Louis Alcott

⚽ QQS assistant | Confident | Funny | French😎
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Single (Looking)
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Curved 16 1/2 Inch Unyielding Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
8/2042 (20)
Louis had enjoyed himself exploring the castle and the grounds for the first few days, but he'd known from the start that it wouldnt't be long until he wanted to explore the forest. He wasn't afraid, even if there were a lot of rumors about what sort of things were in the forbidden forest, but even Louis wasn't impulsive enough to go into an unknown place at night. Especially before he'd learned the light spell. So he waited for a quiet afternoon and made sure he didn't see the groundskeeper or any professors anywhere before approaching the forest, hoping to sneak in undetected. He hoped to run into something awesome, or find a cool secret spot to hang out at. But before he really headed into the forest, Louis paused and looked around again, wondering if any of his classmates were around. If he did find something cool, it would be better to have a witness or two there.
Now that he was at Hogwarts, it was time for Max to start planning ways to escape or get himself expelled. The fact that the Headmistress had explicitly mentioned not to go into the Forbidden Forest had piqued his interest, so of course, that was where he decided to head as soon as could. @Crystal Holmgaard was unfortunately with him, but just in case something went wrong he could always blame her for it right? And who knew, maybe she would even prove useful to him, she was a Ravenclaw after all and they were all supposed to be smart right? "Be quiet, I don't want anyone to see us." he ordered her under his breath. He still couldn't believe he was stuck with her, he'd much rather do this alone, but it was surprisingly hard to get rid of her. Not even mocking her for being a pathetic nerdy Ravenclaw had worked, and if anything it had backfired and made her want to come with him even more. So now he was stuck with her. Great.

Checking to make sure no one was around, he slipped into the forest, satisfied that no one else had seen him go in, when he suddenly saw another student already there. He stopped in surprise, but then remembered him from the Sorting Ceremony, since he was one of the first to go and get sorted. Realising that he could hardly do much to Max since he wasn't even a Prefect or anything, Max walked over to him, trying to keep close to the trees just in case there were any Professors around. "What are you doing here?!" he hissed at the boy, not wanting anyone to interfere with his plan to escape Hogwarts.
They weren't for so long at Hogwarts but Crystal had seen and spoken more people than she ever had before. Zachariah even wanted to be her friend. It was a lot of Crystal, and she was pretty pleased. So now wanted to continue with building up friendships. And she had runned into an Slytherin, named Max. And now all of sudden she was here together with him walking to the forbidden forest. She nodded as he told her to be quiet, she would do anything he said. Because she didn't want him to be mad at her. She wanted people to be her friend and like her. And if she would not do what they say, that would not be the case. Even after he had mocked her, but that made her want to prove she wasn't like that. And deepdown Crystal was curious if she would run into magical creatures, she wanted nothing more. Crystal walked after Max and looked around her. They didn't learned spells even and it was so dark.. She startled as Max spoke to someone and all of sudden there seemed to be another person.
It had been a few days since Charlie had arrived in Hogwarts, and he was loving every minute of it! The castle was awesome! It was a huge place where he could do so many pranks everywhere! It was even better than his cousins even said! (Well, to the young boy anyway). The one thing he had yet to explore was the Forbidden Forest! He knew that the headmistress had told him and all the other students that they were forbidden to be there, but the boy didn't care. Charlie had the energy of breaking such rules. The young Jacobs wondered why this forest was forbidden. Was it really that dangerous like students and professors around him said? Either way, Charle was going to investigate all of this himself.

The young Gryffindor made his way into the Forest, looking behind him every few minutes to see if anyone was following him, by which no one was following him at this stage, which was good for him at the moment. Even if he was going to get caught, he was probably going to come back and investigate even more! Charlie stood on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, moving the big tree branches in front of him, so he could take a small peek of the forest. The boy then looked behind him, to see if anyone was watching him before he slowly slipped away into the darkness of the forbidden forest, The Gryffindor boy walked further and further into the forest, hoping that he would find something. But nothing yet. Until he heard voices from his exploring. The boy became curious as to where those voices came from. So he followed them the voices until he saw three figures. One figure was familiar to him. The other two wasn't so much. "Hello, Louis. Hello, two other people, I don't know. You guys exploring the forest to then?" Charlie says with slight excitement and curiosity when he found out that he wasn't alone just yet.
Louis had barely stepped foot into the forest, still close enough to the edge that he felt he wouldn't get in any real trouble if caught, when he heard another voice. He was happy that he wasn't alone, especially as the voice was definitely a student around his age. Louis waved at him. "Exploring." He said innocently. "Same as you I imagine." He then noticed the girl with him and grinned at her. "Hey Crystal, decided the forest is more interesting than the lake after all?" He asked her. Then his grin widened at the sight of Charlie. He was awesome, and Louis was glad he was here. The people he liked were already outnumbering the kind of rude boy, and it made Louis feel more confident. "You know it." He said. "Let's all go together, that way we're less likely to get caught. Or eaten by whatever is hiding in there." Louis said, though his grin said he wasn't all that concerned about getting eaten. Louis was sure that whatever the forest held, it couldn't really be that dangerous. If anything, he figured this was probably some sort of test, to see if you were brave enough to go in even when you were told not to. "Let's go in that direction." Louis said, pointing out a path that went ahead and slightly to the right. He'd decided he was the leader of this little expedition. After all, it had been his idea first. Probably. He then looked at the boy who had come with Crystal. "What's your name? I'm Louis." He said, smiling.
Max frowned as the other boy told him he was just 'exploring'. Why couldn't he have gone exploring any other day? Surely people didn't venture into the Forbidden Forest that often? "None of your business what I'm doing here." he scowled at the boy, not keen to go into the details of his escape. The less people knew about it, the smaller the chance of him getting caught. And then, another boy arrived. Max didn't even bother acknowledging the newcomer, he'd rather he wasn't there anyway. He couldn't believe that today out of all the days, so many people had decided to come here. Surely it couldn't be a daily thing, having this many people around in a place that had been specifically labelled as 'Forbidden'?

The first boy had apparently decided to become the 'leader' of the group and led them along a path on their right. Max wasn't particularly keen on going with them, but figured that if he abandoned them now, they'd probably just go and tell a Professor, and his escape would be useless. So he relcutantly followed. "Well you can't be that smart if you think that all of us going together wil mean we're less likely to get caught." he muttered under his breath, certain that it was in fact, the opposite that was true when the boy said it was better they were travelling as a group. Well one thing was for sure, the annoyingly talkative boy certainly wasn't a Ravenclaw.

Then the boy asked what his name was, and without thinking he responded "Max." He mentally kicked himself for revealing his name, especially when he hardly knew the two boys but it was too late now anyway. He didn't bother returning the smile the other boy gave him, there was nothing to smile about in this situation anyway. He had wanted to be here alone, and first Crystal had to bother him, and now these two boys?! Why couldn't things just go his way for once.
The blonde stood there after Max and than saw an boy, when they got closer and the person greeted her. Suprised to see Louis, well it was not the biggest suprise since he spoken about it with her. But at this time and today it was. She sighted for an moment, now she knew another person already. '' Hey Louis.. yes.. did you saw an creature yet?'' She than asked shy and smiled shortly. But looked around her and heard scary noices around her. It was good that she runned into people, because alone she would never dare to go here. She nodded at Louis his question. Than she was startled as another boy joined them but this time behind her. She turend around to look at him and it seemed thar Louis and him knew eachtoher. Both Gryffindors perhaps. '' Hello.. I'm- Crystal.'' She than said to the othere boy who joined them last. In a way she felt cool being here, and prove that she was not boring. But on the other hand she was not comfertable at all. But tried to remind herself that she could see creatures perhaps. When Louis spoke about getting eaten her eyes grew wide. '' Eaten?'' She than asked, not getting that it was an joke. It wasn't that she felt scared of being in front of an creature, but she needed to learn more about creatures first. Crystal listened as Max spoke, he didn't seemed to be wanting to go together. Crystal didn't dared to say something or even wanted to be leading, she was fine with everything. And she didn't want to choose, because she didn't want to dissapoint anyone.
Charlie smiled and nodded as Louis mentioned that he was also going exploring in the woods. Though Charlie noticed that the two other people were either quiet... or a bit moody. Which Charlie really didn't mind. He was just here to explore really. "Hi Crystal. I'm Charlie" Charlie says with a small smile as he introduces himself. The young Gryffindor nodded as Louis had decided to lead them the way of the direction. It felt like they were going to find some sort of treasure which was exciting to him. "I don't think he means eaten. I'm sure they're like uh, friendly creatures. Yeah, friendly creatures" Charlie says when he hears the girl question about being eaten. Charlie walks closer to Louis. "Could you imagine being eaten though?" Charlie mutters quietly with a laugh to Louis. "Maybe you could get like, superpowers!" Charlie then continues on. They then continue on walking down the Forbidden Forest, and Charlie figures out that the name of the... moody boy was Max. However, despite the moody aura, Charlie was excited to explore!
Zachariah was out walking when he came across a group of students just inside the forest. He walked closer and recognized some of the students that were there. "It's Max right? The guy whose life is Snowboarding? Already setting your plan to get expelled in motion I see." Zachariah randomly said from behind the group. That was his way of making his presence known. He preferred not to just say hi or something lame like that.

"Oh Hi Crystal What are you doing out here?" Zachariah asked his timid housemate. He was curious as to why she was out there. He figured she was much to timid to be here by herself. He looked around again and saw Louis. "Hi Louis." He greeted simply. Their first encounter wasn't the greatest but Zachariah wasn't going to be rude. Finally he turned to the last person there. "And you are?" Zachariah asked the other boy raising an eyebrow in question.
Louis frowned at the Slytherin boy, who seemed to be a bit of a jerk. "Well,if you're here I assume you are exploring." He said, rolling his eyes and looking at Charlie. He frowned again when the boy muttered something, but he couldn't quite make it out. Apparently his name was Max, and Louis quietly put him on the list of rude people where the boy he had met on the train was as well. He grinned a bit as Crystal seemed worried about his comment, and laughed when Charlie tried to make up for it. "I was just joking around, do you think they'd put anything that can eat you so close to a school?" He asked him. The idea of getting superpowers once they got eaten was a weird one. "Wouldn't we just be dead?" He asked him under his breath. Then another boy showed up, the guy he'd met on the train. It wasn't a surprise to him that he knew grumpy Max, but when he mentioned a plan to get expelled, Louis whirled on the Slytherin. "What? What kind of idiotic idea is that?" He asked him angrily. "And you'd drag us all down with you?" He shook his head, scowling. "I bet you can't even get expelled for getting into the forest, I bet students do it all the time." He said hotly. "Hi Zachariah, if you're going to be with us, you have to be cool." Louis warned him. "This is Charlie." He added, introducing the boy who was definitely his best friend at Hogwarts for now.
'DoNt Go InTo ThE fOrBiDdEn FoReSt'. That was a temptation if there ever was one. Besides, why would it be left unsupervised if they weren't allowed to go in? It seemed like the stupidest rule, and if it really were dangerous, well then, the Professors (minus aunt cyndi of course) were stupid for not putting some sort of patrol or magic spell to stop them from going in.
Riley wasn't entirely sure she wanted to go in, but she figured just a quick peek wouldn't hurt. Then she could say she had done it. She didn't have anyone to go with; she figured she could have asked Bea or Synnove but she didn't want to venture too far into the forest, nor ask them to do something they might not feel comfortable doing.
Just a couple of steps into the forest, and her above point was proven; all the students wanted to go into the Forest, and not much was going to stop them (well, there wasn't anything there to stop them). The students didn't seem to want to keep their voices down, and she rolled her eyes when someone mentioned expulsion. Stepping closer to the group, Riley made her presence known. "Well, if you were trying to get caught and expelled, you're doing a great job of it." She said, folding her arms and raising an eyebrow.
Zachariah smirked. Louis mentioning something dangerous in the forest put an idea into his mind. He had read about some animals closely related to bugs and he wasn't sure how many people knew they existed. Well if they existed. He didn't even believe such a creature was real, but that didn't stop him from using it to scare people. "Maybe we could run into some Cicada. It would be fun to study it if it doesn't eat us first." Zachariah smirked. Of course, he knew that bugs aren't really dangerous and could be killed easily.

Zachariah frowned at Louis as he spoke. "Well unless you planned on coming here together then I don't think he is dragging you down." Zachariah stated. The 'warning' to be cool made Zachariah almost laugh. He had never before been told something like that. Zachariah knew that he wasn't very easy to get along with and it didn't bother him at all.

Zachariah spun around when he heard someone talking. He raised an eyebrow at the girl. "And so are you. Increasing the number of people together is bound to get everyone noticed." Zachariah said. His mind had been going in that direction before the girl even joined them. Groups were more likely to be found than individuals and now there were six of them here.
As they walked further into the forest Max couldn't help but roll his eyes at the other boys (and girl) who accompanied him. All the talk about creatures being friendly but then being eaten and how cool it would be was all beginning to sound very contradictory, which didn't make the others seem like the brightest of people. He sighed as he walked along with them, questioning why he was doing so as he went. He could easily turn back and come back another day, when there would hopefully be less people... but the adventurous side of him couldn't just turn back and leave the others to have all the fun by themselves. He could miss something cool happening, and he knew he'd only regret it later.

Hearing a voice he recognized, Max turned around, only to see Zachariah, a boy he'd met a few days before he'd left to go to Hogwarts standing a few feet away from the group. He scowled as the boy casually mentioned his plan for getting expelled. Just because he planned on doing it didn't mean he needed everyone around him to know. "And who cares if I am." he responded, deciding to not even bother trying to deny it, the others probably wouldn't believe him anyway. When Louis accused him of dragging the others down with him if his plan at getting expelled worked, he began to get a bit angry though. "Well it's not like I wanted everyone else to show up! I was doing just fine before they all came." he said angrily. "And besides, you all keep talking like you're partially deaf and can't hear yourselves because of how loud you are so if we do get caught I'd bet my money on the fact that it would be because of that." he smirked, deciding to make it seem that it would be their fault if they got caught, not his. Since it obviously wasn't anyway. He was a bit surprised to hear Zachariah defend him though, but he didn't bother acknowledging it in his annoyance. And when yet another person joined them, Max let out a frustrated sigh. "How is it possible that everyone's coming to the forest today of all days?!" he frowned, talking to no one in particular.
The blonde felt strange about being here with all those people. She was curious at what was inside of the forest and to see creatures, she wanted nothing more. So that made her fear of the dark and dangerous stuff less, and the fact that she was not alone helped also. Because she had never dared going here by herself in the dark. The boy Charlie introduced himself and she smiled at him shy. He made her feel better as he said Louis didn't ment getting eaten and nodded at him with big eyes. And feeling stupid as Louis said he was joking. She actually believed what he said, she trusted the boy because what he said to her at the lake seemed very wise as well. She kept silent as Max and Louis went on to eachother. Max wanted to be expelled? Why did he just not leave the school than she was wondering, and she wondred what made him want to leave so badly. Than other girl showed up and she was startled again, but glad it was just an student. She walked along with the rest. It was really dark now, she could not see an thing. She than almost fell on the ground, falling over her own feet. '' Which way are we going?'' she than asked to the group, wondering if anyone knew the way. She wished she could have do an spell to make light. Than looking at Max with who she actually come to the forest. '' Why do you want to be expelled?'' She than asked him, but hoped he would not be mad at her.
@Max Kiefer

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