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Janey Pascot

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
I know that these ideas would be hard to put into place, and that it would take up alot of time and effort to put into place and keep running, but I had an idea that could possibly make HNZ more interative.

1) Parchment. At the moment, we have to buy ether one sheet of parchment, or a pack of 15. Obviously the latter will be more expensive, so we could just buy one right? What would make it more interactive is if once we've bought some parchment, each lesson the number would go down by one, until we had to buy some more? I know this would mean some people would run out of money and prehaps cause other problems, but its just a thought.

2) Books. When we buy our school books, I was just thinking how awesome it would be if we could actually read them. It might also encourage more people to do lessons if they've bought the books, and it would help with revising the exams. (Prehaps would need to lock them come exam time or something thought).

But yeah. They're just ideas :p
I assume that by "interation" you mean "interaction"? (At first I thought you meant 'iteration' as in 'communication' - but reading your post, that doesn't seem appropriate.)

Regardless, to your points:
1) And when your character roleplays eating the fudge they bought at the sweets shop it should leave their inventory. xD While it makes sense, it just isn't feasible. Even if I coded it somehow, it would be a lot of extra work for staff (and even members a little bit, having to report such changes). I think at a certain point we just need to remember HNZ isn't real ( :o ) and not everything, therefore, will be as realistic as it would be if it were real. :tut:

2) A bunch of books already are available. (Click on the books in the library link.)
If you or somebody else feels like writing more, be my guest, then just PM a staff member the content and we'll all look it over before making it available.
Yes I did mean interaction xD It didn't look right but couldn't figure out why :p

1) True

2) Awesome

Thanks for reading :)
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