Closed Invitations

D'Artagnan Dupont

Patient- P.I.- Sweetheart
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 Inch Unyielding Cedar Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
D'Artagnan had been surprised to get an invitation over to Vader's sisters house, but he wasn't going to complain. He'd already met Padme, and he'd like to spend more time with Vaders family, to get the chance to know them better. He'd spent some time getting dressed, wanting to look nice, It was a silly thing, but he wanted to put his best foot forward. Running a hand over his hair, he apparated to Leia's flat. He wasn't sure if Kiasora would be there or not, but he'd soon find out. With a bouquet of pastel carnations, he knocked on Leia's door.
Leia had decided after her conversation with Kia and a little conversation with Vader to invite Dart, or D'Artagnan to the flat tht she and Kia shared. She wanted to get to know him, not just because he had information she wanted, but he was also her brother's current love and she hadn't Vader this in love..possibly ever. She heard him at the door and tried to not rush to open it. She did and was surprised at the flowers. "Are you seeing Vader after this?" she asked, thinking that this wouldn't take long but flowers needed water.
Dart smiled as Leia opened the door. "I mean, usually, but these are for you," He told her, offering out the bouquet. "I thought you might like them- flowers liven up any room." He gave her an easy smile. "Carnations are friendship flowers, or so I've read at least. I thought they'd be nice for a first impression." He rubbed the back of his neck, laughing to stop himself from rambling.
Leia tilted her head a little and then said, "Oh, okay," leia took the flowers and then welcomed him inside. "I can see why Vader likes you," she said immediately and she knew immediately that she liked Dart. He rambled, he bought flowers for her. He was good with Ava and the kids. "Come on," she said, guiding him to the kitchen. "I'll make coffee, and you can tell me about where Padme is," she said, getting straight to the point.
Dart smiled with a bit of relief, following her inside. "Oh, I'm glad he does. I happen to like him very much," He teased gently, taking the seat offered to him. He wasn't surprised when she revealed the reason for his visit, and he sighed softly, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, Leia. Padme asked me not to tell either of you where she'd gone." He gave her an apologetic smile. "She's safe. But she doesn't want to be disturbed."
Leia huffed at what he said, though of course she didn't want to force it out of him if that was what Padme wanted, she just didn't really understand why. Sure, over the years at school as both she and Vader had achieved highly, she had fallen away, fallen out of touch, but Leia had assumed that things would be okay. "How are you be sure she's safe though?" she retorted, but sighed. "I don't understand why she left though," Leia said. "Did she say if she'd ever come back?"
Dart nodded softly. "I check in on her still, on occassion. She seems to be alright." He tried to reassure her. He didn't want to push the other sisters boundaries, but he'd often considered letting things slip. Or maybe just leaving a file out on accident for Vader to find. But that had felt cheap. He sighed, dragging a hand through his hair. "She didn't say... she just reassured me she was fine, and that she knew you were both looking. She told me to tell you she's alright, but she doesn't want to talk to anyone right now. She didn't give me any indication on if she'd return or not, but she allows me to check in every few months as long as I don't push. And really its just five minutes and a quick conversation before she throws me back out."
Leia huffed at what he said, but it wasn't at him, not really. She was just frustrated at her sister, frustrated at her leaving and cutting both herself, and Vader out. But seemingly keeping in contact with Dart. Though perhaps that was why. Leia was sure Padme knew both she and Vader would go after her, but this meant they knew a little. "Do you have siblings Dart?" she asked, her tone still frustrated, but it was clearly not directed at him.
Dart shook his head. "No, I was an only child. For a little while, I had Ava," He shifted, propping his chin in his hand and wathing Leia. "She was the reason I got into P.I. work. I knew one day I'd want to find her again, and I imagined there must be a lot of people who felt the same." He gave Leia a gentle smile. "If I thought she'd listen, I would try to persuade her to return. But sometimes its better to keep that point of contact."
Leia knew that he wouldn't entirely get why this was difficult, why she felt so hurt by Padme not wanting her or Vader around, certainly not after their childhood. A lot of which Leia as the one with the most normal name and youngest had only ever experienced a fraction of. "How did you lose her?" Leia asked.
Dart wished he could do more to ease Leia's pain, but he knew there was only so much he could do. He sipped his drink, and sighed softly. "I'm a bit older than Ava. About five years." He looked down into his drink. "I got into this relationship with a boy... I was infatuated. He was toxic. But I was young, and dumb, and in love. He cut me off from the ones I loved. That included Ava. By the time I'd realized what had happened, and got free of him, it was too late. Her mother and grandmother were dead, and she was gone."

He winced, a little guilt twisting his heart. He looked away, sadness clear on his face. "I've never forgiven myself. I was supposed to look out for her, and when she needed me the most I wasn't there. She watched her mother die, slowly, and lost her grandmother to the heartbreak. She didn't have Vader then- she had no one. She went into the foster system completely alone." He took a deep breath, swiping at his eyes. "It's a wonder she doesn't hate me for what I did."
Leia listened to Dart's story and could immediately see why Vader loved him. She had always known nothing was going on between Ava and Vader, but him loving her, and whoever he was with loving her was a non-negotiable. She gave a little roll of her eyes. "Of course she could never hate you," she replied as if it was obvious. "We can't help all that happens to us. It wasn't your fault and Ava is a good person, she would understand why you did, what you did and what you didn't manage to do," she told him firmly. "Plus you love Vader right? and you make him happy? So, that in her book is surely going to make up for so much," She told him.
Dart listened to Leia, and he chuckled at her words. "I certainly hope I make him happy," He offered back, running a hand through his hair. "Ava has always been forgiving. At least in my experience," He sighed. "I'm sorry I couldn't be more help, Leia."
Leia gave a little nod. "Good," Leia said. "Take care of him," she added, making it lightly threatening. "No, Dart, this has been helpful. I wish Padme could see that we miss her, and that we want her back, but...she's made her choice. You have been very helpful Dart," she said with a good amount of conviction in her tone.
Dart chuckled, crossing his heart with one hand and raising the other. "For as long as he'll let me," He promised. He sipped his drink, motioning for Leia to seat. "Of course, Leia, anything I could do." He reassured her. "But perhaps we could speak about you now?" He asked, giving her a shy smile. "I'd like to get to know both of Vaders sister, if I may."
Leia sat down when he offered the spot to her and shrugged a little, smiling back a bit shyly. "I'm the least interesting of my siblings," she replied with a little shrug. Knowing that both Padme and Vader had been and were more interesting than she certainly would be, and there was no reason for Dart to want to bother with her aside from dating her brother.
Dart shook his head immediately no at her statement. "I wouldn't say that," He countered. "You aren't the 'least interesting'. You're your own person, Leia, and I would love to get to know you. Vader loves you to pieces, and that's all I need to know to know that you must be a wonderful, amazing person." He smiled at her. "And I doubt Ms. Kiasora would agree with that opinion either," He teased gently.
Leia knew Vader loved her, but she didn't expect Dart to be so insistent about it. Or to be so eager to get to know her. "Kia is biased," Leia teased gently. "She's my girlfriend, if she didn't find me interesting we'd have problems, but she's great, so great," Leia said with a fondness. "She's really cool, and such a creative person," she gushed about her girlfriend happily eager for the out to not talk about herself.
Dart chuckled. "I'm sure someone that great would want someone just as great with them," He offered. "How did you meet her?" He asked, letting her shift the subject a little. "From what I could tell, she wasn't the most open person. At least, that's what her records indicated, but those aren't always accurate."
Leia shrugged a little, and then smiled fondly in thinking about Kia. About how they had met, how they had become friends and then something more. "School," she said. "We were in the same house and year, but didn't hang out much, and then we did," she said. "I wasn't open either, and I wasn't very friendly, I was busy, but Kia, Kia was always good,"
Dart smiled easily, liking to see how Leia was so openly affectionate about Kia. He wondered if he could get them onto a bit more stable footing. "It definitely sounds sweet. A slowburn romance. Was she the one to ask you out, then?" He asked, curious. "If you were both a bit more reclusive, I am a bit curious how things developed, if you don't mind me asking."
Leia hadn't ever thought to describe her romance with Kia as a slowburn, though she did know what the term was. She tried to remember what it had been, the dynamic it had been and then shrugged before launching into the story, giving perhaps a little too much detail about it, but being unable to stop herself from talking about Kia and her.
Dart smiled, just listening to Leia talk. He had a feeling they were going to be good friends. She was a lot like Vader, he thought, very harsh on herself but doting on those she loved. She was a good person. He liked her already. This was going well- now he just needed to win over Vaders parents, as well, and he'd be set.

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