In need of plots

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Douglas Hurst

Hey meet Dougie, an outspoken, selfish, reckless but... kind of nice slytherin first year.

I'm looking for
- Best friends
- Friends
- Enemies
- Whatever idea you have, I'm listening.

Relationships? Hmm I think I'll wait until he's a few years older before he starts being interested in girls.
I have a first year...Faxen Lowart. She is in Gryffindor and very amusing really. She always says the first thing that comes to her mind and she has endless amounts of energy. I'm also making her wait a couple of years to be interested in boys.

She could be a best friend or an enemy depending on what you would like.
Ditto to what Kait said. You'd be RPing with Andrea from my side. I'll have a bio up for her soon so you can check her out more fully.
Woo hey!

Kiera/Faxen: I had an idea so sent a pm to your Faxen character

Andrea: How about they become friends. Dougie isn’t as mean as most other Slytherins so it is possible to like him. Do you want me to start a rp?

Is anyone else interested?
Sounds like fun :D You can go ahead and start one. Post/PM the link and I'm there :)
So Douglas, is it the one in the Third Floor Corridor?
I can offer Cherie as a friend. ((Don't have any male characters.))

She is a silly person who likes fashion and art. She's a flirt and is a social butterfly. Or she used to be. She needs to make more friends and stuff at Hogwarts. She can be stubborn. She likes to be the center of attention, and takes charge in most situations. She is smart, but doesn't think before acting or speaking.

How does it sound?
Can you please start a topic?
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