Into the peaceful trees

Thearus chuckled, "Bring students here?" He pause then continued in a slightly joking/sarcastic tone in his voice, "Oh yes I bring students here alllll the time". He gave his eyes a slight roll.

Then he realized how non centaur he sounded and returned back to his usual tone and stood there quietly.
Taylor laughed at Thearus's comments. "So im just special then." She smiled cheekily. Focusing her gaze back on the canopy of trees overhead.
"Perhaps you are" He said in his usual mystical dream like voice. His eyes drifting over the clearing. He wondered how she felt being in his home. Then agian she didnt know he lived exactly here so...

He glanced over to the hidden hut like building that served to keep him from the weather then back to the girl.
Taylor smiled to herself as she looked at how tall the trees were, it truly was beautiful here. Looking back at Thearus just in time to see him look away, she followed his gaze to a small hut. She was suddenly hit with realisation. "Do you live.. here?" She asked excitedly. How nice would it be to live here all the time!
"Oh uhm" He seemed to blush and hoped she didnt realize that it was the only centaur haunt for miles around. "Yes ....sometimes... I like it here" He looked at her and gave her a slight smile.
"What do you mean sometimes?" She said scrunching up her brow slightly. Did he mean he moved around... Or what? Taylor didnt really understand.
"oh uhm" he glanced around abit loosing his usual mystical voice. "I jsut cant stay in one place to long" was nervous I mean what was he supposed to say? no I jsut cant say because id have a pack of centaurs after me for being in their land? Just because his family had decided to help the Humans when they were attacked?!?!
Taylor released her brow slightly. He looked a bit troubled so she wouldnt ask. Best to keep out of other peoples business. "Fair enough." She said indifferently, lying back down and once again looking up.
Sern thought about things for a min before he thought he would jsut tell her. I mean what bad it could do. She'd probably just not even think there was something wrong with it, noone seemed to know much about centaurs anymore anyway.

He looked over to her, his voice returning to its mystical tone though with an underlining of emotion, "I'm not so...close...with the other centaurs...".
Taylor looked up again. Not close to the other centaurs? She looked at him curiously. Taylor thought they were supposed to be close creatures. Realisation hit her. They hated humans. Her eyes went suddenly wide. She was taken into centaur territory by this one. Thats probably why the others werent with him. "Its because you like humans isnt it?" She said quietly. "I shouldnt have come." She stood up, knowing it probably wasnt her fault, but feeling guilty for being here all the same. She stumbled around a bit, before realising she had no idea where to go. She looked down at the floor.
He loked up her and gave her a slight smile, "Well yes, but you leaving wouldent help.. its because we saved some humans that were attacked along time ago..." He looked around for abit before returning his gaze to her. "It's alright, ive gotten used to it."
Taylor stopped in her tracks. "Im sorry, i cant imagine it would be a nice thing to happen." She kept her eyes on the ground. "It was good of you though." She allowed a smile to reach her face and she glanced quickly up at Thearus, but then looked away.
"In some ways, I say humans are better then centaurs, in some ways they are not"
He took a puase to look at her agian beofre continuing. "Though I like humans...even if they are scared of me msot of the time" he said with a weak smile.
Taylor absently brushed her clothes down. "Well, why wouldnt they be scared when you raise swords to their face?" She laughed. "Your just lucky i wasnt." She walked over to were the trees were thick and looked through them to see what lay through the forest.
Thearus shuffled abit looking at the ground, "Yeah well no student listens to you unless theres something...dangerous... pointing at them" He gave a slight chuckle and the forest echo'ed the mystical voice sweetly and the birds chimmed.
"What are you trying to tell the students exactly?" She smirked. Listening to the way Thearus's voice echoed around the forest.
He looked at her more seriously now, "There are ceatures here that can do far worse then kill a wandering child..." He said. "And I would rahter not see the students being hurt when I can help it". He watched her carefully with different emotions, happyness, wonder, caution. all mixed up.
Taylors smile faltered. "Oh, i understand now." She said softly. It made more sense when he put it like that.
"Hmmm"He took a moment before quickly saying, "Oh but dont worry you are safe here.. nothing has defeated me yet and I doubt anything will" He said with a reasuring smile. He didnt want her to want to leave...
Taylor laughed. "Dont worry, im not afraid." She took a step back towards the spring and looked into the clear water. "What else is in here anyway?" She looked back up and gestured towards the whole forest as she said it.
"many things.. theres a wisdom tree not far south of here, theres an old abandoned house around the west. and ....well the list goes on" he replied warmly.
Taylor raised her eyebrows and gave an impressed nod. "You will have to show me some other time i feel like breaking the rules." She laughed. She already felt alot better, simply being in this place. Her headache had gone and she now felt as though she had no troubles. She really would like to see the other part of the forest. Although it could be dangerous, so she wasnt sure it was an option.
"Hmmm... I know" He gave her a brilliant smile before saying, "Theres always the golden lilly" He looked at her wondering if she would be interested. He thought human girls liked flowers and this one was special.
"The Golden lilly?" She asked, curious. "Whats that?" She wondered why he sounded like it was special.
"The golden lilly gives prosparity, wealth and all other manner of girfts to those who deserve it" He said lowering the excitement, he failed to tell what happens to those who drink its nexter and are not deserving.

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