Closed Invitations

D'Artagnan Dupont

Patient- P.I.- Sweetheart
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 Inch Unyielding Cedar Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
D'Artagnan had been surprised to get an invitation over to Vader's sisters house, but he wasn't going to complain. He'd already met Padme, and he'd like to spend more time with Vaders family, to get the chance to know them better. He'd spent some time getting dressed, wanting to look nice, It was a silly thing, but he wanted to put his best foot forward. Running a hand over his hair, he apparated to Leia's flat. He wasn't sure if Kiasora would be there or not, but he'd soon find out. With a bouquet of pastel carnations, he knocked on Leia's door.
Leia had decided after her conversation with Kia and a little conversation with Vader to invite Dart, or D'Artagnan to the flat tht she and Kia shared. She wanted to get to know him, not just because he had information she wanted, but he was also her brother's current love and she hadn't Vader this in love..possibly ever. She heard him at the door and tried to not rush to open it. She did and was surprised at the flowers. "Are you seeing Vader after this?" she asked, thinking that this wouldn't take long but flowers needed water.
Dart smiled as Leia opened the door. "I mean, usually, but these are for you," He told her, offering out the bouquet. "I thought you might like them- flowers liven up any room." He gave her an easy smile. "Carnations are friendship flowers, or so I've read at least. I thought they'd be nice for a first impression." He rubbed the back of his neck, laughing to stop himself from rambling.
Leia tilted her head a little and then said, "Oh, okay," leia took the flowers and then welcomed him inside. "I can see why Vader likes you," she said immediately and she knew immediately that she liked Dart. He rambled, he bought flowers for her. He was good with Ava and the kids. "Come on," she said, guiding him to the kitchen. "I'll make coffee, and you can tell me about where Padme is," she said, getting straight to the point.

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