?"
Fraser gave himself a little cheer as the quaffle sailed into the hoop, managing to get it in before Horror could get it. He caught the ball as it was tossed back out to him. He shrugged a little and seemed to have a visible moment of doubt as he held Horror's gaze. "I'll just keep practising and trying..and eventually," he said, his voice was laced with uncertainty and he just flew away, to get some distance to try scoring again, but his mind was elsewhere.
There it was. There was a little hint of doubt in that Gryffindor's eyes. It might be fun if he could pick him apart, even just a little bit. Horror could see that his mind was not on practice. "If you try for two years in a row, and practice throughout the months between, and still not make it, there is a chance that you will never be good enough, Fergusson," Horror said, loud enough to ensure that he could be heard. "Or you can petition the school for a rejects team." Horror smirked at the sheer thought of one of them. Though, using that sort of team to boost the confidence of a team that actually mattered could be useful for moral.
Fraser bit his lip at the words. There was a hint of something being right in what he was saying. He shook his head a little. ”First year doesn't count, though, right?” he said with a little doubt in his tone. ”So, if I don't get it next year...then...,” he said uncertainly and then shook his head. He tried to then score, but given all that they had been discussing, his concentration wasn't particularly good and it went completely wide.
Perhaps no one would know why Horror did what he did, or said what he said, just because it was fun to mess with people's heads. And Horror knew that he succeeded when the throw was nowhere near the goals. He flew over and grabbed the quaffle, and then went to fly next to Fraser. "You should probably keep practicing until people graduate and leave their posts. Then you might stand a small chance against everyone else in Gryffindor." Horror had a cousin in Gryffindor, but he might have been one of the rare ones that didn't care about Quidditch. Then again, Havoc was a bit overprotective over his heir. "Or you can try for a different position. If I can mess with your head in a practice session that makes you suck, then you need to either strengthen your head game, or find another position."
Fraser nodded, knowing that his best chances were someone leaving the team or graduating and then being the best out of whoever was at the try-out. He knew his chances of getting on the team, remained slim. He just couldn't give up. Not yet. He shook his head at him. "I thought about it, but I'm best at being a chaser." he told him, almost shy in his words, since he clearly wasn't the best if he couldn't make the team, and Horror was managing to mess with his head. "What other position could I play?"
Horror gave him a look when he said that he was best at being a chaser, but truth be told, chaser's don't even matter. Only the seekers did, which he thought was bogus. But who was he to change the rules? "Actually, even if you make the team, being a chaser is about the same as never making the team. Whether you score 10 times or 0, everything rides on the seeker. So, there's that consolation prize." Horror's best option was a keeper. It was the easiest position. Just sit there. "Just do chaser. I won't matter one way or another, right? Just don't be a seeker. Gryffindor will be in 4th place every time."
Fraser wasn't sure what he expected from Horror, but he was right. It just didn't matter to Fraser if he snitch was the most important piece. "Quidditch wouldn't be any fun if all you were watching were two people looking for a snitch," he countered, since the chasers, the beaters, they were what made quidditch fun. "I don't think I'd be a good seeker either," he agreed though he did think Horror could've put it a bit nicer.
Horror would have to agree, which there was not much a few students could do about it. If the chasers were better and faster, then the snitch wouldn't be an automatic win. That would be the only way for how to win it. So far, there were no other manners to win. "That is true. It would be an over-glorified game of catch otherwise." Horror made a gesture with his shoulders. "I wouldn't either. I'd lose interest after two minutes of not finding it." He was being honest this time, and not purposely trying to cut him down. "If you ever want to practice with a keeper, you can find me. I'm pretty much done here."
Fraser wasn't sure he'd enjoy being a keeper either. He liked moving and flying around, the things that he was able to do as a chaser. But he knew if he wanted to be on the team more than he wanted to be the proper position this was perhaps the only way for him to do that. "Maybe," he said. He had the quaffle in his hand. "Let's just play," he said, wanting to not think too much on it. Rather wanting to just get back to practicing and flying about.
Horror smirked as he said to just play. "Suit yourself." So, the Slytherin went back over to the goals to see how he would try again. He was not like Terror at all, so Horror was at a disadvantage. However, it was still easy to get in his head and mess with him. Even now, he wondered if his words would repeat in Fraser's head. Not being good enough and such, and how their positions did not matter. It was true. Being a chaser and a keeper - it was nonsense unless they could score time after time again. Then, the seeker would not be the determined factor.

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