🌹 Rose Giving In The Pretty Red

Kiara Wood

Medical Student | 'Apothecary' owner | Mom of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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September 2, 2037 (26)
Kiara didn't really know the next person she had to deliver rose to. However, she knew how to put name and face together since Kiara was friends with his captain. Tho, Kia was excited to see his reaction to the red rose. "Hey, Nikko! Getting ready for the upcoming game?" Kiara asked in a friendly voice, well, she was never mean. "I have a rose for you!" she held up the red rose for him.
@Nikko Blackwood
As much as Nikko had been looking forward to Valentine's day, the constant commotion of the castle was getting a little overwhelming. The quidditch pitch was the perfect solution as he flew laps around the pitch trying to get back into the rhythm of things after a holiday away. He almost didn't hear when there was someone trying to deliver a rose. "Oh hey!" he called out and quickly landed. "You could say that." he said with a laugh and noticed the red rose with her and got excited. "Oh thanks." he said, taking the flower and smelling it.
Kiara laughed at his answer too. "Oooh, amazing! I hope you will win," it wasn't a secret anymore that Kiara was a huge supporter of Gryffindor Quidditch team and Hufflepuff quidditch team. "Oh God! Note is here too," she took out the note and handed it out too for him.

Thank you for teaching me photography and for dancing with me at the Yule Ball. You mean more to me than you can ever imagine.

Essie 💛
Nikko smiled when she said she hoped they'd win. He was pretty certain she wasn't in his house but he was grateful for the support regardless. "Thanks." he said a little shy now but he lit up again when she mentioned the note. "Oh right!" he said and took it gratefully. He read the note and wasn't surprised to see that it was from Estella. But he still felt relieved to get one from her. The note was so sweet and it made his earlier run in with Connor worth it. He couldn't wait for the dance.

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