In the Big Apple

It wasn't as if Leo hadn't expected Chloe's out burst, but he was still shocked by it. "Chloe, of course I'm happy for you, I'm just worried that's all." He added, hoping that they could come to an agreement soon enough. What Chloe was saying was true, so what if other men saw it? They didn't know her, and had nothing to do with her, there wasn't all that much for Leo to worry about. He was purely being pathetic, but Leo found it hard to accept that sometimes.

Leo lifted his hands to his head and spread them across his face, as he tilted his head back. Leo thought for a few seconds before dropping his hands and looking back at Chloe. "Why do I always get myself into a mess, every time something turns good in my life, me and my stupid mouth have to go and ruin it." He said, his voice raising a little. "I don't know why I don't like that picture Chloe, you look gorgeous as you always do...but...I don't know, maybe I'm just being stupid, but I'm not comfortable with you having a revealing picture out on display...I don't know why Chloe, and I probably need to get over it..." Leo said as he pulled Chloe in for a warming, and apologetic hug. He wasn't sure how Chloe would react to his actions, but it was the only idea that Leo had right now.
Chloe watched, slightly amused as Leo argued with himself. He was extremely handsome and when he paced around, talking to himself, Chloe couldn't help but be even more attracted to him. She watched him curiously, waiting for this all to come to an end so that she might speak. It did as Leo pulled her in for a tight hug. The girl placed her head on his shoulder.

Chloe waited a few minutes before stepping out of the hug. She put her hands on her hips as her mouth took a stubborn line to it. "You're right. You do need to get over it." she told him seriously. "This is good for me and every good model has to take pictures like this and sometimes worse." she pointed out. "Am I never going to be able to invite you to a runway show? Because there is a good chance I will be wearing less than that." she told him, hoping he would see her side.
As confident as Leo came across, when it came to girlfriends, he could sometimes be a bit of a wimp. He didn't want to loose Chloe over one stupid picture, but he had to get his point across somehow. Leo wondered if he had said enough already. His head was saying no, but his heart was telling him yes. Leo had to think about which one he was going to follow, and hoped that he would make the right choice.

Leo listened to what Chloe had to say. Inside he agreed with her but Leo had a habit of speaking without thinking about what he was saying, and he wanted to control it and was trying his best to. Leo put his head in his hands and thought for a minute. He slid his hands through his hair then decided to speak. "Okay, ignore me and my stupid mouth alright, this is your career, and I should be supporting you through it all." Leo thought about when Chloe had first told him about her modelling career. Back then it hadn't bothered him, so why should it be bothering him now. Leo was confused. He took Chloe's hands into his and gave her a small smile. "I love you...remember?" He said softly, as he played with her fingers.

As Leo caught a glance of the bill-board photo again, a small frown started to spread across his face. Leo flicked his head back to face Chloe, then smiled again. "I'm not gonna let one silly bill-board picture ruin me and you, 'cause you're my everything, and a bill-board picture isn't gonna change that Chloe..." Leo said as he moved in and kissed Chloe on the forehead, before moving down and leaning in to kiss her on the lips again, he hoped she would accept the kiss. That way he would know that they were alright.
Chloe smiled at her boyfriend, her anger fading as he apologized to her. She leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his body. She nodded her head. "I love you too, remember?" she said with a coy smile. "You just cant get upset with my career. Its good that I have a billboard here and just think, guys wish they were you so they could be with me." she said, a bit conceded but hey, that was Chloe.

Chloe didn't pull away from this kiss. She loved Leo and that was a big step for her. She really didnt want to get her heart crushed. Chloe's red lips pressed firmly on Leo's, kissing him with passion. Her fingers twisted through his hair. Slowly they broke apart. "Are we okay? Are you going to be okay with this?" she asked.
Leo smiled with relief as Chloe smiled and told him that she loved him too. He sighed with a sweet smile. "Well that's just aswell I suppose, and I'll try not to say anything in the future, I'll soon learn to just be happy for you." He said as he hugged Chloe tightly.

Leo enjoyed every moment of the kiss as he felt Chloe's lips press against his. He smiled as the kiss ended, whilst sliding his hands round Chloe, stopping a little below her arm-pits, before answering her questions. "Of course we're okay, infact...we're fantastic, and your career isn't going to stop me from loving you, those boys will just have to suffer and be jealous, 'cause I've got you, and nothing anyone could possibly do is ever gonna change that..." Leo said, a little romantically, before looking up at the bill-board. He waited a few moments before smiling at the picture of Chloe. Leo then looked back at Chloe, catching her eyes, into his glistening eyes, and continued to smile. "I think you should dress like that more often, I'd quite like that." He said, laughing a little as he noted Chloe to the picture of her on the bill-board as he spoke. Leo let silence fill the air for a few seconds before he leaned in and kissed Chloe passionately on the lips again. He held it as his fingers trailed up to either side of her neck, holding her gently in place as he continued to kiss her.
Chloe smirked, very pleased that Leo had learned his lesson about jealousy. "Good, because I have been asked to participate in a Wang runway show they are having here in New York and you are invited. That is if you can not get crazy jealous." she warned him, tapping her finger on his chest. Ms. Wang was a famous designer and this was a big deal. Chloe was already famous as a top model but this really would sky rocket her career. Ms. Wang had even talked of signing a contract with Chloe Livingstone.

Chloe's blue eyes shined brightly at his words. SHe loved Leo and didn't want anything to come between them. She laughed lightly at his joke. "Just remember, you get to see what's underneath the clothes." she said seductively before kissing him back.
The name 'Wang' rang a bell in Leo's mind. He didn't know anything about it, but he had certainly heard of it before. Leo smiled when Chloe said that he was invited. "It's okay, my jealous stint is over, but what's Wang? I've heard of it, but can't think what it is, obviously something to do with Modelling..." Leo asked, happy that he would get to see Chloe doing what she did best.

Leo laughed slightly at Chloe's seductive comment. "Ah yes, of course I do, I see your best side..." Leo said jokingly as his hands trailed down from Chloe's neck, and down her back. "You know what..." Leo paused for a moment. "I love you..." He said, speaking softly as his hands stopped together at Chloe's lower back. "Infact, I love you a lot..." He said with a sweet smile on his face. That sweet smile soon turned into a cheeky one as Leo hopped away from Chloe. "So...what's next my love?" Leo said, bowing as he spoke, pretending to be very traditional and posh.
Chloe smiled at her adorable boyfriend as he asked about Ms. Wang. He was so clueless sometimes. "Elizabeth Wang is a former model and she now owns an international modeling agency as well as a hotel chain, only the hotel chain is partly my family's. Elizabeth and father went into business to create her hotel chain called 'Wang Towers'. So she is also an old family friend. Elizabeth is having a runway show here in New York." Chloe explained, hoping he understood what she was talking about.

Chloe laughed as he told her that he loved her. Her blue eyes sparkled out in the summer light. "I love you too. A lot in fact." she said, mimicking him but also meaning her words. She did love Leo a ridiculous amount. She pursed her lips at his next question. "A horse ride through the park?" she asked him, not really sure what he wanted to do.
Leo smiled as Chloe told him what 'Wang' was. "Ah I see, I get you, I'd love to come and see you, and do you recon I'd get to meet your parents?" Leo asked, hoping her parents would approve of him. Leo wondered if Chloe had told her parents about him yet. He wasn't bothered either way, but it was useful for Leo to know. This made Leo think about telling his own parents about Chloe. He hadn't written to them in a while. He needed to, he had always promised to stay in touch with them, ever since their car accident, when Leo had to go and live with foster parents. He still missed both his foster home and his biological parents, but he didn't let that show to Chloe, he didn't want anyone feeling sorry for him, especially not the love of his life.

Shaking off his sad thoughts, Leo chuckled at Chloe as she copied what he had said to her. "Well that's kinda useful..." Leo trailed off, stroking his hand down the back of Chloe's head, before kissing her on the lips. He laughed a little at her suggestion. "Is the heat getting to you or something?" Leo asked jokingly. "But if you're being serious..." He said with a laugh, before calming himself down. "No, I know exactly what we should do." Leo said, cuddling up to Chloe again as he moved in closer to her. He took both of her hands and played with them for a bit, before sliding his hands up Chloe's arms until they reached her cheeks. Leo kissed Chloe once more, cupping his hands around her face as he continued to press his lips gently against hers. Leo loved Chloe but he never thought he'd be kissing her in the middle of Times Square, being watched down upon by the bill-board picture of her. By the time the kiss was coming to an end, Leo's eyes had shut, and his hands had moved down to her waist, holding her close as his eyes opened and looked at her with a beaming smile.

(Sorry, it's rather long. Hehe. :p )

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