Open Imaginary Discovery

Molly Burke

irish ☘️ | giggly 💓 | bubbly 🫧 | 2061 grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
19 (04/2043)
The house had been slightly boring without Nolan at home. Molly's older brother had gone to Hogwarts for school now. The house was a lot quieter thought the bickering between Molly and Nolan. Deep down she missed her brother, but she denied it each time someone had asked if she had missed her older brother or not. Molly and her family had decided that they were going to the park today. There weren't many people at the park today, which Molly thought was good because it gave the girl a lot more room to play.

The eldest Burke girl had decided that she wasn't going to spend her time with her younger siblings. They were a bit boring for her liking. Once they had finished their picnic lunch, Molly ran towards the flower beds, laughing and giggling as she looked at the beautiful flowers. There were some funny looking insects that were crawling up and down the flowers. "Eww, look at that one. That one has so many legs!" Molly says with a giggle, talking to no one in particular, just talking to herself, as she points to the insect that she thought that was weird looking. The young girl had a wild imagination. She wondered where this weird insect was thinking or going. Was it making its way back to its family? Did it have a family? Was it lonely?
Living near Brightstone Village was sometimes a blessing and sometimes a curse to Gwen. It was nice to see Hogwarts from up close and know she would soon be going there was fun, but sometimes the village got so crowded with Hogwarts students that it was just annoying to even walk around. The same went for the park. Whenever her parents told her to play outside, Gwen headed towards the park and the playground to spend some time there. Usually hoping to run into some people she could talk to. Being an only child could be pretty lonely, occasionally. Though Gwen was also glad she didn't have to share any of her things with anyone. The girl was heading to the swings, which were thankfully empty, when she heard a girl talking to herself. Gwen stopped in her tracks and looked at her for a moment, taking her in. She looked to be around her age, but she had to be weird if she was talking to herself. Still, if she was Gwen's age it might mean they would be classmates at Hogwarts next year. It would be good to know some people before starting school. "What has many legs?" Gwen asked curiously, moving closer to the girl and leaning in to see what she was looking at.
Molly jumped a little, surprised to hear a voice near her that she wasn't expecting. Molly turned around and noticed a girl around her age. The young girl giggled again when she heard the girl ask about the weird insect she saw and turned back to the weird little creature that stood on one of the many bush branches. "This weird insect!" Molly said with a small giggle and cheerfully as she pointed towards it. She wasn't sure what they were called, as she wasn't really interested in what they were called, but liked the way they looked, by the number of legs it had and the colourful colours. "It's cool! But looks funny" Molly says with a small giggle.

(apologies for the VERY late reply!)
Gwen smiled and waved at the girl as she spotted her, seeing how she had clearly been surprised. As the girl talked about a weird insect, Gwen's first reaction was to recoil. But the girl looked to be around her own age, and if she was in New Zealand as well the chances were good that she was going to be at Hogwarts with Gwen. It would be good to have a friend already. She wrinkled her nose a bit as she looked at it though. "Oh! You're right! It does have many legs." She said, giggling as well. "I wonder if it's magical?" Honestly, Gwen had no interest in insects but this girl clearly did, so she would pretend. "Did you find it yourself? That's so cool!"
Molly giggles a little as the girl around her age had agreed with her. "Lots of legs!" Molly says as she nods her head. She thought it was weird that there were insects with many legs. "It's kinda gross with the many legs it has!" Molly says with yet another giggle, as she looks at the insect with many legs. Maybe it was a strange caterpillar that Molly wasn't familiar with, she wasn't sure. The young Irish girl gasped a little at the other girl's thought about it being magical. "That would be cool! Maybe it randomly changes colours by the mood it's in, or something" Molly says excitedly as she thought about the many possibilities about how this strange-looking insect was magical. "Yep! It was just crawling!" Molly says with a shrug and a smile as the girl had asked if she had found it herself. "My name is Molly by the way. What's your name?" Molly then says to the girl as she then faced her. Molly guessed that it would be awesome to make some friends!
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Gwen was glad the girl said it was kind of gross, that meant she could agree. Still, she giggled as she said it. "It is a bit gross!" She said, taking a small step back. "Maybe!" She added though she guessed that it was just some boring old bug who would probably die in a week. If that. "I'm Gwen." She said, smiling at the girl. "Are you going to Hogwarts next year too? You seem to be around my age." She commented, glad to take the subject away from the insect. Though she kept an eye on it, if it decided to fly into her hair it would live a lot shorter than a week.
Molly giggles as the girl agreed about it being gross. The young Irish girl had an interest in insects, though she had always thought that they were also gross. Molly always had a wild imagination, wondering whatever went on in many animal and insect minds. "Hi! Nice to meet you!" Molly said excitedly, with a grin and giggle, giving Gwen a small wave. Molly always liked meeting people, which tends to make her excited. "Oh, yes! I'm going!" Molly says excitedly as she jumped up and down slightly. "I'm guessing you're going then? My brother is in his first year. But he won't tell me much about it. It's annoying" Molly then explained with a grumble. She had kept bugging her brother with questions about Hogwarts, but he wouldn't budge or answer. However, Molly hoped that Gwen was going to Hogwarts, as it was always nice to have someone else she knew.
Gwen grinned. "Nice to meet you too, Molly." She said politely. She clapped her hands in excitement when the girl said she was going. "Me too!" She said happily. Her interest was piqued when the girl said her brother was in his first year, though apparently, he wouldn't tell her about it. "Oh, that's a shame. Is there anything he did say?" She asked, feeling curious. "What house is he in?"
"Oh yay!" Molly giggled and clapped a little, glad that there was someone else she knew that was going to Hogwarts as well. Molly thought for a moment when Gwen had asked if her brother had mentioned anything about Hogwarts yet. "Hmm... No, he hasn't really said anything. All he mentioned was that there was a huge castle and there was this forest that no one could go into but had these magical creatures" Molly said with a shrug. She then thought about what possible creatures would be in that forest. Maybe a similar caterpillar of what she saw could be in that forest too.
Gwen thought it was a bit tiring to keep up with the girl's excitement, but she giggled and clapped again. She frowned when Molly explained what her brother had said, there really wasn't much. "That stinks, he should have told you more." She told her with a frown. "Why would there be a forest no one could go into? That's weird!" She added, sure the boy had made up some things to sound impressive. This was not useful at all.
Molly shrugged when Gwen had asked about the forest. "I dunno. The Magical world can be a bit odd" Molly says with a small shrug and giggle. Her brother wasn't really helpful when it came to Hogwarts. He hadn't really spoken much about the place or had just completely ignored her questions. He had kept making the excuse that she needed to find out herself. "It does stink. He keeps his mouth zipped every time I ask about Hogwarts" Molly says with a sigh. "Oh, he's in a house called Hufflesmoke?... Wait... No... that doesn't sound right. I think It's Hufflepuff the one that my brother is in. Yeah, Hufflepuff" Molly says, as she tries to think, as she answers Gwen's earlier questions. "What are you most excited about for Hogwarts?" Molly says with a giggle. She was sure that there were so many amazing things at Hogwarts.
Gwen huffed softly as the girl said her brother kept her mouth zipped every time she asked him about Hogwarts. How useless! She nodded when she talked about Hufflepuff. "Yes, that's one of the houses." She said with a smile. "I'm most excited to make tons of friends, you?" She asked, curious what this energetic girl would say.
Molly giggled and clapped a little as the girl had told her that in fact one of the houses she mentioned was actually right. Sometimes her brother would tell her things, yet she wouldn't actually listen, as her mind would go elsewhere. Molly thought for a moment as the girl had returned her question. "Hmm," Molly said, as she tapped her chin with her index finger, thinking of an answer. "I think all the magical things will be cool! Like the animals and the spells. And of course, making a few friends there would be cool too!" Molly replies with a giggle, as she had finally come up with an answer.
Gwen nodded when the girl spoke about magical things being cool, though it was a pretty basic answer. Of course, everyone was excited about magic at Hogwarts. It was kind of pathetic the girl had to think about this for so long. Gwen kept her smile in place though, nodding along. "Too bad we won't get Care of Magical Creatures until third year." She said though she was really glad about that. Gwen didn't want to hang around stinky animals. "I can't wait to learn spells, though!"

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