In the Cover of Darkness

Asparuh narrowed his eyes at Nicolette when she said that the metal needed to come out. Asparuh's eyes glanced on the metal still in his leg. Asparuh muttered, "Fine, I'll get it out myself." Asparuh bent down and his hand gripped the metal. With a yank, it came out, and his blood gushed out of the wound. Asparuh had made the whole bigger than what it was, and the metal had gently scraped his bone. Throwing the metal on the ground, Asparuh hissed at Nicolette, "Do your job and heal her. I'm leaving." It was evident that his temper had come out, but it was the worst. He walked away, as if nothing happened, leaving a spots of blood on the concrete from his wound.
Nicolette rolled her eyes, as she watched watched with disgust as Asparuh pretty much not only told her off but pulled the metal thing out of his leg. She really wished he would just let go of his pride and let her simply heal his leg, it would lessen the risk of infection and prevent serious problems, but chances are it couldn't be helped. "Kalif, go check on your dad...that gash makes me nervous." She muttered giving her husband a semi-pleading look, chances were he'd probably say no but it was worth at least trying. Without another small sigh, she hoisted Hollace until her shoulders weakly before she sighed and looked at the other family members, she would heal her but this girl would need need to be healed somewhere with more light and a floor that wasn't as cold. 'This girl had better be grateful' Nicolette thought to herself bitterly before she made her way past the family and up the stairs, sometimes she seriously hated being a healer.
Hollace returned to consciousness slowly, turning on the cot and grimacing as her back twinged. Hades must already be up and about his day, she smiled, her eyes still closed. Maybe today she could ask him to...her eyes opened then slammed shut. No. She wasn't home. Her fingers flew to her forehead, feeling her face shakily. It was fine. She was fine. Physically. The last thing she remembered was a boot flying at her face. Then blessed numbness. The blonde, she struggled to remember her name...Nicolette, she must have healed her again. Twice now she owed her her thanks. Hollace sat up and whimpered, huddling against the cold stone wall as images replayed themselves in her mind.

The tests, everything she was going for, none of it compared with what Asparuh had shown her he had done to his own grandson. She could hear Hades bellowing for her, see the frenzied anguish in his smoky eyes as he strained against his bonds. Never again would she even dare to jest to tying him up. She would get through this, she would cooperate, anything to free her husband and to reunite them. Her hands covered her face. Her fault. Asparuh laid all this squarely on her shoulders. And for once, she had no one else but herself to blame. Hollace allowed a few tears to fall for her love before she scrubbed them away. The next test would come and she had to be ready for it.
Arnost knew perfectly well that Hollace’s next test would be the next day, and it would be so simple, the fun would be sucked away from it. It has been almost a month since her attack, and so far, things were turning out rather interesting. Asparuh fought Hollace, and completely put her in her place. It was a relief to see someone else receiving a beating from Asparuh that wasn’t him. However, Arnost had been through much worse, with and without healing. The battles were intense, but then, Asparuh had not removed any garment of clothing; and Arnost was put into a state where even the slightest move of a joint nearly killed him.

A smirk played on his lips. He had given the young girl directions and if she passed this test, they would consider releasing Hades. However, that was all a lie. The room he was standing it looking like an inside garden with trees and the like. Once Hollace arrived, Arnost nodded at the white cat. “Chase the cat. Capture it and bring it here.” However, that cat was no normal cat. Arnost would enjoy himself, even if Kalif and Asparuh had no idea what his plans were. Kalif would know, for he was in the room as well.
Hope bred with careful happiness within Hollace's heart. Hades great uncle had given Hollace her next task and she knew that she could complete this one. How hard would it be to capture a cat? It was a beautiful white cat, the fur gleaming in the natural light within the garden room. She didn't stop to take in the beauty around her and the thought of painting never once entered her mind. In fact she hadn't thought of her work or talent since she had woken within this horrible place. Her only thought had been survival and reuniting with her husband. If she completed this task, Hades could go free. Even if she died soon at least she would know he would be alright.

The house elfs had once again supplied her with clothing. They were high end although the designer on the label was unfamiliar to her and care worn. Hollace glanced at the tall blonde man and away uncomfortably. Although she was grateful to not go around in what she had originally had on during the attack, she wasn't sure about the person who was giving her the clothes. Today's outfit was a little embarrassing. Her midriff was exposed and she had the word Juicy across her bum for Merlin's sake!

"Chase that cat." She glanced at him with incredulous red rimmed brown eyes. "Fine. Just fine." This family was insane. What would this prove at all? "Here kitty kitty," she cooed toward it. Then fast as she could, darted after it, her hands outstretched.
Nicolette had missed being in her Animagus form, she hadn't been able to transform during her whole pregnancy due to the fact that everyone thought it would be better if she hadn't. So today she had transformed into Her Animagus form and enjoyed the fact that she had this ability. Not only did she have a better sense of hearing, but better smelling and seeing as well, most people would be amazed at the things she noticed while being a cat that she didn't notice while being human, it made her realize that human beings were highly ignorant creatures at times. Nicolette had stopped exploring the room for a moment when she felt her ear begin to itch, the only thing that did stink about being a cat was, having no hands.

Just as Nicolette was about to scratch her ear she noticed that girl that was supposed to be a werewolf approaching her, the one that she's had to heal many times already. Her large gold eyes fixed onto the girl before he ears twitched when she heard the girl coo after her; 'Hell no I'm not going to come to you, stupid girl.' It wasn't until the girl outstretched her arms and darted towards her, that Nicolette got to her feet. What the hell was she doing, was the wolf hungry or something? 'Man I am not in the mood for this.' Nicolette said as she turned and dashed off in the opposite direction, there was no way she was going to let some drooly dog girl touch her, hopefully the girl got the hint and would leave her alone when she saw the cat run off.
"C'mon, good kitty, nice kitty!" Hollace chased after the white blur. This whole strange situation this morning reminded her of when she was eight and her parents had left for the weekend. Her neighbor and brother's best friend, Cecily, had babysat for her. It'd been a weird but fun weekend filled with lots of music, laughter, tons of food and best of a magic show. The blonde had transformed all the cushions in the living room into various animals. One had looked remarkably like this cat and as Hollace chased it, she felt a tug of sadness that those days were forever gone. She would never have that carefree innocence in her life.

Instead hopefully it would be something new, with her husband and they could pass on their skills to their children. Whoa. She skid to a stop to avoid running into a tree as the cat streaked by. Pumping her legs, her eyes wide as that thought seemed to dig and burrow in her brain. She didn't want kids. Never had really. She was too young, Hades was too young. Focus on the cat. "Got you!" Hollace dove, her arms outstretched in front of her.
This girl had probably hit her head far too many times to be healthy, she just wouldn't leave Nicolette in peace would she? No matter how fast she ran or where she turned, the stupid girl followed after, probably expecting to actually catch her or something. 'I seriously don't want to have to resort to biting or scratching her.' Human flesh tasted so nasty to her, so she often tried to avoid biting others unless she had really had the need to. Sitting down for a moment she felt like she had lost Hollace for a moment, she was getting so tired of running around and just wanted to relax, why did this stupid girl have to go and ruin it for her. 'GAH!' Nicolette heard the girls voice and nearly froze when she saw that the girl dove towards her, was she completely mental?! If she landed on her then Niccy knew she would be crushed by the larger girl, not wasting a moment she turned and ran in the opposite direction.

Just as she turned around a corner, she quickly spotted her husband, Kalif standing in the room and knew that she'd probably be safer around him then she would be if she continued running around as cat. 'I seriously hate dogs now.' She thought bitterly as she ran as fast as her stubby little cat legs could carry her, hopefully Kalif could catch well because she really only had one shot at this. Once close enough to him, and hoping that he saw her, she hopped up and transfigured herself back into a human in mid-air just in time to be caught by him. "Okay...that me!" She gasped for air, she had been running so much that she could barely word her sentence right and without all the amounts of breaths she was taking to re-catch her breath. Hopefully this dumb girl would get the idea and back off, if she even saw the whole thing at all.
Kalif hated the fact that Nicolette was part cat, but it had its advantages. It was useful, in some way, and it is amusing to toss a ball and watch her chase it. However, next thing he knew, Nicolette was flying in the air and Kalif had very little time to react. Though he managed to catch his wife, Kalif was not amused. He gave her an odd stare, before he asked, "What in the world are you trying to say?" Kalif wondered just what in the world was going on, and why she dared jump straight into his arms. This was a bit weird... He tensed from the contact and he glanced around.
Within her reach... Her fingers nearly brushed the fine fur of the feline but as she dove, the air displaced and as she literally flew through the air, the cat morphed into the woman who had healed her. The woman leaped into Hollace's father in law's arms and gravity sucker punched Hollace into the floor. The breath left her lungs painfully and as she gained her feet, pulling at the hem of the terry cloth top, her dark eyes narrowed. "I was told," she panted, "to catch that cat." She pointed at Nicolette, her healer. "Human or feline, I'm finishing this task," she hissed, her only thought was freeing her husband. Never once did it cross her mind that this could be some cruel joke.
Nicolette looked at Kalif worriedly, still trying to catch her breath from all the running she had to do moments before, due to Hollace running after her. When the girl had gotten to her feet and made her way over to them, Nicolette's body tensed up extremely, she was really not in the mood to deal with this girl and her dog-like antics. "G-gah her!" She answered Kalif's question by pointing at her and speaking in a scared tone, the girl was still advancing on them, she really must be hungry or something if she was going to keep bothering Nicolette like that. When Hollace muttered that she was going to finish this task, whether Niccy was human or not, her eyes widened.

"What?!" Nicolette squeaked out, suddenly not feeling all that safe if Kalif's arms anymore. Was this girl completely insane or something, because she had a crazed look upon her, like this was something she had to do. "Like hell you are." Nicolette sneered, with a frightened look on her face, before she stumbled out of Kalif's arms and quickly ran past him to try her best attempt in getting away from the cat hating girl, somehow she figured that this night was going to end up way less fun then she had planned.
"I know I am!" Hollace growled, running around her father in law after the blonde. The room had faded away and as this nightmare just kept fading in and out, in her mind she could hear Hades scream, see his face contort as he pulled painfully against his bonds. "Just let me catch you!" I have to catch you,she whimpered pitifully in her mind. She slipped a bit on the floor and nearly fell, catching herself with one hand on the floor before going after her.
Nicolette continued to run as fast as her legs could carry her in the dress she was wearing, the girl in quick pursuit after her, she was pretty quick for someone her age and Niccy feared that it wouldn't take long for her to catch up to her and such. "Get away from me you freaking psycho!" Nicolette shouted from behind her as she stumbled a little, her legs were already growing tired and she was beginning to panic a little, what if that drooly mutt got her? Nicolette would never get to see her husband or babies again, she would never get to laugh with her best friends, man this day really sucked all together. 'If things get too bad I may actually have to get violent!' Nicolette didn't want to let some girl ruin her newfound happiness just as quickly as she had found it, no one was going to take it away from her now.

"Eeep." Nicolette nearly tripped over a branch and stumbled a little, trying to regain her balance as she continued to run from the wolf girl, it had slowed her down a lot but hadn't stopped her completely. Maybe she should go back over to Kalif, it felt safer near him for some reason.
Hollace saw her chance, Nicolette tripped, she stumbled, Hollace launched herself at her and... Water splashed all around them as they tumbled into the decorative pond. Coughing and sputtering, she wrapped her arms around Niccy's waist from behind and stood them up in the water. "Arnost!" she cried out. "I've got her!"
Just as Nicolette was going to turn and check to see if Hollace was still after her, she saw Hollace completely launch herself right at her and froze. "What the hell are-" Her sentence was cut short when Hollace manage to knock her into the water's of the decorative pond that was right behind them, the cold water and now the fact that Hollace was still after her even after they stumbled into the pond, just before Nicolette was lifted up by something she felt something sharp scratch her elbow roughly, whether it was a rock of Hollace's nails..she couldn't tell. "Gah!" Nicolette gagged and sputtered out mouthful of water and looked down to see Hollace's arms around her from behind, she had even said Arnosts name for some reason...was he a part of this whole scenario? Her gaze dropped to her bleeding elbow for a moment, it must have been cut by Hollace or on a rock when they had fallen in, but that didn't bother her because it would only take a moment of healing to take care of the problem. Nicolette could honestly say that for once she was pissed, her blood boiled at not only the fact that she was thrown into a pond, but this filthy dog was persistent in bothering her.

Once they were both out of the water and a good distance away from the pond, nicolette scowled and let her golden eyes darken. "You filthy mutt!" With a harsh movement, Nicolette jabbed her bloody elbow into Hollace's stomach before she attempted to kick and struggle her way out of Hollace's tight grasp, she really should have stayed home that way with the newborns, than maybe none of this would have happened to her. "Get your disgusting hands off of me before I get free and rip you into little pieces!" She warned under her breath, yet loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear her, most of them had probably not heard her so vicious and angry sounding, but Nicolette was far from pleased with any of this
Hollace breath left her and pain flared from the sharp elbow to her gut. She stumbled back a few steps, holding her throbbing midsection before straightening and eying the now enraged Nicolette warily. "Don't act like you weren't part of this!" she hissed, eyes narrowing in anger. Her hands went to her slim hips. "Arnost told me catch the cat and he'd let Hades go. How was I supposed to know that you were the cat?" she exclaimed, throwing up her hands.
Once Nicolette managed to get away from away form Hollace she threw the girl a dirty look before she turned and ran back towards the area Kalif was in, she felt like she'd be safer towards him than she would if she was anywhere else. Dashing behind him, she could still see Hollace clearly, at the moment she didn't feel at all bad about elbowing her or anything, the filthy dog deserved it for trying to drown her just to she could catch her. "Word of advice, if the cat doesn't want to be caught..stupid girl." Nicolette hissed, running her hand over her bloody elbow to pull her hand back and scoff in disgust, she was still sopping wet and now a little cold. Pulling out her wand she dried herself off and tried to turn her elbow so she could attempt and heal herself, too bad it was really hard to turn her elbow to where she could easily see it.

"At the rate your moving, you'll never see your husband again, your lucky I can't tear you to pieces for this crap, cause I really want to right now." Nicolette hissed and let her golden eyes turn and narrow at Arnost as well, she didn't know whether the girl was telling the truth or not, but whatever the issue was...Nicolette was pissed and was still having a hard time healing her elbow properly. "This better not be infected gross." Nicolette realized she was sounding like vicious snot right now, but she could care less, she had almost been drowned by some drooly dog girl just for the fun of it, and it made her want to slam the girls head onto the floor more than anything.
Kalif allowed Nicolette to run from Hollace, but he was starting to think that this was a bit too bizarre. Kalif drew his wand out, and debated on using his spare one just in case something went amazingly wrong. They both fell into the pond, and Kalif gave them an odd stare. Kalif lacked the humor that others would have seen in this situation. He thought it all to be simply put: stupid. Kalif watched his wife get behind him, and Kalif pointed his wand at Hollace. Kalif hissed, “Give me two good reasons why I shouldn’t kill you for causing such a racket in the family.” Kalif was tired of this nonsense, and disturbing his day was just irritating. Kalif had had enough, and he was going to end it, one way or another.

Wand still drawn, and he shielded his wife from the seemingly insane dog, Kalif decided to use a threat should work with the stupid girl, "Take another step or move so much as an inch toward my wife, and Hades will be dead before you get to see him again, then your body will rot underground in this very mansion, knowing that his death will be pinned on your head. Is that understood?" Kalif was a little more than pissed off, as it was obvious in his facial expression and his eyes; though it was perturbing on how calm and rational his voice came. Things changed when Arnost stepped in, laughing. That was the key: laughter. This was all nothing more than a sick game. Kalif rolled his eyes and put his wand away. He hissed at Arnost, "You stupid fool, next time warn someone before you insist with those games of yours. I was about to follow through with my threat."

This was all just absurd. Kalif ordered Hollace and Arnost, "Arnost, take Hollace back down to the cell. I don't want to have to bring my father into this. This will sour his mood even more." Kalif glanced back at Nicolette, and he said, "You better get upstairs and get dried off before you catch something from that pond. I'll follow momentarily." As Head of the family, he would have to ensure that this happened, and that Arnost and Hollace would be leaving this area without any more stupid games.
Cold, deep and eerie laughter filled the air as Arnost's cruel game came to an end. He had known that Nicolette was an animagus, and used Hollace's weakness against her for some cruel fun. Arnost approached the group, the laughter dying and the smirk remained. His face was distorted coldly and almost insanely evil. Arnost smirked, "The game played out well, and Hollace, your role was splendid. It was rather humorous that you seem to care so much for this Hades fellow. My words were unclear, foolish girl."

The words became colder, harsher, as Arnost's smirk faltered, "I said that we will consider it, which is somewhat of a lie. No matter what, we will of course release Hades after your final test which is tomorrow. I suggest you get into your right state of mind, because from what I hear, Hades will be a changed man.” Arnost glanced over at Kalif and Nicolette, and he shook his head and snickered. This worked out so well, not even Arnost could believe that. Chasing a cat as a test? In this family? Could Hollace truly be that desperate? It was just mouth-watering on how cruel and evil it was to tempt with a woman who lost her love. Arnost enjoyed Kalif's role in the game, but was a little surprised by his attitude. Arnost motioned for Hollace to follow, while he and others would have to prepare for the real test.
A joke. This had all been just some great big joke. She had been humiliated, had chased a defenseless woman whom had done nothing more than help her before. Hollace's dark eyes glossed over, pupils dilating until they were black. "I apologize," she said calmly, too calmly, her voice barely audible as she inclined her head toward Nicolette and then toward Kalif. To Arnost, the look she gave him clearly said that if she had a dagger, she would be more than happy to slit him groin to sternum. For a moment the familiar darkness buzzed around her eyes, spots floating until she pressed against her temple to stop it. "My feelings, they humor you." Spoken quietly, her hair came forward to curtain her face as her head lowered. "Take me back," she whispered. These people were vile, disgusting. She didn't want to breathe in their somber stench nor suffer their deceitful tongues. She would wipe them all out, gouge out their eyes, bite the tongues from their mouths, cut the lying hearts from their chests...
Nicolette stared at Kalif through widened gold eyes, her heart pretty much swelled at his words and the way he was seemingly so protective of her, Kalif had never acted like this before and it comforted her and scared her at the same time. He had just threatened to kill Hades if this girl moved any closer to them, and Nicolette mentally begged for the girl to come to her senses and stop walking, she knew he wasn't kidding around and would do whatever was necessary and thankfully the girl did, but that didn't stop Kalif from steal being as threatening as he could possibly be. "Gah, you shut up." She snapped her head and hissed at Arnost when she finally figured out that this was all his fault due to his insane laughter, she usually found his jokes entertaining but at the moment she wanted nothing more than to beat all the sense out of him. Just as she was about to say something else Kalif interrupted her by telling her to get upstairs and dried off, and if that wasn't odd enough he said he'd be up shortly. "Meeh whhhyyyy?! Feh...okay." Her eyes shifted over to the stairs, she would do as he said and go upstairs, but she couldn't help but be nervous that she was in trouble or something, he rarely ever bothered to come up with her. Just as she smiled softly at him and made her way past him to head over to the stairs she heard Hollace mutter something about an apology and her feelings being mocked, Nicolette could honestly say she missed being close to her husband already...this girl worried her.

"Your not forgiven, your nothing but a fool." Nicolette muttered bitterly, wanting to say something about what she had been taught to believe about love, but at the same time she realized that it would be making her seem like a hypocrite due to the affections she felt for her husband and children. Just as she was about to pass Hollace she stopped, they were the same height so her golden eyes could easily lock onto the girls, and she was sure Hollace could see into her sparkling golden ones as well. "At least I get to spend time with my husband, while you do not." She whispered quietly enough for only her and Hollace to hear before she gave the girl a snotty smile and turned to walk towards the stairs, eager to get dry and see what her husband wanted to see her about.
Hollace felt the blonde's words like salt rubbed into her wounds, the look in those golden eyes the fingers that gouged at her raw heart. Fine tremors began to quiver her flesh, her head jerked up and her nails dug painfully into her palms. "You ****ing *****!" she screeched, tears stinging her eyes, the vision of Hades' black eyes and tormented yells forever burned within her. She wanted to hurt them all, wanted them all to pay for the hell they had put them through, when they had begun to make such progress. Never mind that Hollace had forgotten momentarily about the creatures in their world, never mind that she had been the one attacked by a werewolf when she had only tried to help a man she'd thought to be in pain. Never mind the fact that the family of the man she loved and was married to, the people who she'd thought by Hades acceptance of her, would one day accept her as well, that they had treated her with cruelty, inhumanity and no kindness nor empathy.

Hollace's eerily calm exploded into rage and she didn't heed anyone's words, didn't care what happened to her any longer. They killed her, Hades went free. She no longer cared what they did to her anymore. As long as she wiped that smug smile from that *****'s face then she could die happy. With those thoughts, Hollace ran toward her with fatal intent.
This game had lasted long enough. Asparuh had been lurking subtly in Arnost's mind, watching the images appear. Asparuh retreated, and he apparated into the part of the Manor where all the commotion took place. Asparuh's wand came out and it pointed at Hollace, before he sent out a Sleep Bewitchment spell flying at Hollace. She would need to be in one piece for the next test, which is why Asparuh did not send out Fiendfyre or Sectumsempra. Asparuh was not in a pleasant mood, and he turned toward his twin, "Do as you are told, brother. Take Hollace and lock her in the cell and prepare for the final test. Any more foolish games and I'll have your head for target practice."

Asparuh turned toward Nicolette and he stated, "Tempt the bait again, and you will be hung from the ceiling, skinned and in pieces, in your cat form. I will not tolerate your attitude for much longer if you show such childish behaviors." Asparuh then turned toward Kalif, saw into his mind on what the actions displayed by him were, and found nothing wrong. Asparuh shook his head and he murmured, "I need you to make sure that Nicolette stays away from Hollace. From the way it appears, we will have both a dead dog and a dead cat on our hands. Now go." Kalif did as he was told, and he folded his arms across his chest, waiting for Arnost to take Hollace away, in her sleeping state or if the spell missed, drag her away kicking and screaming. If one more thing goes wrong, I swear I will kill everyone acting like a fool. This is just ridiculous.
Nicolette wasn't surprised when Hollace called her those things or jumped at her, she had seen it far too many times from James for it to surprise her anymore. However when Asparuh came in to deal with the situation not only did she become surprised, but a bit nervous as well. "Whatever, sorry." Her golden eyes shifted to Hollace's form before she rolled them and turned to head back upstairs like Kalif had told her to do earlier. She was still a bit curious as to why he was going up as well, and even if he was still even going to come up now, but decided to keep her mouth shut and head up the stairs silently. Nicolette didn't care what they did to the girl anymore.
Hollace had no idea that Asparuh had come into the room nor that it was he who cast the spell upon her. She fell to the floor, instantly in a deep and amazingly peaceful sleep. She did not feel anyone pick her up nor take her back to her lonely cot in the basement. All she could see was the flashing images of Hades, smiling, laughing, smoky bleeding into onyx as anger overtook him. She slept until the next morning, slightly disoriented from not knowing how she had gotten there. It didn't matter to her, she knew the last test was today. A house elf brought her a small bag, telling her it was from its mistress. Hollace ate the food it brought, took one last uncomfortably freezing shower and as she stood there looking down at herself she cringed. Whomever the elf's mistress was, they had money, style and taste. Yet none of it benefited Hollace that morning. She moved the bag aside and a small folded piece of paper fluttered to the floor. Meet death with dignity. Hollace sat on the cot, head bowed, hands together, the note clutched in one of them. Knowing that today may very well be her last.

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