In Need Of,,,

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Alexia Evenstar

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
So its about time I really start to get some RPing done. My character is Alexia Evenstar is my one and only character for the time being and I really want to get some great RPs through her before i make another character.

Here is her BIO just so you can get a bit of a look at her personality and stuff.
-But if you cant be bothered with that then basicly she is Happy, cheerful with a great sence of humor. She looks really 'Goth' as some might lable her, but with her there is more than mets the eye. She is great at giving advice and is a great friend to everyone she meets:)



Best Friend

Boy Friend (;

Im looking for any sort of relationship really ... If you have a character who is compatible with her then I would love to give an RP a try -PM me if you have any ideas or would want our charcters to met


So I have Joe Walker...Who is a 3rd Year Hufflepuff. He's really sweet and super friendly, but can also be quite cheeky. Joe is also a great friend to everyone. They'd be great best-friends. (I would say Boy-friend but Joe's currently taken...although it could create an interesting storyline... :) )

And I also have Zac Mathews who is 13...and will be a Hogwarts Student when I get the chance. :) He is quite shy, but secretly quite charming (single ;) ) But I think Alexia could be the type to bring the best out of him. - Zac is a new character of mine, so it would be useful to help develop him a little. :p

:) :) :)
I have Sara- my friend plays Sara's (non-identical) twin- Kate, who I think Alexia has met already. Sara could be Alexia's friend- or maybe best friends, as Sara is in the same year, though Sara is in Ravenclaw. She is intelligent, but not swotty or stuck-up. She likes reading, singing and acting-performing is a big thing for her. She speaks Irish, English and a little french. Sara is quite talkative, but at times folds into herself-will not speak, will not tell you what is wrong. She was bullied in muggle school and this has left a scar- she is quite insecure-about all aspects of herself, though she hides it well.
Enemy up in here ^_^

Bella will completely and totally mock her to the end of days. She isn't huge on physical bullying, but verbal abuse is her specialty ^_^ Let me know - PM me :D .
I have willow here, she can be a friend/best friend.

She's nice, and thinks of her friends before herself and such :)
Tara an be her friend, if you want but i am bust for a couple of weeks so i may be a little slow to reply to topics, but i will reply.
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