Open In This Silence

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Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped person
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (16)
Coming to dances when he couldn't really hear any of it, was perhaps not his brightest idea. But he almost did it out of ritual, it was the thing happening, so though he wasn't in a position to really enjoy it like everyone else, he still went along. Gregory had remained at the back of the hall, out of the way, and just watching. He watched people dance to music he couldn't hear, he watched people chat in ways he could no long, he watched people laugh in ways that made their partner brighten. He was alone. He didn't have people, he didn't have these things, couldn't have these things. His world was silent and all he could do was watch.
Zerrin wasn't planning on sticking around long. But he knew he didn't want to face Gregory again in the dorms. A crowd sounded like a better plan. With his notebook in hand- and the first note ready, Zerrin walked to the Great Hall. He'd found Gregory there in the past so he had an idea of where to look. As expected, he spotted Gregory fairly quickly.

Zerrin took a breath and walked over, leaning on the wall next to him and holding out the notebook- pen clipped to it, his note at the top of the page. You're still a jerk. I'm still upset. But I'm still your friend. Even if you're a brat sometimes.
Gregory jumped in surprise as a note book was handed to him. he looked at the words and then to who was holding it out. Gregory was sure he had ruined his friendship with Zerrin. He looked back at the note and the words on the page felt like little knives in his chest. He was a jerk, he was a brat. He was worthless, pointless, he was a bad person, a bad friend. He didn't deserve the people in his life. He didn't deserve to be forgiven. Gregory closed his eyes, he looked out at the people dancing. "I'm sorry," Gregory spoke quietly, though he had no idea how quiet he was, as he spoke, for the first time, he used the sign language he'd learnt alongside it, saying i'm sorry both out loud and in the new way he'd been learning to speak.
Zerrin shifted, making Gregory look at him. Next time, you tell me. He signed slowly, muttering the words sternly. He wasn't great at it, but he'd been cramming in lessons all through break with the tutor his dad had hired. He couldn't hold really in depth conversations yet but he could try smaller ones with varying degrees of success.
Gregory hadn't realised Zerrin knew sign language but he also wasn't that surprised. He just wished that he'd known before having to be taught by Cassius. It also took him a moment to understand what Zerrin had been saying, and he just shrugged. "I was embarrassed Zerrin, and trying to do it on my own, I'm already such a burden," he said, not using sign language, since he definitely didn't know all of the words to say that.
Zerrin pushed off the wall and stood in front of Gregory, hands on his hips. He didn't have the proper sign language, so he scribbled furiously on the notebook before offering it out. Shut the f*ck up talking like that. I have chased your proud, angsty a*s all over this school since we were kids. I have never given up on you and I'm not about to. From now on I'm going to be your god-d*mned shadow. Anytime you talk bad about yourself I'm going to smack you upside the head. One way or another, Gregory, we WILL be friends. You can either suck it up and play nice or I swear I'm going to turn into the angriest roommate ever. I will handcuff myself to you if I have to. Meals are mine- three a day- and I want at least three hours a day outside of it.
Gregory tried to not be worried as Zerrin stood directly in front of him. He knew that Zerrin wouldn't hurt him, and yet there was a thread of fear that maybe, just maybe he would. It took a moment, of course for Zerrin to finish writing, and he took the note. He read it and looked back at Zerrin. He stared somewhat blankly. "Please don't hit my head," he said softly. "That's how," he motioned to his ears.
Zerrin hesitated, before sighing. His whole body softened and he scribbled out a new note. I wasn't really going to hit you, Gregory. I'm just tired of fighting with you. Can't you just let us be friends? He held out the note, looking to the other boy with very tired, sad eyes. He could feel the tears tickling the corners of his eyes but he ignored it. He was just... exhausted, worn out from having to chase down everyone in his life. For once, Zerrin found himself wishing that someone would want him around as badly as he wanted them. He felt lost at home- he'd been an only child to a very busy mother, and then his house had just kept growing and growing and growing and as the eldest it was his job to pour all the attention onto his siblings. And gods knew his roommates weren't the most... sociable bunch ever. He watched Gregory, a little wary, almost sure this would be rebuffed as well.
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