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Samuel Harper

OOC First Name
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Pear Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Hello all!

As you might have read I'm new on this forum and therefore am in need of some roleplays, so let me introduce you to my first, and at the moment only, character:</COLOR></FONT>

Name: Samuel Harper
Age: 21
Status: Half Blood
Pb: Ben Barnes
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Samuel, or Sam, is a Hogwarts Scotland graduate and used to be in Ravenclaw. He's a good guy but is also very strong-willed and stubborn. He'll want things his way and will only admit that another persons way can be just as good, or maybe even better, if he likes that person. Sam isn't the most social person alive when it comes to talking to strangers, but the longer you talk to him the more he'll losen up. Other than that he's an intelligent, pretty awkward guy who's not the worst person to be friends with.

What he needs: Everything. Acquaintances, friends, enemies/people he dislikes and maybe even a love interest at some point.

I'm open for suggestions and would like to hear what you guys think of him!
So I have Damon Williams who has not been out much, so I must admit I have not been able to use him nearly as much as I would like. But anywho, a bit about him.
Damon went to Hogwarts Scotland from first to seventh, which was part of the reason why I suggested him here in the first place. However, he was a pretty nervous guy. He was sorted into Hufflepuff, and went through school being generally quiet and not getting into too much trouble, as he has a nasty habit of just messing up. He was very close to his small group of friends through out school, and now elects to live in the muggle world as he has always liked muggles.
They are about the same age, with Damon being 21. And while both awkward, and Damon being pretty quiet, I doubt they would have near, ever seen each other at least once during the course of their years at the same school and possibly sharing classes. I don't see them being 'enemies' as Damon does not have the personality to be able to sustain that sort of relationship, being far too quiet for it. However, I'll let you throw up some ideas and I am very tired and not sure if this makes sense. :lol:

Welcome to the site! So, this is Sara. She's Irish, and she lived in England for all of her Hogwarts years, but attended Hogwarts New Zealand (She doesn't know why, but she possibly will soon). She was a Raven too, and can be equally stubborn and unbending, so I was thinking, that perhaps they could've known each other from when she was living in England after she graduated? She lived in London for almost a year, but eventually moved to New Zealand, because of her auror training.
I think they'd get along; Sara can be quite playful and, to be honest; a bit mad at times, so she'd possibly take him out of his shell a little bit if he's awkward. She's also a total party animal, and loves going out and just having fun.
Of course, if Samual isn't from England, or living there; they could simply bump into each other at some point and start out as new friends, if you'd like? Let me know what you think. :)

First of all, sorry for being so late to reply, but I've been very busy lately.

Damon & Samuel: I think they would get along fine! They might come across each other somewhere and Samuel would probably slightly recognize Damon from somewhere, seeing he never really forgets a face. Other than that your story makes sense, so don't worry about that. I don't quite know this board yet, so any ideas about where to get an rp going?

Sara & Samuel: Sara seems like a good person and had some things in common with Samuel. He however can be quite awkward at time and as you said Sara'd be someone to take him out of his shell. Furthermore I think they could indeed bump into each other and start out as new friends, because Samuel is Scottish and moved to New Zealand a few years after graduation. Just let me know where you'd like to get an rp going and we can decide on who will be the one to start it!
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