In The Spur Of The Moment

Maybelle Grimm

Well-Known Member
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
Never in life, Maybelle felt so happy. It was pretty odd that because of her clumsiness, she ended up with a kind man who was different than those men who used to be with her. She was sure that he was the right one, yes, with all her heart. She had never been as sure as she is. The girl smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror, buttoning her red coat and apparated to the city of London. She could feel the winter breeze traveling around the city. She pulled her coat a little bit closer to her as she walk, passing the crowd. There were a lot of things in her mind at the moment, she wanted to buy something for the lover of hers, Demyx. He had been very kind to her, no one had treated her like he did, no one.

A smile appear in Belle's face as she started to remember the scene of her and him in Paris. She walk to a store and spotted a cake and bought it, after all she was a desert person. Before walking out of the store, she smiled at the owner and then apparate to the front door of Demyx's manor. She knocked the door and saw the a house elf opening the door. She walked in and smiled at the house elf. The manor was huge and very lovely, she stood still, waiting for him to show up.
Demyx lay sprawled out on his master bed, book in hand, trying to concentrate on the words scrawled across the book. He hadnt been able to get his head straight since returning from paris. He was still trying to get his head around what had happened. From the lunch in the diner, to dinner at his his place, to well, things that made Dem grin whenever his mind trailed to them. He sighed to himself, closing the book and placing it on the bed. He ran a hand through his hair, stared at the roof of the ceiling for a few moments.

He heard the doorbell, and stood up off the bed. He checked himself as walked, noting the slim denim jeans and the unbuttoned shirt he wore. It was suitable enough for any company, but when he reached the banister and looked over to the front door, his face lit up. "Maybelle, what a pleasant surprise." he said, beaming down at her. He walked down the stairs, embracing her gently, and kissing her lightly on the lips. "How are you, my dear?" he asked her, smiling still.
Seeing Demyx walking down the stairs, Maybelle smiled as her cheek blushed a little. "I've been thinking about dropping by, I hope I'm not bothering you, if you're in the middle of something then I can always come back any other time" She felt pretty stupid for talking too much, at least that was what she thought. When she was nervous she tend to either stay too quiet or talk much or even babble about nonsense. Feeling his lips touching hers, her pulse started to race even faster. "I've been well except that… Well, a deatheater attacked me and I didn't have my wand at that time. But I manage to keep myself alive, not that I'm scared but I'm hoping to arrest him soon" It was on the full moon, actually, after the full moon and she lost her wand after the transformation.

The house elf offered her to hold the cake in the box, she smiled at the house elf and gave him the box. "I bought that earlier, I hope you like it" She smiled. Remembering that she had something to tell Demyx, she looked down to the ground not knowing how to tell him. What if he dump me? She thought, remaining silent for a while before looking back to Demyx. Her brown eyes finally met his blue eyes as she forced herself to smile. "I'm a werewolf" She said and kept quiet, trying to see his reaction before continuing talking. "That's why I am not an Auror" She forced herself to laugh a little. "After my first full moon, my sister looked for me, back when we were kids, she was trying to protect me she ended up being attacked by wild wolves, I couldn't do anything, I was too scared, so what I hid behind the bushes. And I just found out that she was taken to an orphanage but she wasn't treated very well. And as for me, I was treated more than well, even though my parents died in the fire on the same day. I feel bad for Anna." She said softly and looked down to the ground. "After knowing that I'm a werewolf, you'll be worried when I hide in the woods and if you were targeted by one of the deatheaters and they used me to get you and that they attack me after full moon then I'm going to bring you so much trouble. So if you ever want me to stay away for good, I'll do it. I don't want to burden you." She said looking at him this time, "For the sake of love" Again, the girl forced herself to smile.
Demyx waved a his hand at her comments, smiling and shaking his head. "No, i was actually thinking about you, so its goof that your here anyways." he said, buttoning up his shirt. He watched her, giving her a reassuring smile. He had been back home little over a two days, and hadnt been able to stop thinking about Maybelle. He still wanted to know more about her, as they hadnt broached the subject of each others past and history, but now that she was here, he hoped to gain more knowledge about her. "Ah, Hail, the rest of the day is yours. Go and have a cup of coffee and relax. If you could, cup the cake on the kitchen bench on your way through. If you need me, miss Starr and i will be in the study." he said, smiling to elf. 'Yes, Master...' the elf replied, smiling and bouncing off out of the room. "No matter how many times i tell her not to call me master, she still does..." sighed Dem. "I free'd her years ago, after i gained possesion on her and the house, yet she seems to have grown fond of me, and stays, as a member of this house." he explained, smiling to Belle.

He frowned when Maybelle started telling her story, and when she finished, stood there silent for a few moments. He took her hand, and led her up the stairs, and to the study across from the master bedroom. He indicated for her to sit on the lounge, and paced for a moment. "A... A Werewolf, you say?" he asked, after a moment. He wasnt entirely sure what to say to that bit of information. He was intrigued about Anna, because she was so close to Vayne, but he wasnt sure what to do. "No, we... will work through this." he said, sitting and running a hand through his hair. He hadnt expected this...
Maybelle had to smile as she listen to Demyx telling her that he had been thinking about her. Knowing that he had freed the house elf years ago, she smiled wider. "She's a lucky house elf, having you as the master" She smiled as she elf his hand, following him to the study and sat right beside him when they reach the room. "I… I am so sorry I didn't let you know" She said and kept quiet looking down to the ground not knowing what to say or do. If she had to stay away from him because he told her so, she would do it. She would do anything for people that she loved and if it was best for her to stay away from him so that she wont distract his work and even his life then she would do it. "I should've told you, I'm sorry" She said weakly not daring to look at him, she felt guilty, as if she had done something unforgivable.

"I love you and I want what's best for you, I don't want them to hurt you, I really don't"
They could do anything to this man in front of Belle and she didn't want them to hurt him or even kill him. That would be her worst nightmare. Knowing that the sister of Belle's was a deatheater, she could always find information of Demyx and she could always hurt him anytime, she wasn't going to let this happen. "It's all my fault" She looked at him in the eye, but her eyes couldn't lie. She wanted someone to be with her, to protect her, to love her, all these years she had been abandoned and she want this no more. "I'm a trouble, huh?". I am nothing but a trouble, a trouble from the beginning She thought, not forgiving herself

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