iOS 5

Takuya Blaze

Wizengamot Interrogator
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So my Dad just updated his iPod Touch 4G to the new iOS 5 software, and I immediately set out to take it off him and play with it ( :shifty: ).

Anyone else updated to it?
What's the difference? I might update but I don't know what it is. xD
The differences:

My reaction to iOS 5 elsewhere:
Meee said:
I'm admittedly underwhelmed by iMessage.
I expected a seperate function with unique IDs for every i-Device similar to BBM.
But on the iPhone it's just in the texting app. And it's by your Apple ID. So if you have an iPad and an iPhone both authorized with the same apple ID (but being used by different people in the same household) it's like you're texting yourself. o_O

Other things have been strange trying to sort out or get how I wanted them to be and whatever else. Like the Camera button on the lock screen only appears when you make the iPod controls appear.

I also don't like Videos and Music being two separate apps like they are on the iPod touch.
They consolidated some things which I wish hadn't been (text messaging and iMessage) and split other things that shouldn't have been.

Newsstand should also be able to be put away somewhere (hidden in a folder of stupid apple stuff I can't delete). I plan on never subscribing to anything in Newsstand. I don't even use iBooks and now this 'newsstand' thing is essentially duplicating it in a more annoying way.

And stocks are ALL OVER THE PLACE. Why? I don't want to see the stocks app at all. I don't want to see stocks in my notification centre. It's just annoying.

I'm happy to finally be able to set custom tones for things like emails, texts, etc.
iCloud looks somewhat promising.
Wireless syncing is great.
Updated my iPhone 4 to it 10 minutes after it was released. Then my iPod Touch 4G. Too bad couldn't update my iPhone 3G. :( Anyways, I've been in love with it since they started developing it. I'm a developer for Apple, so I've been in on it for quite some time, but I must say, it's the best iOS so far. I've added some mods of my own that I coded along with a few friends that helped me which will be available on iTunes pretty soon. :p But anyhow, it's worth the update. You will NOT br disappointed, that's for sure. iCloud makes things so much more easier too. Try it. ;)

I'm eager to try Siri on the new iPhone 4S I'm gonna be getting pretty soon. A buddy of mine that works at Apple said all the Apple employee's that work in headquaters in Cupertino, CA, got free iPhone 4S's. I was really jealous. Lol. But anyways, upgrade. Totally worth it.
So, I don't think I'm popular enough for the notification centre to be useful to me. :(
iOS5's twitter integration has forced me to get a personal twitter account again. :erm:
iMessage is quite neat, indeed. However it has sometimes cost me. (Like once it said it sent a message as iMessage to an American phone. Then 5 minutes later it changed to saying it was a text - therefore costing me money. :( )
Overall I like the update, but am kinda dispointed in iMessage. I was hoping it would be so much more than it is. I also am not totally sold on all the camera updates. The zoom is odd to use. I liked it better when I could just press on the screen to get the zoom up and not have to make a motion and then get the zoom.
The zoom was a strange one.
I was hoping for a dedicated iMessage app, but it being merged in to texting on the iPhone does make sense. And what else could there really be added to it? There's notification of delivered and read messages, typing notifications, and distinction between iMessages and texts (in the colours) - then if for whatever reason iMessage is down your message doesn't get lost, it's just sent via text (which may cost you money in the end) but is likely not a great sum and probably preferable to just being incommunicado/losing random messages.
What I was hoping for was unique PINs like in BBM so you could send messages to people with the feature on iPods. Unless people on iPods have a PIN and I don't know about it, then it would be perfect. I have unlimited messaging so the text vs iMessage doesn't bother me since I pay a flat rate monthly. (I love my pimped out iPhone plan. xD )
Instead of pins (which are hard to remember and give out) they use the Apple ID which is attached to the iOS device.
For example, if your iTunes login (Apple ID) is - then you give that out to people and they can contact you on any devices you have attached to iMessage. ;)
I updated my iPhone 4 and to be honest I'm not really all that keen on the change. It's not bad, but I'm a creature of habit and I sort of wish I would have just left it alone. But what's done is done and I'm learning to get used to it.
HNZ iPhone people should PM me their Apple ID and I'll give them mine then we can iMessage or something. :r
Nicolas King said:
HNZ iPhone people should PM me their Apple ID and I'll give them mine then we can iMessage or something. :r
Now that iMessage has been developed a bit more, and a separate "Messages" client integrated in to it for Mac OS X, I can be reached via iMessage at:

Now gimme HNZ people's apple IDs/iPhone numbers. :shifty:
So for my birthday next week I'm (hopefully) getting an iPod touch which comes with iOS 5 software. Which shall be coool. From what I can tell, I'm going to like it (considering I've never had an iPod Touch before so it's not exactly a change for me).

My brother has iOS 5, and he told me that he doesn't see the difference. Either he's incredibly unobservant, oor. xD
I'm loving iOS 5 so far. Although the battery sucks on my iPhone 4S so far. I've managed to script up a battery fix for iDevice's that are on iOS 5, which has been working pretty well for me so far and all those that bought it from me. Makes it easily through the day now. :) Being an Apple Developer has its advantages. hahaha. :p

My iMessage --

But yeah, if any of y'all have any iOS 5 problems, don't be afraid to ask me. haha :p
Inbox me if you want my Apple ID :) got my new iPod today!

Lol screw it, I'll just post it here xD
My iMessage is

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