Injured after a duel

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River Tamn

Well-Known Member
River hobbled into the Hospital wing with the help of her friend Kaela, and looked around for someone to help her.
(((Whats all this hobbling, it hurts sure but hobble hobble hobble... :p )))
((Do not make fun of her! She can hobble all she wants!))

Kaela walked into the hospital wing supporting River. She directed River over to a bed, hoping to get her sitting down.
(((Lol! i know she can hobble all she wants.... but it shouldnt be as bad now :wacko: )))
As Kaela directed her over to the bed, River waddled thinking to herself, I seem to be hobbling a lot, I'll change it up. ((sorry couldn't resist)).

She sat down on one of the beds with the help of Kaela. She seemed even more insistant than River to get her healed.
((well you said that you weren't great at
River Tamn said:
((well you said that you weren't great at
(((correction: Not confident, and not comfortable with it...

Although it probably didn't heal you fully :) )))
(((OOC - What's going on with our basic anatomy at this school...first, Liz knocks a deatheater unconscious with a blow to the STOMACH!!! and now people are "hobbling" with sore ribs...for shame!!! :p )))
(((I actually was thinking of that... but i suppose if you broke ribs then you would be trying to hold them and would hobble A LITTLE, but if they were no longer broken, they may ache or be bruised, but no hobbling involved....)))
Persephone heard quite a commotion coming from the hospital ward. She put down her book and walked quickly, if a bit more carefully, into the large room.

"Whatever has happened?"she asked, going to the injured girl.
Kaela was becoming frantic again as she turned to the nurse, explaining the duel. "We were dueling, supervised of course, and I did levicorpus, and she did finite and she fell and landed and she hurt her ribs." All of the words had come out in one long, fast string. She looked hopefully at the nurse. "You can fix her right?"
Perse held her breath as the girl talked very quickly. She blew it out when she realized what she'd done.

"Of course, no worries, no worries,"she said, pulling out her wand. "I'll need one of you to support her and help her to lay back. Mind she doesn't pull on those ribs!"

(OOC: Sorry gotta go to bed, be on tomorrow morning! please don't write me outta post. g'night! :D )
Professor Armstrong was in his personal office sitting in his favorite chair dozing off as he heard voices in the main room of the hospital building. Two girls and Persephone were in the room...Persephone looked like she had everything under control, but he insisted on walking over and checking out what had happend. Walking quickly over to where Persephone was helping, he looks at Kaela and says with a serious but concerned tone
"Can you tell me what happened to her, Miss?" his big blue eyes looked over at the injured girl and back to her friend.
Perse's cheeks flushed a bit when the Head Nurse walked over to them. She focused all her attention on helping the young girl so she could steady her nerves.

"What's your name?" she asked her quietly hoping to take her mind off the pain. She began examining the area by running her wand over her ribs.
Sophia walked into the Hospital Wing, as she had a bit of free time. Upon entering she saw two students, and both Nurse Archimedis and Professor Armstrong. Seeing as the student didn't seem to be too terribly injured, Sophia decided that she had more than enough help. She walked over to a nearby chair and sat down so that she could see what was going on, wanting to learn incase she ever needed to help someone on her own.
((Sorry I was gone for a while))

With the help of Kaela and the nurse, River was laying on one of the beds. She was slightly more comfortable, but her side still hurt. She looked up at Nurse Arcemidis and said, "My name's River Tamn." She tried to smile. The pain wasn't as bad anymore. When she saw that the head nurse and another student had gathered around her bed, she looked at them and said, "Pretty slow here, huh?" She let out a laugh and then winced at the pain. I should probably just sit still until the nurse is done healing me, she thought. River laid flat on her back and let the nurse do her job.
Kaela watched anxiously, determined to see River all right. She figured she had done enough talking, so she just watched quietly from the side of the bed, staying close.
"Hi River, you can call me Perse,"Persephone said quietly. "It looks like you just bruised your ribs. Hold still a moment." She murmured a series of words that sounded like song.

"How does your side feel now?"she asked gently.
"It feels much better," she said with a smile. "A little sore, but hardly at all." She looked up at the nurse. "Thank you so much, Perse!" River sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed, looking at Kaela she said, "So, ready for some quidditch practice?" She had a wide smile on her face.
"Quidditch practice?" Kaela asked, seeming quite surprised. "Are you sure you're up for that River? Shouldn't you be resting?"
"Sure if you'd like me to, I can do that," she said with a laugh. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm good to play Quidditch," she smiled at her friend. "Oh, and congratulations again on your win. Now you just need to promise me that you will go on to win the whole tournament," River winked at Kaela. She knew that Kaela had felt bad about hurting her, and she wanted her to know that it was okay.
Persephone laughed at River's spunky attitude. Ah, to be that young again, she thought wistfully. "Well, on the record I'd say to take it easy, but off the record," she said with a wink," I'd say go have some fun while the weather's still agreeable."

She reached into the large pocket of her nurse's apron and pulled out a small jar of salve. "Just rub this salve onto the area after a bath and the bruising should be gone by tomorrow. The leftover soreness as well,"she grinned.
Kaela smiled at River, feeling much better. "Thanks." She then turned to Nurse Archimedis. "And thank you!" Kaela then turned back to River. "Let's go, what do you want to do?"
River took the small jar of salve from the nurse, "Thank you, so much." She then turned to Kaela and said, "Hmmm...I don't know. Wait. Isn't the exploration club meeting today on the seventh floor?"

((I'm just trying to tie in some of the other things that I've been randomly doing all of the castle, so I'm not in 8 places at Hope that's ok))
(More than fine, my dear. :lol: )

Perse stepped back after River had taken the salve. She said, "You're welcome, ladies,"to the two girls and grinning at their exuberance, she went to write the incident down in the hospital log.
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